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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/11 in all areas

  1. Hart is using bully tactics. Because you have unmasked his bullying behaviour, he's responded by trying to blame you for the situation his own actions have put him in. He shows textbook bully characteristics - he thinks he's invulnerable; he blames everyone but himself for what happens, and he cannot accept that he's wrong. He knows that you are worried and he is playing on it; it's despicable, but predictable. What you need to know about bullies, Ads, is why they bully. It's simple - it's because they are inadequate. He is the one with the problem, Ads, not you, no matter how much he may try to convince you otherwise.
    1 point
  2. The important thing is if not detailed on the pay slip, to also send something from the employer which gives a breakdown of what the payment is for and staple it to the payslip. This stops an in experienced processor from inputting it as wages. Unfortunately the people you speak to at the call centre do not necessarily have a good knowledge of benefits and are only able to give general advice - luckily they are not the people who process the claims. If you have specific queries, it is best to ask for a call back from a decision maker - though it can take several attempts to get the call back!
    1 point
  3. I agree with what Citizenb has written. Regarding a means-tested JSA claim, the amount of benefit would be affected by savings over £6,000 but the cut-off point is certainly £16,000.
    1 point
  4. As you have received JSA in the year in question HMRC will not be able to automatically do your assessment as they will not yet have the JSA details, and probably won't until November. Write to HMRC, enclosing your P45 and P60, requesting a repayment of overpaid tax. Clearly mark the letter REPAYMENT at the top so it can be dealt with separate from the general post. The address is HMRC PAYE and Self Assessment PO BOX 1970 Liverpool L75 1WX The current turnaround time is 4-6 weeks from when you send the letter. NB- for future reference. Those who work for HMRC are not 'idiots', they like you are hardworking peo
    1 point
  5. Hi Seasun, If you could indicate at least, the type of debt..eg credit card/loan, HP, the approx year it was taken out (before April 2007?) , the approx figure (just whether above £750 or above £5K, and whether it's likely to be more than 6 years (5 in Scotland) since you last paid anything. Other things you need to consider are whether there was any potentially missold PPI or unfair charges, whether you received a Notice of Assignment if it's been sold on, and whether a valid Default Notice was issued (without which they cannot enforce) - assuming it's an agreement regulated by the CCA.
    1 point
  6. done loads I am a surveyor/structural engineer/cdm co-ordinator and and carry out defect surveys, reports, party wall awards/contracts all the time. examined all sorts of deeds, never found anything about roof drainage, other than the right to discharge onto adjacent property/land. The general rule is if its nailed to your property its your responsability. examined plenty of wayleaves/covenants but never seen one that covered that.
    1 point
  7. Hi Platomey, I am not going to pretend that TfL will automatically agree to settle this case. The fraudulent misuse of special concessions is considered a serious breach of trust, but you can only try. I suggest a letter along the following lines: Dear Sirs, Your reference:..... I wish to offer an unreserved apology for my stupidity in attempting to save money by using my girlfriend's concessionary pass. I wish to stress that this was an irrational and uncharacteristic reaction to being under financial pressure at the time and the responsibility for this is entirely mine. It would be unfair for this to reflect on
    0 points
  8. *MrHat* Yes they would be in breach of guidelines and a strong point in favour of the debtor. And, as you say, a bit of a lottery on the Judge front. *Ford* Agreed and would need very careful argument imo ims
    0 points
  9. Have looked again and can see no valid challenge to the agreement I just disagree with the proposition that a default/assignment notice must be sent by registered post, my interpretation of that section of the act, which is directed at property as in real estate, and any such notice may be left at a property.
    0 points
  10. if they keep pestering you on the phone,, tell them that this call is being recorded for evidence, to pass on to your solicitor,(who incidentally is a real one), graham white are not solicitors just some guy who put the threat o grams in all the different named companies envelopes you will recieve,( perhaps on about £2-00 p/h,and an illegal),, ignore no matter what,do not let this worry you in any way,, you aint done anything wrong,, even if you had, which you havent,, this shower of cow pats can do jack you know what about it.
    0 points
  11. Belt And Braces always a good idea with court docs!!!
    0 points
  12. Page 7 http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/consumer_credit/oft664.pdf
    0 points
  13. Hello there, welcome to the forum. I expect the guys will be along later, day jobs permitting. I don't know enough about the system to advise you, but they will when they get here. Please bear with us until you get one of the regulars here. My best, HB
    0 points
  14. It's the phone calls you need to stop isn't it? Next time they ring, tell 'Graham White' that you KNOW they are not a solicitor but in fact an employee of Roxburghe debt collectors. Tell them that their continued contact is harassment which is a criminal offence. Insist that they cease all contact and pass the file back to the parking company immediately, because any alleged 'debt' is expressly DENIED. If they do not stop writing and ringing you, they will be reported to the authorities for harassment: http://www.nationaldebtline.co.uk/england_wales/factsheet.php?page=03_harassment Read that link to see where to report them
    0 points
  15. It's not a fine, THIS company cannot FINE you. Ignore everything that they send you from now on (Except Court Papers) But they will never send those. Jogs
    0 points
  16. Hi 12 + 2 working days May 24,25,26,27,30,31,June 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10 ims
    0 points
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