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  1. Maybe I should just leave the stay? Just been reading a thread where it says that it's unlikely to make anything that much quicker anyway. Might be best to just wait for the test case? In which case, do I just do nothing? Just sit and wait?
  2. I've had a computer crash, and lost the stuff for the stay removal before I printed and sent it. Now I can't find the right link. Sorry, but could someone please point me in the right direction of the n244 and witness statement stuff? I need to know what I have to send to apply to have the stay removed on the grounds of hardship?
  3. But it says it is attached on the witness statement?
  4. Oh god, I don't know what I'm meant to include. Does anyone know where this is please? - "This is evidenced by a sample list of settled claims, which is attached."
  5. Oh, do I need to inform the bank as well as sending it to their solicitors?
  6. ok thank you. I will send it tomorrow, with a covering letter giving them 7 days to respond. (I think thats right).
  7. Thanks Sea-sidelady. That's the link I used to write this for my witness statement - I am a single mother of two children. I cannot work because I suffer from agoraphobia, panic disorder and depression. My only income is benefits. I receive no maintenance for my children. I have more money going out that coming in each month, and am getting into debt. I try to run my bank account as well as I can, but with so little money coming in, it is inevitable that I will sometimes have failed direct debits and other unpaid items. Due to this, I am still receiving bank charges of £30 or £39 a go. I am also in debt. I owe money to my gas and electric suppliers, my phone bill, another bank, as well as personal debts to my family and friends. I have got behind with nearly all my payments. As my sole income is from benefits. Benefit payments are set to the minimum level to cover the basic requirements to live on. To allow the bank to continue to charge me these huge charges would cause extreme hardship and deprive me and my children of basic living essentials. In calculating the levels of benefit, the Government did not take into account the extravagent levels of bank charges. Bank charges reflect a disproportionate burden on those on benefits particularly, as we have no way of boosting our income and limited access to credit to pay off previous charges. Thus once a charge has been applied the likelihood of further charges increases leading to a spiralling effect on our finances. Shall I send it all off now to their solicitors?
  8. I have written this for the hardship bit. Is it ok? I am a single mother of two children. I cannot work because I suffer from agoraphobia, panic disorder and depression. My only income is benefits. I receive no maintenance for my children. I have more money going out that coming in each month, and am getting into debt. I try to run my bank account as well as I can, but with so little money coming in, it is inevitable that I will sometimes have failed direct debits and other unpaid items. Due to this, I am still receiving bank charges of £30 or £39 a go. I am also in debt. I owe money to my gas and electric suppliers, my phone bill, another bank, as well as personal debts to my family and friends. I have got behind with nearly all my payments. As my sole income is from benefits. Benefit payments are set to the minimum level to cover the basic requirements to live on. To allow the bank to continue to charge me these huge charges would cause extreme hardship and deprive me and my children of basic living essentials. In calculating the levels of benefit, the Government did not take into account the extravagent levels of bank charges. Bank charges reflect a disproportionate burden on those on benefits particularly, as we have no way of boosting our income and limited access to credit to pay off previous charges. Thus once a charge has been applied the likelihood of further charges increases leading to a spiralling effect on our finances. I found a post saying that I should send the n244 along with my witness statement to the bank's solicitors now, rather than straight to the court? Is that right? Should I send it to the solicitors and give them 7 days to respond before I send to the court? So sorry for all the questions.
  9. I don't know. I guess I can. I'm a single mum on income support. Does that mean I can? Do I have to send the £35 in with the form? Or can I claim it like I did the court fees? Because I don't have it.
  10. Thank you Tilly. I will attempt to fill that in - I will probably get in a muddle with it though lol. I need to pay £35 though don't I? Which I don't have.
  11. Today I've received a letter from the court saying my case is to be stayed, and reviewed by a district judge as soon as practicable after the 7th of March. It says that I have the right to apply to lift the stay, specifying why the claim should not await the test case decision. Could somebody tell me what to do next please?
  12. yes i have had the acknowlegement of service from the court, plus a copy of the defence from halifax solicitors. on the acknowlegement of service it says "this court orer has been made of the courts own initiative. if you object to it you must make an application to have it varied, stayed or set aside iwthin 7 days of receiving it." does that mean anything? i cant understand why i should do nothing when i have received a letter from the court and a defence from solicitors. it feels like the ball's in my court as i have heard from both?
  13. I've looked at some other threads. The one you posted said this - 10-08-2007--Defence received from Halifax 13-08-2007--Judgement Request sent Do I do the judgement request too then? Should I send the defence to the court? I had a letter from the court today as well saying that the bank would be doing a defence, but they obviously did it very quickly, as I received both today.
  14. So do I just wait now then? Does it mean I will have to go to court? The defence says stuff about their charges being ok (part of the contract etc) and about the fact that I have gone back further than 6 years too. Does it mean it hasn't been stayed? Or does the stay happen later?
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