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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Apologies if this is the wrong area of the forum - I couldn't decide where to put it! Having gone through the never ending cycle of PDL and other financial issues, I'm more or less back on my feet now although having recently lost my job, I'm exploring all avenues for money potentially owed to me and have hit on this long shot that I'd be grateful for any advice on. In 2007, I defaulted on a loan and credit card with a high street bank who subsequently reassigned / sold the debt (approx £11K total). I subsequently received an annual statement from the debt collector and the odd letter expressing disappointment that I had not come to an arrangement to pay them which I ignored. I assume - particularly as this has now disappeared from my credit report - that this is now SB and so although I still receive the odd letter inviting me to pay, they just go on the fire too and I'm not in the least bit worried about it. Now the issue is that both the loan and the CC had PPI on them and certainly I can recall being advised (as with a previous loan) that opting for PPI would increase my chances of being approved for the loan which raises the question: (a) Am I entitled to try and reclaim the PPI or, given that I didn't pay back the loan / card, would this just be viewed as taking the proverbial and open a whole can of worms that has been forgotten about? and (b) If I can reclaim the PPI, would I reclaim from the bank or the company that bought the debt? I realise I have been vague about the "high street bank" and "debt collection co" but I'm not sure how much detail is required for one of these people to be able to identify me. If it helps, I'm happy to provide this detail on this thread if it's ok to do so. Thanks in advance guys
  2. Opening a thread that I'll keep updated as it progresses. I received a letter today from Nationwide regarding a credit card debt I had with them. They informed me that they have passed the debt to CCSCollect. The debt they are referring to became statute barred in January 2013. However, when I called CCSCollect to have them remove my details, they claimed that a payment was made to the account in 2012. This would have been impossible, as I was living in Chile at the time, and had no means to transfer money to the UK. I've sent a letter copied to both CCSCollect and Nationwide today detailing the last payment, the default date, and the date the debt became statute barred. I've stated that the debt is unenforceable, I do not acknowledge any liabilty, and that I will not be making any payments. I also explained why any payment they claim I made would be fradulent - and stated that if a payment had been made, it would have shown on my credit file. I suggested CCSCollect return the account to Nationwide, as they have been sold an unenforceable debt. If they decide to go any further with this, does anyone have the link to the template letter to demand that they prove I made the payment? Hoping this'll be the end of it, but we'll see. Thanks, everyone!
  3. I've been wandering around the site, and have a question/s and they kind of cover various subjects Statute barred debts do not appear on CRA's - is that correct? Only debts that are currently enforceable should appear on CRA's. When they become statute barred they come off CRA's When someone has DWP overpayment debt, do they appear on CRA's? - I know there is this whole thing of whether they can be statute barred, or not, or that they can behave different to other statute barred debts.. as they can take money from you when you next claim any benefit. But surely, if it can be statute barred, then the DWP when using DCA's should be obeying to all the rules.. not harassing people, make threats, being misleading etc.. as in what DWP is one thing (being a government department and what DCA can do is another).
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