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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/11 in all areas

  1. The only mention in DEMSA's code of conduct is: You would have thought it would be required under: but apparently not So why not extend that to UK wide With an appropriate referral fee, I trust!!!!
    1 point
  2. Tried clicking the star, says add to this users reputation, but no box to write anything.
    1 point
  3. Usually reviewed on a daily basis but does depend on the pressures on the court at the time locally 2-3 days is the norm. Brig. (BRIGADIER2JCS)
    1 point
  4. You have a common problem! Late payment is always a problem, but where this regularly happens it is especially so - the employer must pay you on a specific date, and to not do so would be classed as an Unlawful Deduction, for which you could take Employment Tribunal action to force the employer to pay up. Problem is that by the time it came to a Tribunal, the payment would have been made and you are back to square 1 waiting for the next time. At this stage you would be best off sending a Grievance letter complaining about the systematic late payment of wages and the problems that this causes (bank charges? Rent problems?) and deman
    0 points
  5. My understanding is that the Liability Order will be granted unless payment is made - nothing else can stop that, however Bailiff involvement is not automatic, and the Council must be open to proposals for payment by instalments if you cannot pay the full amount. If you are on Income Support, then the Council can apply for a fixed amount to be deducted from the Income Support and paid directly to the Council. For as long as deductions are being made from your Income Support, the Council can take no further enforcement activity. You must be the one to contact the Council and make arrangements under the Council Tax (Deductions from In
    0 points
  6. No criticism from me.I have read your thread with interest. A change in circumstances and the spiral begins. I like how you have decided to deal with things.Cancelling DD,s opening new bank account . And taking control offering payment on your terms. Yes perhaps credit rating will take a hit. And i am sure your thread will help others as the replies and letters received from the lenders roll in. And the way you deal with them No more rolling over for you. Well done.Another away from their tentacles. I hope i do not seem biassed Tawnyowl.
    0 points
  7. Poster: 'My boss sacked me, have I got a case for unfair dismissal?' Experts: 'No' Unfair but straightforward.
    0 points
  8. Hello Zaraphin, as FB says, it is not your place to provide information for the DCA. Especially this particular DCA. In 2009, 1st Credit were censured because of the way in which they used Statutory Demands as a debt collection tool.. and other poor Debt collection practices. They were the main DCA for HBoS at that time .. and once news of the censure hit the headlines, HBoS dropped 1st Credit like a ton of hot bricks.. basically claiming that their DCAs had to be whiter that white. Hmmm, so why have they now restored business relationships! Is it because other DCAs were getting fed up with being advised that there were me
    0 points
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