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  1. Hi Guys Need some help and advice , i signed up with Plusnet on 13th November everything went fine after few days received an email saying that '' Dear xxxx The order for your service to be activated is due to complete on 2015-11-27 and your telephone number should be 0114xxxx. We now have all the details needed in order to place a simultaneous broadband order, this means that we should be able to get your broadband service working within 48 hours of your phone line being activated. These types of orders can fail on occasion, or be cancelled by the current provider. If this is the case your service will remain with the current provider and we will need to replace the orders. This will then take a further 10 working days to complete. '' Today my phone line got disconnected for 1 and half hour but start working again so i know that Plusnet took over, after that i waited for my broadband to go live but no adsl light on my router. Although it says in email that broadband will go live after 24 to 48 hours of activation of the phone line but when i rang Plusnet to find out whats going on they told me a different story. The guy from the Plusnet told me that BT openreach messed up my order as they were trying to put me on 21cn and 21cn not available till March 2016. My exchange is not 21CN enabled i do not know how can they accept my order as 21CN. He said he will cancel this order and create a new order for 20cn broadband and due to this there will be no broadband till next Friday. I am really disappointed my kids play online games and other stuff i need broadband asap. Can anybody tell if i can cancel with Plusnet and move to another provider ordering new line ? At the moment talk talk giving free new line to new customers and good offers as well. I want to order new line because it will be quicker instead of moving from current provider to new provider, can anyone give me any advice if this be quicker or is there any other options ? Thanks
  2. Lee Im doing this for a colleague of mine, I know due to DPA, you cant discuss it with me, however he will fill out the webform and we will update this thread as appropriate. Here is his gripe; This is the second person I work with who has issues with their Vodafone Account. They only have the account number and not the Vodafone Number Listed with the account due to the issues theyve had. I know Vodafone are trying to Migrate their old system from Crystal to Siebel and that you do currently have problems when trying to set these up as they should be, but I thought this would have been sorted by now at least. Any help you can give would be appreciated and Ill update the thread when I hear back from him.
  3. Lee; As below: 8080446 / 8080445 This is mainly an internal issue which im very keen to understand as it involves Vodafone Wallet etc CAG Team; I will explain more at a later date
  4. Hi. I've been lurking for a while and found loads of useful information about CCJs but nothing that could answer my particular questions. My situation is that I believe there are several CCJ's issued against me but all must have been more than six years ago as they do not show up on a search of Trust Online, so have been removed from the public record (if they exist at all). I left the address where I incurred the debts (several unpaid Credit Cards and a bank overdraft) eight years ago and actually went abroad, without giving any forwarding addresses to anyone. I have been out of the UK for eight years with no contact whatsoever from any of the companies or from any court, so I have no idea if these CCJs even exist, but I assume they must, surely. I am aware of the Statue Barred rules and fully understand that any debts which ARE covered by CCJ will NOT fall under SB. I am just worried that these CCJs could still be enforced in the future and yet I cannot find any details of them or if they even exist at all. My specific questions are: 1) Does anybody have experiences of credit card companies or banks NOT seeking a CCJ for a defaulted debt? It's worth a shot, I suppose, but highly unlikely. Maybe as there was no record of me in the UK and thus very little chance of collecting, they might not even have bothered. 2) Is it true that there is no way whatsoever for me to trace these supposed CCJs without knowing the judgement numbers/dates etc.? It seems even the courts themselves do not keep a record after six years and only the original claimant (or the assignee if the debt has been sold) would even know they exist. For obvious reasons I will NOT be contacting the companies concerned. 3) What does it take for a 6+ year old CCJ to be "re-activated", if that's the correct term? I have read on here that "unusual" circumstances have to be demonstrated in another visit to court before a 6 year old CCJ can be actioned. Does this happen often? Any examples? Would the fact that I have been totally untraceable in the UK for 8 years be any sort of mitigation as to why they have not tried to enforce the judgement(s) yet? I think that covers my concerns for now. Let me know if I need to provide any further information and a big THANKS in advance.
  5. Hello. Last year I made a successful claim for unlawful charges against Fashion World in which they paid back roughly about £300. However within the same year they started adding charges again and I also noticed they now also charge me around £5 a month for a credit charge as they reactivated my account suddenly without any go ahead from me, no new cca signed or letter informing me. Are they breaking any laws here and what would you advise I do?. Thank you.
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