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  1. I sent my ESA50 long with doctors letters and specialists letters to Glasgow ASC, Wolverhampton address on the 02 of May.... Called centre for health and disability assessments. They told me as of yesterday 22/05, DWP requested that my file be withdrawn from their services and returned to them... MY nervous are shattered now. Has anyone got experience of this happening or a possible reason, Naturally i'm trying to get through to DWP but it's taking me ages. Got my worried now.... Thanks
  2. Hi In 2007 I separated from my husband due to domestic violence issue, child was 20 months old. I was working but just surviving (Finance Officer in the Local Council) * I informed the Bank (our mortgage was with Barclays); Requested to change the mortgage temporally to "Interest only" * The other party refused to agree to the change; The Bank suggested I start making transfers from Reserve account facility that we had, in order to avoid arrears * The other party put a "freeze" on the account to stop me from using it; Bank could not proceed as they had to have both parties' agreement (joint mortgage account) * Bank offered to me to pay as much as I can, and suggested the equivalent of the "interest only" amounts would be sufficient to show a good will *A few months later Mortgage accounts were transferred to Woolwich and somewhere in the process, somehow the "freeze" was "lifted" or something, but my ex-husband managed to transfer the fund of the Reserve account to his personal account - £24,410! * As soon as I realised it, I filed a complaint with the Bank, and requested an urgent investigation. Weeks of phone calls and visits to the local branch followed. 4 months later I received a letter, Barclays admitting their fault and confirming that the other party is solely liable for the debt (the withdrawn amount). * I have on numerous occasions asked how they are chasing him up, is any investigation being conducted - never got a reply due to the Data Protection bla-bla. * In 2014, being better off financially, I approached the Bank to discuss Re-Mortgage options, as I still am paying the Interest only amount. Mortgaged period finishes in 2023. I "have no options and until the Reserve account is repaid, I will be unable to do Re-Mortgage" - was Barclay's reply. Debt currently is £41k+, including the interest on the withdrawn amount. * Every now and then I still receive payment demand letters, solicitors' letter and others. I have to call and explain the case for a 100th+ time! I am up to a point to take the Bank to Court, as I do not see any other way out of the situation. There is no need to say how much stress it causes to me, and the adverse financial affect... Does anyone know what legislation I should use to start on? Can I still quote BCOBS? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Thanks for replies in advance.
  3. Dear members, I'm a student in London. Yesterday I found that both of my account balance became zero and the money has been transferred TO RECONCILE Debit COVENTRY OPS 05 ADV. I went to a nearest branch to ask what happened to my account. They said they couldn't touch the money now and I have to write an email to reportasam (a barclays email, I can't post it here) to clarify the source of my money. After searching on the Internet I realized what happened. At the beginning of this year, my ex-boy friend has purchased a property in London. But in my home country, there is limit amount for foreign currency so he can't purchase enough pounds to buy the property. Therefore, he transferred domestic money to people who are working in UK and let them deposit cash or make payment of pounds to his UK bank account. And then he asked me for help. As a result, a total amount of around 80,000 pounds has been deposited to my account and then transferred to my ex-boy friend's account from January to the end of February. I think Barclays suspect that it might be money laundering and then withdraw all my money. We broke up in March and then I didn't do that again. I get nothing from those transactions.... As a student, all my money are from my parents and now I don't have any money to live. I've sent an email to that address but it does not work till now. What else can I do to get my money back as soon as possible? Please give advice. Thank you very much! Catherine
  4. Dear Members, I am resident in the UK, I have a business account and I transferred money from my country to my business account by exchange company registered in the UK, they deposited it in cash in Barclays bank with all required documents to show that the money is my own money the exchange company provided me an official document to show that they deposited the money came from my country, on the second day I found the money in my account, after ten days I checked the account, the balance was £0.0. Barclays took the money and wrote in the statement (Debit TO RECONCILE COVENTRY OPS 05 ADV), I asked the bank, they do not have answers. Please advise, Thanks Jafer
  5. Robert Cooper & John Cooper T/A Cooper Brothers - Wishaw Reason for withdrawl - Administrative Shortcomings Period of withdrawl - 5 Years Effective from 16/10/2015
  6. I have been an ebay customer and seller for 13 years . my feedback is 100% positive and my rating is "above average " . I generally auction training shoes purchased locally then auctioned on. I have been doing this for many years . Without warning Ebay have removed my listings and stated that I have violated Ebay Policy . they have refused to tell me what Policy I have violated . I have read through every policy and provided clear evidence in my defence for each area . Their response was that there is no appeal, they would not clarify what area I have breached and that my seller account was suspended. I suspect that I have been subject to a malicious complaint but cannot defend myself in any way shape or form. Has anyone else experienced this ? The treatment I have had from Ebay has been nothing short of disgraceful
  7. Dear all, I had an interview for a team manager position in a learning difficulties service charity organization on the 9th of March 2015. The employer called me later in the day and offered me the position which i accepted. The employer sent me the conditional job letter offer. The HR manager called and emailed me, before they received the references, saying that "unfortunately the job position was withdrawn because the funding to support the job was not more available." If it can be useful , i am adding this information- I am aware that my current manager knows the new employer`s manager and that the two different organizations are based in the same borough.Should i be suspicious about my current manager as she might have spoken over the phone with the new employer`s manager before sending out the reference? Now, how can be possible that after about 3 days that the references went out the job funding was not more available? Should HR have had the job funding approved before adverting the position on The Guardian? Can i take any legal action? Any suggestion will be very much appreciated. Charlie
  8. Hi, hope you can help I opened up a flex account with Nationwide in May and they offered me a £1000 interest free overdraft (which I signed for) for a year. Today I got a letter from them to say that my overdraft has gone down to £250 and from November I will have to pay interest. Are they allowed to just withdraw an agreement? Thanks
  9. As some of you know I got LLoyds/tsb to discontinue with their £11,000 claim against me. Which really ****ed them off as they attended 3 hearings with barristers. I signed non disclosure documents. They agreed to pay me all my fair and reasonable costs immediately! If I reduced my costs, which I did. While waiting for the payment which took 6 weeks I went over my overdraft limit by £120. They have now withdrawn my overdraft and put it in the hands of moorcraft. There is no option to get back under my limit the total overdraft is £3,120. I am sure the delay in payment was no coincidence! I have no proof of course. If they had paid on time I would not be in this position. Lame excuse I know ,but true. Absolutely skint. Apart from my Costs check but that will not cover it. Not sure how to go about this. Regards Jack
  10. I had a motorcycle policy on a 125cc with 1 years no claims. In December 2012 I clipped a car on the back left hand side when the driver of the car slammed on whilst going round a roundabout. No parties where injured and the only damage was to my motorcycles brake lever (snapped of) We exchanged details and I contacted my insurer to advise of the incident. They advised don't worry and it would have to go through as an at fault claim and that they would be in contact and also not to speak to the 3rd party if they called. In March 2013 I purchased a 600cc motorcycle and called my insurer to amend my policy to my new bike - no problems. 2 week later I had a voicemail advising me to contact the insurer urgently. I called them asap and was advised that my policy had been cancelled due to false details provided as my no claims was null and void due to the accident. The agent told me they had received a claim from the 3rd parties insurer 6 days prior and because this hadn't been disclosed on the new bike they withdrew the insurance. I disputed this as I had informed the insurance company when the accident had happened straight away and when I insured my new bike it was with the same insurer (change of bike) the only questions I was asked where the reg of the bike and if all my details where the same. so surely they had all the necessary details of my riding history. I am now paying an extortionate premium for my bike insurance with a different provider because of this as i had to disclose that I had insurance withdrawn. Do I have a case to make a complaint to the previous insurance company because I don't feel I did anything wrong I disclosed the accident when it happened and was honest throughout. Many Thanks Max
  11. My cousin borrowed my oyster photocard which had both the 16+ discount and the employee dependant discount on it. I gave it to him reluctantly(translating into he took it when I wasn't looking), and he went on the overground and got caught. It was taken off him (he's 14). I've phoned TFL up and they told me to ask for a replacement. I've ordered one now. Will that be all or am I still in trouble?
  12. Hi all, OK, I had a job offer in writing, unconditional which I accepted and had email response confirming the fact . This is with a multi national organisation with more than 40,000 employees. In the unconditional offer it stated that the full contract would follow in 7-10 days, after chasing the full contract and being 3 days from my start date I had a call saying that they are withdrawing the offer due to other areas of the business making redundancies and not being able to take on my position due to those being made redundant needing to have other positions offered to them. As I said I have this in writing, including a confirmation back from them after the acceptance. The actual offer stated the Role, Location, Salary, Start Date (28th October), additional benefits along with attachments of the "Welcome to XXX company" and private medical benefits etc.... No conditions...... further to accepting the offer I have an email saying that the full contract has been raised and completed....then further telephone conversation's (up until yesterday) saying everything was good and contract would be with me. My understanding is that a written (un-conditional) offer that's accepted and also confirmed is a contract and that the company is liable for breach .... Anyone advise me on this ? Also this is a high paid job +£70k basic and also with a £70k+ bonus..... no notice periods were specified and .... I stopped all other negotiations with other companies including turning down another offer.. Advice please.... Cheers
  13. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help please Situation is: I have been in FT employment for 5 years. For the last 2 have been receiving a regular fixed amount payment on top of my salary in lieu of a car (I have written evidence) Employer is now threatening to stop paying this without explanation or reason. Where do I stand on this?
  14. Hi, I read on the forum a case of a conditional job offer being withdrawn by the employer even though the individual had met the 'conditions' of offer, ie satisfactory references etc. and was not given a start date before he had been told the job offer was withdrawn. My situation is the same, a start date was to be agreed. I had been persuing it for the past month only to be told today that they were withdrawing the job due to restructuring in the NHS. They kept me waiting for 2/3 months undertaking references etc..Criminal records checks etc., leading me on.... and now this which has left me with now no job in the foreseeable future and no income to continue paying my mortgage etc., They said they had no other job to offer me in its place. I know after reading the threads on a situation that was the same that it was 'like nailing jelly to the ceiling' to obtain compensation and all the business about county court and ET to attempt to obtain compensation for my losses, that of other opportunity (ie other jobs I had been shortlisted for), loss of earnings since April, the emotional impact. However, can anyone tell me if they have been successful in obtaining compensation, ie even 1 month's salary etc..) I have emailed the senior bods as I have lost opportunity of earnings for the past two months and in the foreseeable future so I have asked for compensation for my losses.. I am waiting a reply PS, for information I did have an indepth interview and a written conditional offer letter with salary, position, hours etc. so I am aware that although it forms the basis of a breach of contract there is little I can do in regards to legally acting on this. I would be interested in your views and comments. Thanks:help:
  15. Not too sure where I stand on this but here goes:- Our home had a burst pipe last December which did a small amount of damage to the hall flooring. My initial reaction was to ring up my insurers which I did on the same day as the leak. I have a completely claim free record for many years ( > 5 years). The next day when I had worked out insurance excesses and the cost of replacing the floor I decided to withdraw the claim and contacted my insurer. They were happy for me to do this. Now...my insurance is up for renewal in a couple of weeks so I have been doing the usual stuff with confused.com etc... and can get insurance much cheaper elsewhere. However when doing a quote I am unsure whether I need to declare the incident in December (the wording of the question is Claims or **losses**) which implies I need to declare it.The difference in premiums between declaring and not declaring it is £60. I am tempted to play safe and declare it so I do not have any nasty surprises should I need to claim in the future. Does anyone have a definitive answer to this? Thanks, C.
  16. Just in case anyone is interested, and just in case it helps anyone else, last week i got a Section 21 repossession withdrawn on a case i was working on, and to make it more difficult, the party i was supporting was accused of continuous alleged antisocial behaviour. The person (of African origin) was being persecuted, and was on the receiving end of racist accusations from his white neighbours as they did not want 'any of his kind' in the block....(Welcome to 2013 !) All of his neighbours filled out bogus anti social behaviour diaries accusing him of having his tv on loud, having parties, yadda yadda....in order to hound him out of the block. The housing association gave him an ASB diary also to log any hassle from his neighbours, although English isn't his first language. The weight of many ASB diaries, versus his empty diary left the housing association no option but to issue him with a section 21 eviction notice.... I represented in court, and argued that since his first language wasn't English, he couldn't understand the Section 21, or the ASB diary, or more importantly he couldn't read his original tenancy agreement signed over a year ago...,this called into question the validity of the whole tenancy, and the housing association procedure of not ensuring that the tenant understood what he was signing in the first place ! Case was adjourned, and within 24 hours of adjournment the housing association sent him a letter withdrawing the Section 21 on the grounds that the housing association had failed to follow its own anti social behaviour policy ! They then proceeded to give him a new 12 month assure tenancy agreement written exclusively in Lingala (his native language) I guess this argument would also work for poor reading ability, learning difficulties, dyslexia ,etc Earlier this afternoon i also got him out of paying bedroom tax by arguing that his 'box room' hadn't got a window, and as such it was not only a fire hazard (no egress), but also in breach of landlord minimum requirements for a habitable bedroom for rental purposes. The HA agreed, and re-designated the 2 bed into a 1 bed ! The local authority had no choice but to accept it as it formed part of his re-designated tenancy agreement. I hope this stuff helps others out there Regards Prouty99
  17. Hi all, I wanted to make people aware of my current situation, and possibly find out if others have experienced the same. Last year I received a leaflet from my local council (Southampton City Council) advising homeowners to take advantage of totally free insulation. I initially was reticent about using someone that my local council recommended, and therefore my first application was via Sainsbury's Energy, with the work being carried out by British Gas. I should add that my application was in before the deadline of 31/10/2012. The earliest survey they could carry out would be February of this year, so I looked at my local council's offering again. They had teamed up with a company called the Environment Centre, which arranged a survey within a few weeks via another company they had partnered with called the Snug Network. The survey was carried out, and it was confirmed on my the report that the cost would be nil - nothing to pay at all. By earlier this week I still hadn't heard anything so I gave the Snug Network a call via the number on the survey form. I was advised that my free insulation was no longer free and that I would be required to pay £315 if I wanted the work completed. I was told that their funding partners, British Gas, have withdrawn their funding. It's all pretty complex, so I called British Gas to find out more. In my case, they are looking to reinstate my previous application through Sainsbury's Energy, but personally I don't think this is fair on other customers who had been encouraged to use the Environment Centre/Snug Network. I don't blame the Environment Centre one bit, the very nice person I have spoken to there has been very helpful and apologetic, and is still trying to unravel the problem. From what I have learned so far, Ofgem had warned the big 6 about not meeting targets on reducing carbon emissions and threatened fines of up to 10% annual turnover if these were not met by 31/12/2012, though any work carried out after this date would be taken into account. So, it seems a little odd that the Snug Network has had it's funding withdrawn by British Gas. It would be good to hear if anyone else has experienced this. The media hasn't shown any interest, and a call to Ofgem was put through to the Energy Savings Trust helpline, and they didn't want to know. TIA.
  18. I had a claim for just under £500 from Sigma issued through Northampton which I challenged and they withdrew before I defended and before it was allocated. Can anyone advise what costs I can claim from them please? I've tried CPRs but can't find anything specific when not allocated Cheers
  19. Hi all, I am looking for some advice on behalf of my father after he was recently taken off incapacity benefit and declared fit for work. He has been ill for years with various physical and mental problems. He is anything but, in my opinion fit for work. He was recently called for a medical, which he has had plenty in the past and after that he has been declared 100% fit, with no acknowledgement to any of his medical problems and now ready for work. Just a run down of a few of his issues which stop him from working: - he has schizophrenia - he is not able to walk more than roughly 50 meters unaided - he can not sit for any period of time - he has really bad back problems and other issues with joints (he has been attending pain clinics for quite a while for this and also takes high doses of morphine) - he is not able to properly use his hands after injuries in his previous jobs - through his medication he is vomiting most days and other unpleasant side effects He happily worked for many years for a company that made underground telephone cables for BT. His job (before health and safely) has serious effected his health in later life. He worked 12 hour shifts with constant vibrations through his body which has knackard all his joints up. He also got metal fragments in his eyes which have made his eyesight poor for his age. His doctor is fully aware of all his issues and they have fortnightly appointments to go through everything, sometimes topped up with a visit at home if he's particularly bad. He has been in and out of a&e a few times over the past year as well after having uncontrollable panic attacks. These have however got a bit better with medication. He is on so many different drugs it would be reckless for any employer to let him anywhere near their business, not to mention he could actually be a genuine danger to other people working there. I am at a loss what to do, I live 400 miles away. I already pay out of my own money for a carer to assist him with washing in the morning and keeping the house as tidy as possible. Has anyone else experienced this? I am all for clearing up the benefit system and getting people off who do not need it. I am not even sure if his issues are even classed as a disability anymore!
  20. Hi all, Wonder if you can help or advise on this one. I applied for an internal promotion to manager with the company I work for. Last week I was told I was successful and offered the job (verbally). I was offered a salary - which was not as much as I though it was going to be. We started to negotiate and the salary increased, albeit marginally. I asked if I could go away and think about it. I then came back to my employer and asked – basically can you meet me in the middle and offer half of what I was asking, which actually physically enraged my boss who stormed out of the room muttering expletives! There was then a day of stale mate where neither of us said anything about the offer. Then the day after that he called me in, and said he had re- interviewed an external candidate and offered him the job. At no point did I say I was declining or refusing the position as far as I’m concerned we were still in negotiation on the salary. I admit I’m guilty of sticking my neck out and asking for a little more cash – you can’t blame a guy for trying!! But can he do this (I can probably guess the answer) but more to the point is there anything I can do? I stress again – at no point did I decline the job, and I do have a witness who was there when he offered me the job. Look forward to you answers / comments Cheers
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