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https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-bankruptcy If your debts are too much to cope with – and you think that you've learned your lesson and won't get into that position again, if you have no assets, then maybe bankruptcy is a good solution for you.
There is no point in saddling yourself with 10 or 15 or 20 or more years of repayments and sacrificing the quality of your life and especially the lives of your family simply in order to repay corporate creditors who at the end of the day don't really care about you and who will write it all off to tax anyway.

You can break free of the millstone around your neck. You can reset to Zero and start again.

Imagine not being frightened of answering the phone again or of opening your letters….

Tens of thousands of companies do it all the time and leave their creditors in a lurch by their business owners simply start up similar businesses again or continue living their lives in the comfort of their own personal assets.

There is no reason why you should be burdened by some stigma of bankruptcy. Nowadays it's an illusion.

Bankruptcy is an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and to get your life going again in a productive way which benefits you and your family and ultimately the economy and the society in which you live.

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