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  1. No no, didn't get the impression you were! To my knowledge I don't believe there's been any threatening comments from them, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were. There are absolutely loads of other victims out there that we haven't had a chance to speak with. Would be interesting to hear their story, although they do start to sound like a broken record! They don't like negative reviews because they lose business, hence why they spend probably hours writing false positive reviews to make up for the sub par.
    1 point
  2. Simply informing you..... Non-attendance of parties at a final hearing 27.9 (1) If a party who does not attend a final hearing– (a) has given written notice to the court and the other party at least 7 days before the hearing date that he will not attend; (b) has served on the other party at least 7 days before the hearing date any other documents which he has filed with the court; and (c) has, in his written notice, requested the court to decide the claim in his absence and has confirmed his compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the court will take into account that party’s statement of case an
    1 point
  3. I think we all keep slipping into a simple mistake: We are assuming that the decisions are based on some scientific, medical reasoning, even if poorly. I truly believe the reality isn't whats done (however badly) that is the primary driver, its that anything that might put Johnson in a bad light let alone anything that would clearly demonstrate his Lies/incompetence is AVOIDED at pretty much ANY cost. So bad decisions generate cover ups NOT lessons learned and solutions. Once you take a look from that perspective, things actually do seem to make more (however horrendous) 'sense' (sic) Its little d
    1 point
  4. If I might pitch in here, I my family and I are dual national Canadian British, we lived in Quebec, and came back to the UK some years ago, with some Canadian debts. They won't do a thing to pursue it, end of. Absolutely nothing to worry about!
    1 point
  5. forming an LLC for multiple businesses in order to protect each investment on its own. Then if “A” is sued, only the assets belonging to LLC “A” are affected. Personal assets are shielded, as well as the assets belonging to B, C, etc. LLC are also able to own other LLC or supply assets to them. Hence, when they refer to 3rd party assets. For example, Crown Motors can supply sell cars to Phev Ltd. Basically a huge Web. Loop hole. And why they can get away with it. Because technically its legal
    1 point
  6. https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/can-one-llc-have-two-businesses I know this is not UK law. But it helps explain what these guys are doing. The advantage of an LLC is the limited liability it affords its owners. When you run two separate businesses under two separate LLCs, the assets and income of each individual company is also protected from any liability risk which might affect the other company. If you combine two businesses within one LLC, however, the assets and income of each business are no longer isolated from each other, and each is at risk of any legal claims that might be directed against the other.
    1 point
  7. Oh dear. adding ''debt collection charges'' AND charging for payments made by card.......tut tut CP plus you really are asking for trouble.
    1 point
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