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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all...Earlier in March I travelled Super off peak single with a railcard that was a couple of weeks out of date. I didn't realise until I hopped on the train. I recieved a letter this morning from FGW telling me they are preparing the case for court! If i am convicted of an offence I could be ordered to pay a fine of £1000 and/or be sentenced to 3 months imprisoment. Basically I think it's completley unjust that they are charging me £160.95 as I already payed the original fare just my railcard was out of date! I think this is completley taking the P@**S! Please help if you know of anything I can do as I can't afford this money!!! Thanks I really look forward to hearing a response, I am prepared to go to court as I feel it's so unjust for them to force me to pay this when I don't have the money - does anybody know what will happen? Thanks
  2. Hello, your help would be much appreciated. I recently travelled on a Chiltern Railways train out of Marylebone and was threatened with prosecution for attempting to re-use a ticket i later realised had already been used. This was a genuine inadvertent attempt as my wallet is always rammed full of unexpired tickets as i don't always use return legs. However, in this case, clearly according to their technology i had already used it. Here's what happened... After being thwarted at the barrier, I asked one of the train employees nearby why it didn't work (at this stage i was genuinely confused as to why the barrier had not opened when the ticket was in-date), he scanned the ticket and told me that it had already been used. After some general confusion and bewilderment by me, he then requested my details (name, address and d.o.b.) which i wrote on a scrap bit of paper he handed me. At this point, i thought he was going to let me through and send me proof/details of the journey via post and, if it were shown that i had used the ticket, a bill/fare notice etc. This was not the case, however, as he then explained that my details were to be passed to their legal team to decide on whether i should be prosecuted. I was now in shock, although remained calm and was never rude, aggressive or obtuse. He was not wearing a name badge and so i asked what his name was. He initially said that i didn't need his name as it was nothing to do with him: i was going to be dealing with the legal/prosecution team, he said. But after a repeated request he wrote his name on a scrap of paper. (FYI - I was not issued with a penalty notice or summons and was given no official warning/caution or confirmation receipt/notice etc.) By this stage, i had missed the train i had planned to get and so with nothing more to say i walked off to the main waiting area of the station and waited for the next train. When the next train arrived i used another of the unstamped in-date tickets in my wallet and, fortunately, the barriers opened...! N.B. Chiltern railways seemingly check and stamp/mark tickets about 99% of the time, and so when i pulled out an unstamped ticket from my wallet i naturally assumed it hadn't been used. What can i expect to happen? Will i get some sort of penalty fare (although i'm not sure how this would work because Chiltern Railways hasn't lost out i.e. i wasn't actually aboard the train) or will they prosecute? I've read stories that these companies take a 'zero tolerance' approach. Please, please advise?? This was a genuine mistake. I totally unknowingly and unwittingly attempted to use the ticket a second time. I am not a "fare dodger" and feel that this could be proved by looking at my recent travel, backed up by ticket purchases. I have no previous convictions and have never received a penalty fare notice before. Thank you very much in advance for your help. Best regards, Chiltern Traveller!
  3. Let me begin by saying what an idiot I have been. I was traveling on the train from A to C. I got on the train and requested the conductor for a ticket. His machine was not working and asked me to buy a ticket once I get off. I got off at my station and went to the counter to buy a ticket. In what can be described as a momentarily lapse of thinking, I said I got on at station B. Since station B is manned at all time, I could not have got on to the train and hence I was caught. The person at the ticket counter took a copy of my university ID card and I scribbled my address on a piece of paper. There was no RPO or any other authority involved and no cautions read out to me. All the officer at the ticket counter said was that I will be prosecuted. I am scared that this might lead to a criminal conviction and affect my future. I will not challenge any fine, but can a prosecution be brought about in this manner? Any help on this will be much appreciated.
  4. Hi, The other day I was caught without a ticket once I had left the train, I was cautioned and had a statement taken. If I would have stopped to get a ticket before boarding I would have missed it so thought I would get one from the conductor, who never reached me. I know that this shouldnt be done and that you should purchase from stations when available and I am not disputing the fact that Northern have a case against me. I have not yet received a letter but when I do does it always end up in court or can you settle out of court?
  5. Fed up with astronomical rail fares and overcrowded trains? Then fight back by joining the Fair Fares Now campaign to demand cheaper, simpler and fairer rail ticketing. From today commuters in some parts of the country are being asked to pay £5,192, or 20% of the average UK salary, for their annual season ticket. It’s outrageous – and if it is to change, you need to show how you feel about it. The worst of the fare increases won’t come into effect until January 2012, so we have a one year to influence the Government. Millions of us want cheaper train fares – and together we can make it happen. There are lots of ways you can get involved in the campaign. Find out more at fairfaresnow.org
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