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  1. Just goes to show how automated and unpersonal companies are towards their customers are these days. I would also send Grattan a CCA request. Espcially if you have had the account before 2007 as before then most catalogues didn't send out credit agreements. Once it's established if they have the correct legal paperwork or not, it puts you in a much stronger position. Where you can tell them what will be happening, instead of the other way around. Keep all their letters, etc. They may come in useful at a later date when it comes to getting your own back on them regarding harassment, etc.
    1 point
  2. Forget the whole thing. Ignore, move on, call it what you will - don't waste your time on it. Console yourself with the thought that your letter probably encouraged them to send more letters to you than they might have. Thus, you've helped them waste more of their own time and money. And the same goes for their "solicitors" (probably sent by the same person, but with different paper loaded into the printer).
    1 point
  3. Oh yes, I forgot. SAR them. That will really confuse them as they will have to send shedloads of paperwork and you can then put a claim in for a refund of any charges you have paid.
    1 point
  4. Sorry one minute it work next it doesnt Im sure someone will put the template link up for you if I cant get mine to work. DG
    1 point
  5. Follow the link below and check if CCJ exists:- Check the registers for your CCJ, judgment and fine records - Trust Online Cost you £8 but worth it.
    1 point
  6. Hi Jasmine, Use the link in post #8 above to see the letter the the FOS at post #5 of Tony3x's thread. Adapt the letter to reflect your case as necessary.
    1 point
  7. From what you are saying the insurance company seems to be taking the matter seriously and as such is obtaining as much evidence as they can to repudiate the claim. If they simply say "it wasn't our insured" then this probably wont make the Claimant go away. However, If they provide detailed inspection documents of the car showing no damage, signed statements of truth from your partner and any other witnesses who can say with certainty where the car was at the alleged incident time and place i.e. not in an accident and miles away, then they have a sterling chance of either making the claim go away or succesully defending it in Court. If
    1 point
  8. This might help you. I have noticed that when they talk about assignment they refer to "on or shortly thereafter". Notice of assignment should be by strict proof. Strict proof being by either recorded or registered post or by courier or personal service. Suggest you read this and add to your defence.............. The Defendant denies that he is liable to the Claimant as alleged in the Particulars of Claim, /at all. It is averred that the Claimant has failed to serve a Notice of Assignment in accordance with section 136(1), of the Law of Property Act 1925, in respect of the alleged debt. The amount detailed in the Claimant’s claim,
    1 point
  9. right then you have them then. fire off a cca request. as its EGG it will fail. [there is always something wrong with them] put the A/C into dispute, stop paying & then wait for them to squeal . and offer 15% of what is left to pay off as an F&F. then when that is done reclaim the PPI from EGG. tat should go into your pocket as the A/C will be closed & EGG cannot pay the PPI as off set on a sold debt anyhow as they no longer have any interest in it. job done dx
    1 point
  10. I'm bored with this All the President's Men ****. This isn't some underground car park whispering to bernstein and woodward. It's right here, on open as you've said yourself. Show us your yarbles, that's if you have any yarbles to show... And forgive me but I am not signing up to go public to the SPV or any other fecker who then targets me as some kind of agitator, deserving of full sting. My friend. YMBFJ. No Chance. Give us something proper, something that stands, something that won't get washed aside and something that delivers real justice. Or at least stop analysing us like ants under your superior microscope. Blow the ucking
    1 point
  11. Then there is no basis for them to retain the monies, make a formal request in writing for the refund of monies paid on the basis of their refusal to complete the transaction (purchase of the trip)
    1 point
  12. Recieved a cheque from Ford XXXXXXXXX 's solicitors today for full and final settlement. They have insisted that I cannot make any further claims, complaints or critisisms agaisnt them...is this normal? It has taken 4 months to resolve and their costs must be in the region of £3000. I notice that when I started my action they were not registerd as a licenced Data Controller, but recently they have registered. Their solicitor said I was a very unusual fellow and that I had generated a huge paper trail for his client. Hmmm sounds like a back handed compliment to me. I still feel short changed because if it had gone to court I feel we could have
    1 point
  13. Admittedly it was 5 years ago, but I spent a week touring Tunisia, always in an organized party, loved every minute and the only time I felt a bit unsafe was in the market but only because it was my first experience of the 'high pressure sales techniques'. I had several different sorts of prescription medication with me, and it wasn't any problem at all.
    1 point
  14. Dare I say I understand the basics, but have come across different views as to whether it is a goer in the Uk. Views on CAG seem to be that the law allows the Original issuer of the cc to somehow keep an interest in the ownership so enabling them to sell a delinquent account (ours!). The thing with this is that all I have read is that for it be legal it must be "Bankruptcy remote"(BR) ie cannot be touched by a creditor of the Original issuer who sold the cc to the investment vehicle. If an Original issuer keeps an interest how can they then be BR? Is there anyone out there who has inside knowledge of securitization that can help?
    1 point
  15. We need to check this unlawfully issued default is correct. If it's not sit tight on it and use it as a defence in case things get sticky. Can you scan it and add it up here? Best to photocopy the original and then draw on the copy to cover personal details, thus preserving the original. Be interested to know if they've even got the default notice right
    1 point
  16. Agreed, do not make any contact. If it is you they are looking for they will contact you again with something more concrete. Ignor for now.
    1 point
  17. The Consumer credit act , is just an Act given the force of law by consent. it still sits UNDERNEATH contract law. Everything does everything is Contract, and if you know how to sort out the contracts then you can sort your affairs out. Finally, My friends & I use this and variations of this all the time. It stops them their tracks! it works for us, thats all i can say
    1 point
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