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Everything posted by weewizard69

  1. Moss many thanks will do Im going to my bank on monday to see what is happening. Best Wishes
  2. Firstly may I start by saying what a great site this is. If i am successful in my claim i will defiantly be donating to the worthy cause. Story so far......... 1. Called my local YB branch : They instructed me to bring down my Data Protection Act 1998 Subject Access Request and payment and stated they will arrange for all transaction details to be sent to me. I requested at least 6 years worth. 2. I have just been on line and extracted my transactions as far as I possibly could (07-07-06). So far there are a total of £262.00 in charges made up of the following: CHARGE DEBIT - £25.00 DEBIT UNAUTH O/D FEE - £8.00 Am I right in thinking these are okay to claim back? As far as I am aware these are the only types of charges that YB have ever charged me. If the £262 is any thing to go by I should be in for a fair old claim Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Will keep this thread updated as and when the information / correspondences arrive from YB. Cheers Happy New Year Rich J
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