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  1. I was diagnosed with sciatica in October 2009. At the local hospital. With physio and hardwork I got myself ove rit as much as one can by walking mainly, a hobby anyway. I was left with drop foot but managed that with step ups in my shoes. In 2015 it started to become a real problem again, or so I thought. This time it was preventing me from walking properly. I went to the GP who referred me for physio and I was given exercises to do, including pushups which really seemed to help on the left side where the sciatica was, but my right leg was getting more and more painful. I was then referred to a sports psychotherapist via the GP who gave me a talking to about "analysing too much" especially when I told her my dad had died from blocked arteries and I was sure I had this. in my right leg. Then they sent me to the back pain clinic where I collapsed with pain. Now something weird strarted happening to me, it felt like I had a cut or blister on my right little toe, but there was nothing there.. In the end I was trying to walk my dog in my partners size 9 trainers (I am a 6) and even this became impossible. I went back to the doctors and instead of look at my toe, she put me on amilitryptyline. It just so happened that mum was having her feet treated by her podiatrist so I asked him if he could see anything wrong with my toe. and when I put my foot on the floor he got very excited a nd told me I needed an immediate Doppler test as he could see I had hardly any circulation to the toe and that was causing the pain. It was also very serious. A few days after this the doctor invited me to have a Doppler test. s The nurse refused to let me leave the surgery until she had seen a doctor with my results, the DR (this was a Friday afternoon) tried to get me an immediate MRI scan. The earliest was Tuesday which I duly had, I saw the vascular surgeon the next week and the week after that I had a serious blockage removed from an artery in my right leg. When I came round, although the pain was gone my toe was now covered in a huge black scab. I was in for a week, nobody even looked at the scab til the last day when the head honcho on ward rounds, and to discharge me just said to "keep soaking iti and applying scholl products, and that pink healthy skin would reappear as the toe was "viable". When I got home, (with a special soft boot for my right foot as I still could not get shoes on) I rested for a fortnight as told, soaking the foot everyday. I got a blood clot in my leg. So then I had to take the superdrug to get rid of that. Now every health professional I saw, including my GP as he was being fed info from the vacscular surgeon, told me to get out and walk on that leg. Which I did, I was so proud when I could do 2 miles without stopping. I went to Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Mind you I had to tell the GP that my toe kept getting infected. And so he asked me to see his nurses 2 x a week and they were to report on it to him. The first nurse kept saying soak and keep walking no dressing required. After a couple of weeks of this the 2nd nurse was on duty, she used to work on a vascular ward and informed me that the toe needed to be kept permanenelty covered with Iodine patches and dressings. Now, I cannot do this myself. the sciatica on the other side prevents me from either getting down to the right toe or raising my right leg to the bed or a chair. It was also painful enough to make me scream in agony whenever they touched it. In then end they just gave me some dressings and told me to get on with it. My mum had to do her best for me three times a week and is still doing this today I saw the surgeoun for sign off in November and I showed him this mess on my toe. He just said my leg was fine (Doppler and warmth) and said I needed podiatry services. Due to age and not being diabetic I don't qualify for them. However, I'm not sure what has gone on but I am now having my podiatry services. The surgeon told me to keep on walking even after he saw that ulcer. Right now, fast forward to January 2017 and I had my first appt with the loveliest podiatrist you could ever wish to meet. And he is very unhappy and annoyed at they way I have been treated. He says that since the op I should have been offered podiatry services straightaway because my toe was black. Apparently there are things that could have been prescribed to help me. He says I should never have been allowed to walk until the toe had healed, everytime I take a step I break away any new skin trying to form. He is having to keep me on permanenet antibiotics, which the GP has just tripled, an urgent Xray and swab has been taken. THE GP rang me to say they could see the infection which is now in my bone, and also that there is a loose slither of bone. At the same time, because I have h d to stay off the foot since January my sciatica has flared up so I can't get to the loo without help and all that jazz. I fee lthat at 54 I didn't have the year to waste that I just have, I am angry and in a lot of paIN. I am a serious hiker amd I miss it so much and I don't believe I'll ever do it Again. I am also a PTSD sufferer and walking in the sticks with my dog on a bad day was my way of dealing with it. So now I am like an adder as well. # Should I be complainiing to someone and who? We suspect my mobility will now be permanently affected. Sorry for the long post. Grateful for any advice or pointers.
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