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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/08 in all areas

  1. I am actually eating a box of milk tray cos it was my birthday yesterday. Thanks MTM - I didn't see you drop them off. I am in Gateshead too - will keep a lookout for Blueskies.
    1 point
  2. MTM explained his reasons in his first post for resurrecting this thread The answer is here. I see nothing wrong in one cagger showing concern for a fellow cagger who announced his return and then quickly disappeared again. It makes perfect sense to me. What's the problem? I've had a tough day today and you want to think yourselves lucky if this is all you have to worry about. I came on CAG for a bit of R &R so please let's try and keep it friendly folks.
    1 point
  3. Hi Goldlady, Thanks for the post, glad you like the intro, heh heh. I`ll probably get a letter from Silly, Clark & Michelle or whatever they`re called stating Lloyds TSB wish to sue you for calling them morons. Yep, I like the disrespectful and abrupt tone too. I beleive respect is something that must be earned. The only thing these parasitic bum holes have earned is my wrath! Thanks again. Regards N.P
    1 point
  4. Thats great news about Melbourne AB, a fresh start lookign forward is a great boost for you. I lost both my parents recently, so have some idea of how awful you must be feeling. You may like to have a look over here Bereavement Support Group - Consumer Health Forums
    1 point
  5. Perhaps, in hindsight, it would have been better if he had just started a new thread in the BG rather than trawling up months old stuff
    1 point
  6. Hi Dan, Yep, the FOS can help with some things but not all. Send the letter above as soon as possible, send it Recorded Delivery or Special Delivery if money is no problem. You need to see what they come back with. Like I said, the need to prove the debt. You don`t just pay up because some idiot says `PAY ME OR I`LL KICK YOUR HEAD IN`. But, your right in that these letters are scary. That`s the point of them. From the sounds of it the debt is Statute Barred anyway, there is a letter on here for that, but first just send the other one to see what they have. If they come back with something we shall go on from there. Regards N.P NO TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS, EVERYTHING IN WRITING!
    1 point
  7. Low-Carb Pancakes (Pork Rinds) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Cottage Cheese) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Flax Seed) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Wheat Gluten) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Soy Powder) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Bran Flakes) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low-Carb Pancakes (Almond Flour) Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Low Carb Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe -- Mr Breakfast Here are a few for you Bookie
    1 point
  8. Firstly you have my sympathy and support, Halifax are very ignorant and you will need to be very hard with them. I too left three accounts with nominal amounts in and they tried to charge, having gone through the process previously of claiming back I wrote to tell them to get lost and unfortunately conceded I would have to close all the accounts, which I did to sever my link to them, I had another account anyway so no problem. Take in the closure letters to the branch in person and get a receipt, this was actually a good move as it was another reason not to pay by saying the account is closed and would settle any charges when my complaint was dealt with and if necessary I would take court action, this has now been set to Nil, was only £39 but I won this particular battle. The war goes on though over the Visa card which is still outstanding and after the last barrage of calls I fired off letters in all directions enclosing my previous written instructions for them not to call, these have been received and the usual complaint acknowledgement has come and to date I have had no calls and no letters. The other responses I have had have been mixed - Trading Standards will investigate, The Police can't help but I am happy the complaint has been lodged and acknowledged (good ammunition for the future if required), no response from Halifax CEO, OFT can't intervene on individual cases but have noted this on file and will use it when considering their fitness to hold a credit licence. So do write, just as a little reminder to them I knew what I was doing I also printed off the report about Alison Turner from the internet and stapled that to my letter !! Just be firm and realise they hide behind the computer says no attitude, won't happen overnight but make sure you cover all the bases and get writing, you are not alone !!! P.S Also, when I had similar problems with Lloyds I got my MP involved which was excellent, he wrote a fabulously snotty letter to them on my behalf and I haven't heard from them since !! Might be worth a try ?
    1 point
  9. Dear Sir My complaint is regarding HSBC Bank and its refusal to cancel a direct debit after my request/s on ####### This is in spite of the Direct Debit Guarantee that states "You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by contacting your bank or building society." Please find enclosed a copy of correspondence from HSBC stating that they will not cancel my direct debit. I require the bank to refund all payments taken after I requested the direct debit to be cancelled. Kind regards. VV
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. If an MP gets one letter about a topic, he will pass it on to the relevant government department, who will issue a stock reply. Result - nothing. If an MP gets several letters about the same topic, he will take up the issue with the government department, who MAY issue the stock reply - or may start to think differently, depending on the MP's party (govt or not) and pecking order in the party. If several MPs get several letters that they send to the government department, then the government department considers is it worth pushing ahead or would it be better to drop the whole idea i.e. announced govt policy won't be dropped but minor points (esp. if from Europe) can be ditched. If you really want to get an issue to the top of the pile, write to your MP. Then write to the government department, and then send the same letter to the Secretary of State of that department. Find out the name of the government minister responsible for the regulation and write the same letter to the minister. Since it involves Europe, write to your MEP. Involves Trading Standards, then write to your county councillor. And so on... No politician is going to read, understand and compose his own letter if all he has to do is forward the letter to the government department with a note, "Please respond". All your letters will eventually get forwarded on to the poor civil servant who is dealing with this issue. That civil servant will normally expect to receive 20 or 30 replies to a 'consultation', which he can safely ignore. If he gets a letter from half a dozen CAGers, multiplied by MPs, MEPs, county councillors etc, he ends with a very large postbag. All the letters can (and will be) answered but the effect is that the civil servant realises he cannot ignore so many letters and that it is easier to drop the whole idea. Moral of the story, copy of the letter above and send it to as many politicos as you can think of if you want some action.
    1 point
  12. B....y hell Davey Youre quick off the mark. We must have posted at the same time. I thought the above reply was for me. Hang on while I get out my credit card maggiebroom
    1 point
  13. It may be worth Copy writing our material and saying this is not for commercial use.
    1 point
  14. Hi there If this relates to the same alleged debt (Nat West credit card), which from what you have posted I believe it does, then personally I would send a copy of your original CCA to Regal Credit, with a letter something along these lines :- See what response that brings! I'll be watching with interest. Love SG x
    1 point
  15. Ignore it. They're on a fishing trip. A lot of users have had the same letter, all about time-barred alleged debts.
    1 point
  16. I am in the same situation as you, except that my mortgage is already in place, my bank accounts are still in good condition and I have no need for credit as such. eventually, they will fall off my record, or I'll offer them a f&f. I would be paying them a lot more than the CCJ amount right now, if they'd behaved in a more civilised manner, but such is life. remember, treat them as they deserve to be treat, be highly suspicious of everything they say and ensure that any offer from them is in writing, verbal offers can later be denied and would leave you up the creek if it went back to court Hope this helps Ronnie
    1 point
  17. Tiglet, they commit an offense irrespective of if they pursue you for payment or not, once 30 days expire and they have not complied with s77,78 or 79 so once 30 days passes, and htey have not informed you that they cannot comply and have written the debt off,which they probably wont do so dont hold your breath, get on the blower to trading standards and report them regards paul
    1 point
  18. Hi Honey, Just wanted to add my support. I joined this site a year ago and was in a worse state than you, but now I know my rights and actually look forward to Moorcroft or any other DCA calling me!!!! With the help of this site you will get stronger and I actually have people in work coming to ME for advice now!!! (who'da thunk it??) This site is like my bible and with a little more confidence you will have the upper hand soon too!
    1 point
  19. Another interesting development, my MP spoke to the Guardian last night. He will be forwarding another letter to Sir Tom on my behalf. Paul
    1 point
  20. Have you tried writing to them and asking them to clarify the interest?
    1 point
  21. notice how this pdf describes default according to ICO, are there any statutory instruments re credit ref agencies? default_tgn_version_v3%20%20doc.pdf
    1 point
  22. I would just complain to their local trading standards, the OFT, your local MP and the FOS explain the story about the couriers too !!!
    1 point
  23. Hi Jordy, Deffo send a CCA request to Cabot. As saintly says, send a postal order rather than a cheque, don't sign it. Most important, DO NOT call these people, ever again. Do everything in writing and stick rigidly to your deadlines. Keep copies of everything. Cabot will likely write back to you to say that they don't have the CCA and will be asking the original creditor (OC) for a copy. Don't hold your breath. Then it's a simple matter of waiting the 2+12 days. Send them a letter to inform them that they are now in breach of the CCA. Wait a month, After that month is up , you can send another letter - Mr Cabot you are a villain. For the credit report - Cabot can be forced to stop proceessing your data under Section 10 of the Data Protection Act as they have no rights to do so. Hope this has helped. If so, please click my scales.
    1 point
  24. Yup, First step is to SAR (Subject Access Request) Vanquis. Cabot will more than likely 'advise' you to do the same when they admit that they don't have the agreement. Their latest tactic. You could put a Notice of Correction on to your credit file, but in my opinion this is a waste of time as potential creditors do not read that section. No two ways about it, having two registered defaults for the same account is illegal. You should send Vanquis the following Under the Data Protection Act 1999 Schedule 1 Part 1(The principles) Then Sections 10 & 12 come into play. CurlyBen has a good template letter which I will dig out and attach.
    1 point
  25. Shariscool. Thank you so much. This was a very unpleasant case and one that bailiff companies should be embarrassed about. It is one of the most clear cut cases of bailiff law ie: that a vehicle subject the HP CANNOT be seized. And yet, despite this, this particular bailiff not only removed the vehicle, but kept it in the vehicle pound for over 2 months. !!! There is more work going on in the background, but at least the vehicle is now back where it belongs.
    1 point
  26. Ah but I'm neither "strange" nor "men".
    1 point
  27. If this damaged your window, I would consider filing a claim for damages
    1 point
  28. thank u rory love cat pic by the way :Dxxkia
    1 point
  29. I share your colleague's view. Unfortunately, in many cases like this the employer is more concerned with how things appear (in case of tribunal etc.), than with actually managing the problem. On paper, the victim has been given an opportunity to resolve any issues with the alleged bully, supported by a manager and with an independent witness present. Bullies are usually extremely adept at manipulating situations like this. One of the reasons that they are bullies is to hide their inadequacies, so they are used to appearing to be pleasant and efficient, especially to those above them. Maintaining the appearance of being reasonable and conciliatory at a meeting like this will be childsplay. I can imagine the process: Bully is told by manager that an accusation has been made; the bully will act surprised, and then suggest that the victim is perhaps under stress, or that he/she (the bully) had noticed a recent drop in performance, implying that the victim is trying to cover something up. At the meeting, the bully is gushing to the others who are present, appears immensely concerned about the victims welfare, is desperately sorry that efficient management has been perceived as bullying, and is keen (in the most patronising way) to do anything necessary to help the poor victim who is obviously suffering from stress. If these tactics don't seem to be working, the tears and 'all my years of helping people' ploys will be rolled out. Knowing glances will be directed at the others, in a 'we're all managers, so we understand these things' way. The aim is to make the victim appear unreasonable, and reinforce their victim status. The 'mediators' leave the meeting feeling that they've done their bit, and glad it's over, because they probably know that the bully is a bully. It's worth remembering, because you'll probably have to remind HR, that what constitutes bullying is the way in which the bully's activity is perceived by their target. What to some might seem like a random collection of minor annoyances may in fact represent a sustained campaign of bullying that has a far-reaching effect on the target. Similarly, what bullies and senior managers often describe as 'a robust management style' can make people's lives miserable. What meetings like this do not achieve is any sort of investigation into bullying behaviour, or any subsequent disciplinary action. The NHS tends to follow the path of least resistance, often moving the victim rather than dealing with the bully; when the number of complaints about a bully can no longer be ignored, the bully is promoted, and the whole cycle begins again - because bullies always need a target. It has been suggested that in UK bullying is most prevalent in teaching and nursing. Being a bullies target is wretched, and it can be difficult not to doubt your own feelings and ability to deal with things. Rejecting this proposed 'mediation' is your right, just as it is your right not to be bullied, either by an individual or by proxy. The Trust's disciplinary and grievance policies should lay down clear procedures. Additionally, they should have some sort of policy on workplace bullying.
    1 point
  30. Happy Birthday ABG, and hope you were succesful today stoney. ABG I'm sorry you did'nt get the stay reversed but at least the Judge seemed to be looking out for you, and hopefully when the 'test case' is overish (soon) then your claim should be better looked on from the next hearing. I are'nt going to court with the attempt to reverse the stay as I was informed months ago that it would'nt succeed from the court officer at the time, and I would be wasting my money (which I would not be able to claim back). On a happier note on my 'chrisking1962 v Blemain finance' battle, I have won round One on the PPI fight and have almost had the whole of the PPI paid back (minus about £400) in total £2560 out of £2900 but that was after they added interest, so I reckon with the PPI starting at £2360 (at the front of the loan) and you total what I paid over a 12 month period in cash terms I think I have broken even. Just pure persistance and digging with the help of the mis sold argument and a legal document which did'nt have the PPI box ticked helped:D. Now I am fighting for the £900+ charges they slapped on me in a less than 12 month loan length on a 18 year contract:mad: . I also think the FOS threat worked as they were about to contact 'Park Financial' (brokers for Blemain) regarding the mis selling of the product. So ding ding round two here we come. The money will help pay some bills and finish some DIY which has been going on for years. speak to you soon. again Happy Birthday ABG. stay fresh peeps regards chris xxxx
    1 point
  31. Here's one letter to send: Harassment by telephone
    1 point
  32. good luck with your claim meddy...... auds
    1 point
  33. New letter drafted and will go off tomorrow. Isn't this just sooooo much fun?! Lets see who will blink first. Bets anyone?
    1 point
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