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Found 3 results

  1. I’ve noticed that some kind folks on this site have provided advice to people who have been sent extortionate parking charge notices. I have received such a notice, and will be very grateful for any advice on whether I am likely to be able to avoid the charge, and how to go about doing so. The specifics relating to my case are: The car park attached to our local Lidl store used to allow one hour’s free parking (I believe ostensibly for customers, but actually used by non-customers also); this allowance has evidently been changed without my noticing it as I have received from Athena ANPR Ltd. a “Civil Parking Charge Notice” demanding £90, subject to a discount of £45 if paid within 14 days. I parked in the car park on 16th September (but did not purchase anything in Lidl), and received the notice today, 20th September. I returned to the car park today to check signage (picture attached); the period of free parking for non-customers is now 10 minutes, which period I exceeded by 21 minutes. While I accept I was daft to miss the new signs, and am quite happy to pay reasonable parking charges, I believe that this kind of charge is completely unacceptable. My question for anyone knowledgeable on this subject is whether I have a good case to fight this charge as a non-customer of Lidl, and if so, how best to go about it. Many thanks in advance to anyone prepared to help.
  2. Mrs t-star went shopping to a local outlet centre and parked in the parent and child spaces as she was meeting her sister and nephew t-star. When she returned to the car the UKPC monkey had issued an invoice. I of course will not be paying until i'm taken to court but i just thought that i'd post a copy of the ticket for your viewing, ridicule etc t-star
  3. This is more of a general query to clarify the advice given regarding charges levied by a private parking company. I am investigating this issue on behalf of someone else. The car park in question offers free parking for two hours and as far as I can tell, there are plenty of warning signs. Quite simply, they parked for longer than the permitted two hours. I have done this myself in the past, but recently they have installed cameras to catch the perpetrators. I am not sure whether the photographic evidence is of the car in the parking space or of the car entering and leaving the car park. My opinion is that the £60 would be better off in the hands of my friend's family than the PPC's. However, my extensive research across several sites has resulted in varying advice from 'its a fair cop' to point blank ignoring everything short of a court summons. I am happy to advise to ignore on the basis of the fairly compelling advice (including the advice of a solicitor on Watchdog). However, it is not me and I am reluctant to provide such advice if there is a legitimate risk of this going to court and a judgment entered against them. Whilst the arguments for ignoring appear persuasive, I am no expert in this area, the legal position may have changed since some of the advice I read was written and each case must generally be dealt with on its own merits. Finally, my concerns were heightened by the following job advertisement that appeared during my online research. The advertisement was for a litigation assistant with a well known PPC. Highlights of the ad include 'due to continued expansion... duties including issuing legal proceedings....working knowledge of contract and trespass law...background in civil law.' Now, if such matters rarely proceed to court, why would they need such a person? Apologies for the long and rambling nature of my post. Any guidance, reassurance, points appreciated. Thanks.
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