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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/12 in all areas

  1. London payday loan company, QuickQuid, records all its phone calls – but they objected when I said I was recording the call too. I was trying to complain that someone pretending to be me had borrowed £400 from them at 5,200% APR interest - and that I was not responsible for paying back the loan, as QuickQuid was demanding. Hear what happened:
    1 point
  2. Francoe I think the thread's gone off at a tangent, find out what they have first before proceeding further. If they have a valid cca that appears to be enforceable you have a couple of options open to you [including time order] Don't get in a flap, let's see what they're relying on From your previous comments I would assume you're on a self managed DMP? CCCS, CAB etc advisors can be a little naive when it comes to resultant effect of CO's Gez
    1 point
  3. Apologies. Should have updated this way back. Settled out of court on a TO so not at liberty to put full details up. But was good for Mrs M's daughter Capquest's SD was ignored and never heard of again. I'm not suggesting that others should follow a similar path. But we weighed it up. She's a single mum on benefits living in council accommodation. She has little in the way of assets and the cost for them to go through with it would have been close to the amount they were looking to recover, and, probably wouldn't have got anyway. So we gambled that 'they wouldn't dare' and it worked! Anyone considering this should consider the
    1 point
  4. We decieded to check my credit file today using http://www.checkmyfile.com which has left me fuming with rage some time back we got into trouble with The Halifax After some tooing and frowing we entered into a payment plan with them,ON OUR TERMS I MIGHT ADD. It has now come to light that we would of been better off Defaulting on the account and therefore they would of only been able to update the cra for 6 years . But we decided to go with a payment plan as we thought this would be better in the long run. It is recorded as AR on the credit file but this is what we were not told. . So if you start to pay usi
    1 point
  5. I've produced another video of how QuickQuid allowed my identity to be stolen in the first place:
    1 point
  6. you fire a claim off to the OC Original Creditor - who you PAID as its only 2010 this should be easy to find out. dx
    0 points
  7. If his CT was up to date where he used to live ie paid up for the year then he would be entitled to a refund for the same period his new Council wants. If within the same Council area then he could ask it be transferred to his new account with any balance either payable or refunded. Unfortunately with Council Tax you have to pay as demanded and if Benefits are then worked out you will either be credited or refunded on request. If he only pays what he thinks then the Council will go ahead with Court action. PT
    0 points
  8. Hi This may seem a silly question to ask but are your Water and Waste Sewage Carges part of your Council Tax or Seperately Paid in your area? The reason I ask is in my area water and waste sewage rate are part of the council tax bill and if you get full council tax benefit or other discounts for your council tax you still have to pay the full water and sewage rate although it part of your council tax its classed as seperate and still has to be paid. Also what you actually class as free months actually arent as you have already paid for those months whether you pay your bill in full or in installments
    0 points
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