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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/08/13 in Posts

  1. No, makes no odds I wouldn't think, might even be the best way to go for now, until or if they get annoying.
    0 points
  2. Yep...SAR first to get all of the data you can. Then prepare a spreadsheet of claim and preliminary letter requiring refund. If they don't play ball then you may have to issue in court to get them back. SAR first though.
    0 points
  3. WRAG is Work related Activity Group. Means you will have to go to Work Focussed Interviews unless you are above the Pension age or are on Pension credit. He may get Free Prescriptions as he is on Low Income or even on Pension Credit Firstly, you may not even have a medical and may be dumped straight into the WRAG. Dont start panicking about things that could be a very long time in the future. Work on one step at a time Mention everything and get a letter from the Doctor or hospital backing it up Correct. My initial diagnosis was made in 1995 and all my records including scans etc were destroyed. Its normal for some hos
    0 points
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