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Found 3 results

  1. To quickly outline my problem; I gave Vodafone 30 days notice to end my contract with them on 1st June 2015 (been with them for donkeys years (bills always paid,never missed one!) .Felt like a change so EE looked like a better bet for mobile internet .A week or so later Vodafone offered me an S6 phone at a very good rate to keep me so I took it ,the customer (dis)services operative arranged the phone delivery for the following Saturday morning,great!. Saturday morning came and went-no phone. Called VF (Vodafone) to query why my new shiny phone hadn't arrived and was told "Oh sorry,it hasn't actually been ordered", I straight away cancelled the order on the phone with this person (as I was entitled to with the 14 days cancellation agreement) and also informed them that I wished my contract to be cancelled as per the 30 days notice I had previously given,this was agreed and that was that. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!. After the 30 days notice was up,happy with my new EE phone, i noticed my old VF sim card was still working ,phone VF customer (dis)services and "Sorry sir,i'll sort that out straight away for you") .And so started 3 months of chasing Vodafone to actually cut off my phone and end my contract. In that time I must have phoned them 20 times ,spoke to Egypt ,India, South Africa, Scotland, England etc, every call taking a minimum of 30 minutes or so whilst I had to explain myself. I've spoken to just about every department they have, heard the promises of "I'll make sure this gets done for you" EVERY and I mean every time.... .and of course nothing ever happens, AND they just don't bother to get back to you. I received a letter from them about a week ago saying my phone services had been suspended???? REALLY!! and I should pay for the 2 months outstanding (the 2 months AFTER I ended the contract). I again contacted them, and the really pathetic thing is, when I now phone them, I ask the person I'm speaking to, to look at the notes on my account BEFORE we speak. They all, without fail, come back after looking and can immediately see that its Vodafones mistake that the account is still showing as active with payments outstanding. I always then get the apology and the "I'll make sure this get sorted sir". I fired off an email to the Chief Executive last Friday, i got a reply, obviously from an admin person, asking for my details the next day, sent them and waited with baited breath... ....still waiting!. Phoned again today, got passed to 3 people, the final of which told me "I'll go and get the account sorted and make sure customer (dis)services put a zero balance on your account a nd I will get back to you within the next hour or so"..... .obviously I didn't get a call back, didn't really expect one really and am exasperated with their disgusting treatment of loyal customers by their poorly trained staff. Final straw this evening is an email from Ardent credit services saying I need to contact them urgently ref my outstanding bill with Vodafone. I have and always have had a good credit history, no CCJ'S etc etc and this is precisely the thing which may ruin that through no fault of my own. VODAFONE - YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!
  2. I'm so ashamed to say I was caught shoplifting a week ago. I have no idea what was going on in my head and it has been killing me ever since. The police were called, they were nice to me under the circumstances. It was a very small amount and my first offence. The could see in was visibly shaken. I didn't take much in other than the details would be sent to the procurator fiscal and I would receive a letter from them. They suggested I speak to my mum, but I explained that would be impossible as we have terrible family issues at the moment and this would kill her. They also suggested I see a doctor, but I am just so ashamed. I'm not making excuses for myself, I am old enough to know better, but will i ever feel normal again? I guess what I'm looking for is some advice on what to expect. I've spoken to 3 separate solicitors over the phone who have told me not to worry but there is nothing I can do until I get the letter from the PF. Has anyone out there been in my situation and could they offer me some advice. Did you manage to put this behind you, did it affect your career and life in general. I just feel hopeless. Any advice at all would be welcome.
  3. Hello, Firstly like most others on here, I find myself feeling sick to the pit of my stomach about the most out of character and utterly mortifying thing Ive ever done. A few days ago I walked out of Tesco with a few bottles of wine. My reasons for doing so are far reaching and the crux of it comes down to having no money, not on benefits but money coming in does not cover bills let alone food (debt problems are another story which I wont go into). After a few months of living off food rations and a feeling of utter desperation it led me to do something I am beyond ashamed about. My first and last time. To cut a long story short, I walked out and was apprehended by a store manager and his female colleague, was taken to the back room of the store and emptied my bag of two bottles of wine. the total was under £35. They asked me my name and address which I gave and they called police they also passed me a piece of paper about RLP but nothing else was said. The police arrived 20 mins later and one officer stayed with me and the other took statements from the security/staff from outside the room. I made a statement, admitted guilt, was searched throughly and was kept waiting for another 30 mins, they were going to caution me and then they both spoke outside of the room and decided they were going to take me to the police station and arrest me. I asked why they were taking this course of action and they said it was because of the value of the items taken. We got to the police station and DNA samples were taken alongside fingerprints and my photograph was taken. I was quiet throughout albeit shaking through fear. I have never been in trouble before and have never been in a police station let alone anything else. I was told that it would now be referred to the courts to decide on whether to charge me with theft or fine me. They said I would hear in a few weeks on whether I have to attend court. I haven't slept in a few days and am actually grateful I have nothing to eat in the house as I am not hungry! I cant speak to anyone about this and am now at a friends house surfing for answers as I am so scared about what is going to happen next. I have no previous convictions and am so scared I will have to go to court. One of the reasons being I have family members who work there and they might see my name on court appearance paperwork? I am not sure what it all means, As I have admitted guilt will I be charged by the court or issued a caution and fine. Reading some other posts it makes me feel optimistic that I would be lucky to escape with a fine, and the dreaded RLP letter. Do matter like this noramlly end up with people having to attend court? I understand that if I am charged I will have a criminal record. Does this ever get removed after a number of years, I am so distraught and am feeling like the lowest of the low and sick beyond belief. The thought that I am now on the police network makes me sick with worry. As a detterent to repeat offenders, my shock has worked. I will never be so stupid as to do anything like that ever again. I am just so scared about the possible ramifications. Please could anyone reply with what could possibly happen and what has happened in similar circumstances in the past. I have no one I can confide in about my stupidity as I am utterly ashamed by my actions. Thank you in advance for any advice anyone can give me. Lucy
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