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  1. Hi Ive had this problem before i was told after 6 months by phones 4 you that i could change my price plan but when i tried this i was told by 3 that i couldnt change it till i had been with them for 9 months, which i have been (as of May) so hench me trying to change my price plan.
  2. Hiya Guys Im not sure if this is the right place as its my first post. I wonder if any of you would be able to advise me as im not to good when it comes to terms and conditions of phone contracts. I rang up 3 the other day to reduce my price plan from £45 to £25 and i was told i would have to pay an £25 administration fee for reducing more then one teir down (they said i could reduce it to £40 for free). Now ive never heard of such a thing and neither has anyone ive mentioned this to, i also never had any problems with Vodafone. Now ive had a read through there tearms and conditions which can be found on there web site, and i can not see where it states if you reduce your price plan more then one tier then an adim fee is applied, the only thing i can see which might be what they are relating to is - 4.2 If we offer a range of price plans, you may change your price plan to one of a selected range of other price plans on such terms as agreed with us. Now as i said im no good when it comes to this type of thing would anyone be able to give me advice? Many thanks
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