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  1. Greetings, this is my first post and Im hoping that I may find some help Im divorced from my wife and a while back she randomly rang me to ask if I had received a cheque? I managed to find out that she had employed the use of the claimsguys company and they found a PPI on a joint loan we had years ago, her cheque was for just shy of £20k, she had rung them and they confirmed that this was her 50% and not the entire settlement I rang barclays bank that the loan was with and they went through it with me, explaining that yes indeed the had applied and then been awarded 50% of the total claim, there was a 22K policy applied, and the total sum awarded was £39673.80 the problem Im now running into with them is that they keep telling me different things, 1 call resulted in me being told that they simply had to issue a cheque for my half and to wait for it, then another call I was told that the case was closed latest news is that her claim was upheld and she awarded 50% of the settlement, but I wouldnt be receiving my half?? what do I do to fight this?? its a serious amount of money, more than I earn in a year and as a now single parent it would change my life many thanks edit to add her claims company have rerally tried to get her to tell me to contact them, but I found out that she lost over £7000 in fees OUCH.. if I can sort this without them, I would be far happier
  2. Hi I recently had a successful PPI claim with MBNA. I have received a 50% payout but as it was a joint loan, 50% is owed to my late wife. Initially, MBNA refused to pay me her share until I provided a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration. After explaining I have neither, they eventually said they will accept documents from a Court or a Solicitor confirming that no Will, Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate was ever made. My wife had next to nothing in assets when she died so, as I understand it from the gov.uk website, I didn’t need to apply for Probate as, in the circumstances, I inherited everything. I can’t understand why MBNA will not just accept our marriage certificate and my wife’s death certificate as sufficient evidence and pay out. That was all the evidence I needed to provide at the time of my wife’s death when dealing with her bank accounts. (They were different banks, not MBNA). The amount owed is only around £400 so the cost of applying for Probate or Letters of Administration would make it all pointless. I assume the cost of obtaining documents from a solicitor confirming no Will, Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate was ever made would also be prohibitive. I was wondering is there any way I could fight this and get MBNA to pay out with just the marriage and death certificates as evidence. Any help or advice would be really appreciated. Maybe someone else has had a similar experience?
  3. Hello, Barclays closed my wife's account and would not give any information at all after a lot of phone calls they forwarded me to their fraud team who said they will check this and call us back. Few days later we got a letter saying as per advised previously on the phone Barclays have retained their decision to keep this account closed. However we never received any calls at all. I then called back and the same happened where they kept on telling us they are not obliged to give us any information. I said to them why is my wife's account handled by fraud department and if you have accused her of fraud she has the right to know. They said they cannot help us. since then my wife applied for another bank account with a different bank and her credit check failed assuming Barclays have put a CIFAS marker or something else against my wife's name. Please advise what is the best way forward to have this looked into further ?
  4. My wife has been employed by the local pub owner who took on the lease of the village shop three years ago. My wife was employed from the outset to work in the shop. Since day one she has consistently worked over 28 hours a week at a rate above the NMW. She has been paying tax, NI, pension etc and has received holiday pay. However, she was never given a contract of employment. The pub owner has now bought the land that the shop is on, and plans to demolish it and build houses on the land, meaning the shop will close. He is however going to open a small "shop" within the pub to sell essentials such as milk, papers, cigarettes etc. The boss has told the staff nothing more than "I am closing the shop at the end of April and you won't have a job anymore", however he has failed to put anything in writing at all. I have several questions which I hope someone can answer 1) The boss is suggesting that as he never agreed in writing to a set number of hours a week, the position was one of a "zero hours contract". However my wife has worked 28+ hours every week since she started. Am I right in assuming that the 28+ hours a week, in the absence of a contract are implied terms and those are the terms are legally binding. 2) Until as such time as he informs my wife in writing that he plans to close the store and her position is redundant, then legally she is still employed on the terms that she's worked to for the last 3 years. 3) Even without a contract of employment, my wife is still entitled to written notice of redundancy. How much notice is she entitled to, and should the shop close before that notice period expires, he then would still have to pay her in lieu of notice. 4) Unless he puts it in writing that the position is redundant, then is he legally obliged to pay her for the hours she would have been working for had he not closed the shop. Any advice and answers to the questions above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi everyone Babbling on behalf of my boy as hes not too good at asking for help Hes late 20s. He moved out of his home in January to rent. His ex asked him in August to move in with him temporarily, he said no, she whined on that she couldnt go anywhere else as her friends had said no too she moved in with him for a bit. He gave her a deadline of the 20th to leave, she didnt. Shes not on the tenancy and the police were called. they told her they would return to chuck her out but havent since come back. She is now claiming she cannot be removed, as she saw it on telly about some 28 day period and she was invited there that she has rights. Questions Can she stay there? Has she got these rights to stay after some 28 day period? Has my boy got to confess to his landlord and possibly get evicted to boot? Any help would be grateful Bravo Zulu!
  6. My Ex wife has become pregnant, She has been working for her employers for just over 22 months, will she be entitled to maternity pay? Thanks in advance Leakie
  7. I hope i can get some advise from you people in the know. I have recently gone part time in my job plus house husband (health issues) and my wife has gone back to full time work. My work pay for my gold card and i pay it back weekly out of my wages. The only way we can afford to do this change was sharing my gold card. (last 2 month) Today my wife got caught with my gold card and was read her rights. She said that she picked up the wrong smart card (even though she hasn't got one). They phoned to check and said they would check again at he office. They also took my smart card away. We are both really scared what is now going to happen! Any ideas what will happen to us and my smart card that still has 9 months left on it? I know we did a stupid thing but it was the only way we could afford to manage!
  8. I've read a couple of posts about HMRC writing to people about underpayment on tax from employers, My wife has been working for Leeds City Council for 15 years she left one job and moved to another (2012) as working in a school so didn't take a break from the her employers. about a year later (2013) she received a letter to say there had been an underpayment of tax for £80. She contacted HMRC explained and they said they would look into this. We never heard anymore. Till 2014 when a 2 tax self assessment forms for 2012/2013 came through the post she wasn't sure what it was and neither did I so just ignored it thinking it was sent in error. Come 2015 3 seperate letters came through the post again it was the self assessment forms one for 2012 and one for 2013 with a reminder for 2014 will need to be paid as well. there was also a £600 fine for late payment in 2012/13. So we just ignored them as wife was working never been self employed. then towards the start of 2015 we got letters come through post to say there was a £900 fine for failure to send our forms back for 2012/13/14. So wife spent the best part for 1hr 30mins on the phone to get through to someone to say that she had called them years ago and it was being looked into. "he wanted the persons name we spoke to" wife was like really? it was 3 years ago and other than these letters coming through we stupidly though was a mistake turns out to be real. The guy on the phone said it looks like when wife called the person had past it onto someone and they had put her down as being self employed. So he said she would now need to register for self employment and then write a letter of appeal to which she did. This was over a year ago and the guy said at the time inbetween you doing this and them looking into it you might still get letters filtering through. So we got the odd letter of reminder and then it stopped. 8 months later OCT 2016 my wife recieved a letter from Fredrickson for the sum of £4397.21 All this for £80. So I called them up this was the first letter last week but they wouldn't deal with me all he would tell me was that they are an independant dept compny not part of HMRC's internal collection and that it doesn't matter at this stage if she didn't owe the money or not they have bought the debt off HMRC and we have to pay it now or they'll take our goods to pay it back and suggest wife calls with a payment. So wife tried to call HMRC yesterday and was on hold for 1hr 40 mins they answered the call then it went dead. Now recieved another letter today stating that their next step if we don't pay will be to take enforcement action. Any idea what we should do at this point as wife has always worked so never been self employed I'm not paying 4k out when she has payed her tax through her wages.
  9. My soon to be ex wife has given my business partner copies of my personal bank statements. Background: there were a couple of financial errors within our company accounts which were my fault and have since been resolved between myself and my business partner. Issue: when the issue arose, my business partner went to see my estranged wife, whom he knew had access to our old joint account, which by agreement I was using as my own personal account for the time being. When he asked her for the information, she printed off all statements and gave them to my business partner. Baring in mind that her name is also on the account, I am asking if she had any right to firstly access the information and secondly share the information without my consent. Thank you in advance for any help
  10. Dear Friends I have found myself in murky waters. Married in 1990 ,Upon purchase of new house in 1992 wife and I took out Life assured policies for ourselves. Both polices in both names. As main breadwinner I paid for both premiums. In July 2010 my dear wife decided marriage wasn't what she wanted any longer so she abandoned me and the family home. After two years she demanded I sell our house and split the proceeds. As of March 2012 I was struggling and the premiums on our two policies were in arrears. At this point my wife took over paying the policy premiums. I knew that one of the policies matured in March 2015, the second policy maturing in May 2017 . After the mature date in March 2015 I have't heard anything from the FRIENDS PROVIDENT or my ex wife . Recently I spoke to the financial adviser who helped us take out the original policies and he produced copies to show both policies had been cashed in. one in August 2012 the other Sept.2012 . Since both policies were in both our names, both signatures would have been needed to cash in both policies. And I never signed anything of the sort .Doing so at a premature date would result in a shortfall. Who would knowingly do themselves out of a larger cash payout at the time of matured policy ? So I'm not sure what direction I need to go. So just to recap, March 2012 ex wife takes over paying premiums on our joint policies. August 2012 and Sept 2012 both policies cashed in. ??? What would you do ?
  11. Hi people I am at the end of my patience now with Vodafone. I cancelled two contracts with Vodafone one which I was havin data charge problems with. Getting texts saying you have 30 gb the day after I had been charged for going over. After numerous phone calls and visits to a store, I finally got the store manager to document my screen shots of the texts and he agreed yes it's not right. I explained I was likely to owe a small amount for my rental but I was not prepared to pay until I had an amended invoice. The manager passed it on and I heard nothing more then I kept getting bill texts to my now 3mobile number. Vodafone confirmed again some thing was a miss and they would as usual promise yet have no intention of calling you back. Then the debt collectors letter dropped on the mat. Long email explaining the above with screen shots. Reply comes back ok we will not take further action until we have heard back from Vodafone. Ten days after this without warning a default was placed on my account non payment. mrs cancels her phone and ports number. Final bill comes through in text and Mrs ring up to pay. "Sorry you're not in our system ". With no way to pay it was forgotten about until a letter came through. Ringing this number gets you through to a department you have never been to before where you do exist. Payment is made end of story. But no now her credit file is also knackered. We lost a £500.00 pound deposit on a caravan as we were refused finance. I am looking to seek compensation for the above and would welcome any pointers in the right direction.
  12. Looking for some advice, Wife works in a primary school and has been late on a number of occasions 15 in total since Nov 15. most of this has been due to our daughter now 2 having problems with nursery attached to the school she works in. Headteacher pulled her into the office about it and gave her a management instruction and told her if she was late again it would go to a disciplinary. She explained to the headteacher that she was actually waiting to speak to him about the times. she said someone had been altering her signing in times on the fire register giving and example of 9.01am being changed to 9.07am with someone altering the 1 to a 7 making it appear she was later than it actually was. She also pointed out that some times had been altered showing she signed in before 9am her starting time to show after 9am. At first she thought it was a mistake but after seeing a few of these she though she better speak to the head as the office staff didn't seem to know anything about it. She stated to the Headteacher that this was possibly fraud and he said well that is a bit harsh I wouldn't put it like that. But I think I know who has been doing it, it was the office manager but in any event the management instruction still stands and that's the end of it. My wife is thinking if getting her union in for a meeting as the head seems to think it's acceptable for someone to alter a legal document?
  13. OK, here's one for you. My wife works in sales for a multinational. She travels extensively around the UK & Ireland and frequently clocks up business travel and accommodation expenses in excess of £1000 per month. He salary is modest and after tax etc. she takes home about £2100 per month. The company have issued her with an AmEx card which is in her name. This account, in her name, needs to be paid off at the end of every month. This means that from her £2100 take home on average £1000 is immediately paid to AMEX, if it is not then the card is frozen and she ends up having to fund expenses herself. The problem is that her employer pay her expenses up to 2 weeks after the AMEX bill is due to be paid. We are STILL waiting for November's expenses to be paid. Because of the increased expenditure around Christmas she was unable to afford to pay the November AMEX bill so AMEX cancelled her card and reported her to her employer for paying the bill late. She is now being investigated by her company accounts team for paying her company credit card late. She is continuing to rack up expenses doing her job. so - just to recap - she frequently racks up expenses that average around 50% of her take home, these are paid on an company AMEX card in her name which she has to pay off every month. Her employer usually don't settle her expenses claim (which is submitted promptly and in accordance with their rules) until 2 weeks AFTER the AMEX bill needs to be settled. In December, they didn't pay her expenses at all which resulted in her November and December AMEX bills not being paid (she has received no expense payment since November. Her employer now has the BRASS NECK to be investigating her use of the company credit card because she is unable to pay the bill. Over the next 3 weeks she has to again travel and will require around £1000 to fund this trip. She is asking me if I can lend her the money so she can go (it is an essential part of her job). I run a small company and am a one man business, I am beyond angry that she is expected to bank roll their business for 2 weeks out of every month and even more angry that they have not yet paid expenses going back to NOVEMBER. despite them being signed off and approved by the company's SAP system. Their tardiness has resulted in her company credit card being revoked and not they are expecting her (me) to bankroll their business for another month. Just to recap - this is a multi national, blue chip business. They have not given any reason why the expenses are late, both her manager and the one above her are utterly spineless in chasing to find out what the issue is. HR don't want to know. I am cynical enough to recognise that being an American business, their fiscal year ends in December. I have no idea whether or not others have had their expenses delayed but because my wife's 'patch' is the largest (Scotland North of England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden whereas her colleagues would be 'North London') her expenses are significant because they constitute such a large chunk of her pay packet. It might be that they have simply decided to delay payment of expenses over 'x' because it was year end and management bonuses were at stake. In the face of this I am beyond frustrated. My advice to her is to simply refuse to carry out any further business travel UNTIL the company settles its outstanding expenses, re issues her AMEX card, cancels the 'investigation' and wipes her personnel record clean and agrees to pay her expense claim BY THE END OF THE MONTH they are occurred. However, because the company is going through 'restructuring' she is terrified of losing her job. we have fought about this as I am disinclined to fund the next 3 weeks which I see as bank rolling another business which I am not prepared to do when I am forced to cut my travel. I have told her that as far as I see, she doesn't have a job because this sort of existence is simply not worth it. Is there anything that we can do other than downing tools (which I still think is the only way to go with this)? Personally I am inclined to pay my wife the money she needs to fund the business and then, once her expenses claim is in, pursue her company through the invoice system, which they won't pay and which I can then escalate to the FD by hitting them with a winding up order - I can then explain why I have invoiced them. any other ideas how to confront this despicable behaviour - (all the more disingenuous because she was the only one in her team to actually make target last year)?
  14. A little history first. Wife diagnosed with Diverticulitus over 25 years ago she is now just coming up to age 65. Had a really bad episode late December 2013. Went to GP first day open in January 2014. Saw Consultant at hospital jan 2014. Had MRI scan,saw consultant who stated it was now Complicated Diverticulitus plus a Hernia and surgery was required. Appointment with Surgeon who confirmed diagnosis and reffered wife to Stoma nurse. 27 Aug 2014 Sigmond Colostomy surgery by key hole was done ( This was past there own target of 18 weeks and took me ringing the surgeons secretary on a more than weekly basis to get anywhere.) Wife came to after op and no stoma. Surgeon stated he had been able to remove part of the bowel and reconnect with the other part of the bowel. Great!!!! We then had to wait till the 03Feb 2015 for the Hernia op this took even more chasing and it is quite soul destroying to see your wife in agony and myself having to push the hernia back into the abdomen. After the hernia op we thought great job done however my wife remained in pain which we put down to the hernia op as it had become so large and we in our naivety thought the area was taking a long time to recover. Last wednesday my wife collapsed with intense Bowel pain and I had to get an ambulance for her she was admitted had chest and abdomen x-rays and eventual an MRI the diagnosis is complicated diverticulitis and another hernia higher up in the bowel which would require more surgery and a stoma bag fitting. My wife was asked when her colostomy had been done as there is no Disc or notes on the op in her file. also told that not all of her diseased bowel had been removed. She was treated with morpine and intravenous anti-biotics we were told they would not operate at this time because of the infection and inflammation. She is at home now but hardly dares to eat anything and we are back where we were two years ago through no fault of our own. No doubt we start the merry go round again, do they now have another 18 weeks to fob us off too which they cannot keep to anyway. Why were we not told that the original op left a problem still in existence. That would have enabled us to at least go back to the Gp or hospital with the problem . Follow up appointments after surgery are a thing of the past all they are interested in is discharging you.
  15. My wife works as a nurse at a G.P practice. She suffers with arthritis and lately has started to suffer severe pain and is limited with her movement. A medical assessment shows problems with both her legs and her back she spoke to her superior about a slight reduction to her working hours, After a meeting she was told that they were willing to consider a job share which would significantly reduce her income and working hours but the reduction which my wife suggested was unworkable. Having read through various bits of legislation it is unclear what my wife's rights are . Could anyone enlighten us please.
  16. Evening Folks, Apologies if this is in the wrong section, if it is could the mods kindly move it. I have arrived home today with my wife to find that my wife has kindly received in the post a CCJ obtained by Lowell(Claimant)/Bryan Carter Solicitors on 16/09/2015. Now this has come as a bit of a shock as we have received no prior correspondence from them regarding this debt or anything to state there would be any date to appear in court to deal with this. The judgment has also been obtained in my wife's maiden name, despite us being married for 3 years. I would greatly appreciate any help to urgently deal with this. Many Thanks G__M
  17. My wife as psoriatic arthritis and is on numerous medications including methotrexate which I inject her with every week. About six months ago her consultant left taking with him his clinical nurse specialist and a number of other staff by the sound of it. The only reason we found out about this was when my wife rang and asked why she had not been sent an appointment. Whos my new consultant?" We cannot give you one because everyone is full and not taking on anymore patients. What about my blood tests? " The nurse will keep an eye on them". What about my pain? "see your GP". My wife went to see her GP due to increasing severe pain. "What do you normally do when the pain gets this bad"? The consultant gives me this treatment said my wife! MMMMMmm, said the Doctor I cannot give you that. Only consultants can authorise that! I will refer you to a consultant. Received a telephone call, "I got an appointment for you in ................" but that is about a 90 mile round trip. That's the best we can do! Will he be my consultant. No She is not one of our consultants. The story goes on and on. Today I have put in a formal complaint. It breaks my heart to do it. I worked in the NHS for many years and I tried every way I could to avoid doing it but I have come to the end of my patience.
  18. Reddit user FalloutBoS has posted a salutary warning to others thinking of upgrading to Windows 10: be careful it doesn't result in your wife finding out about your porn collection. FalloutBoS says that he installed at the end of last week. When his wife got up the following morning, the computer was merrily rotating through his carefully curated collection of x-rated images, using the hardcore pics as a screensaver: Loaded up WIN 10 last night and left it on to do its thing. Woke up to wife asking why I set it to rotate all my porn images right on the desk top view. I have no idea how to shut that feature off and that computer is staying shut down until I do. Free windows and a free trip to the doghouse. Thanks Microsoft!!! Edit: Don't make my mistake, keep your private pictures out of My Pictures, no matter how deep you hide them in sub folders. My wife is very happy I admitted my mistake on this sub. She said I took my medicine and she now finds it quite funny. 'Ain't love grand? I guess it's a good thing Aunty Hilda wasn't staying with them over the weekend... If you have content on your computer which you don't want other users to see, it might be worth creating an encrypted archive and ensuring that you haven't placed any (ahem) compromising content in the My Pictures folder. You have been warned. Source: Reddit.
  19. Hello I am a forum virgin so sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place, Please can some one offer any advice on how i resolve an issue we are having with Vodafone. My wife has just called me in tears after being fobbed off and hung up on again by Vodafone customer support. I will start at the beginning, we have been customers of Vodafone for some time, recently my wife's contract expired and we decided to upgrade her phone and contract. After a visit to car phone ware house a promising looking package was offered to here and she signed up for a 2 year contract with a fancy new phone. The contract is with Vodafone and when she signed for the contract we were told that she would have to port her number to another provider and then port it back to Vodafone (something to do with the way the new contract would be set up, not sure i followed 100% but we took her at her word), We did as we were asked and obtained a free sim from Lebara and ported the number over to them (it took 2 days before it was active on the labara sim), we then obtained a PAC code from Lebara and called Vodafone to get the number put back on my wife's new phone. This was 3 weeks ago, despite being promised that the number would be ported within 48 hours. My wife has been calling customer support regularly and keeps getting told that it will happen immanently, in 24 hours within the next few days etc, again nothing has happened, today she was put on hold for a long time and then disconnected without explanation. As she has not been able to use the phone as she wants too she asked for the contract to be terminated, Vodafone have not fixed the problem and have told her that to terminate the contract will be very expensive. we now appear to be stuck in a contract with a random phone number that we are not happy with and don't want. My wife has had the same number for years, all of her friends and family have this number, Having recently had our first baby its very important that her friends are available to her for support, this has not been a great situation to be in. Is there anything we can do to get her her number back, or get Vodafone to transfer the requested number as we originally asked them to do. at the moment it feels like we are being fobbed off and made to live with a new number because they have not been able to transfer her old number. we are not feeling like valued customers and don't want to be forced to pay for a service that is not what we want. Any advice would be very welcome
  20. Julie who's my wife works for our local education authority as a Midday Meals Supervisor, working a couple of hours a day. At my insistance she joined UNISON, but they haven't been very useful so far. The school caters for children with physical, mental and learning difficulties. As such her duties include serving meals, feeding the children, clearing away and also changing their nappies. Julie is a Type 1 diabetic. She also only has one hand. Her left hand is severely reduced, with no finger and only a small palm. The school was made aware of both of these conditions when she was interviewed for the role. Although we try to keep her appointments with her diabetic professor during school holidays, on occasion she's had to take time off of work for them. We have to travel to London for these appointments, so it's impossible to arrange them for before or after work. On Monday 8th June, Julie had problems with her diabetes. Her blood sugar levels shot up to dangerous levels and I had to take her to hospital for treatment. This resulted in her having to take three days off that week. I informed the office at her work that she wouldn't be in. When she returned her line manager did her return to work. She told Julie that her workmates had been complaining about her, and that without naming names they'd said that they had been carrying Julie. They said she wasn't working as fast as they were. That she wasn't changing as many children. That she was taking too long washing up in nursery, and that she had taken too much time off sick. Shortly after starting work at the school this line manager heard Julie comment to a colleague that another member of staff avoided changing a certain child, as he was quite hard to do. The line manager told Julie off, saying that she wasn't being a team player. This seems like double standards to me. In September 2014 Julie broke the bones in her left foot, this resulted in her being signed off work for several weeks. Although she tried to resume on several occasions when individual sick note expired, she was sent home by the line manager as unfit to work and told to get another doctors appointment. Julie asked her line manager if it would be possible for her to be put on light duties, perhaps she could sit in the "sluice" and change the children's nappies. The line manager refused this request. At no time during her period signed off was she contacted by anyone from work to enquire about her wellbeing or to try and facilitate her return to work. When Julie finally returned to work after this episode the line manager complained that she had been seen out food shopping and picking our children up from school. She also said that it had been noted that she'd posted pictures of two family days out in London. I should point out that these trips occurred over the half-term holiday, that her sick note had expired, and Julie resumed work the following Monday. Since Julie started work at the school nothing has been put in place to make her job more accessible for her, nor has anyone asked her how her role could be made easier. She is expected to carry plates by hand, a situation that results in her having to use her nose to open security doors. When drying up or changing children these tasks take longer because of her disability. I should mention that the complaint about Julie not changing as many children does have some foundation. It is due to Julie being assigned to another department for the previous six and a half weeks. She went there at the personal request of the line manager because one of her colleagues didn't like working there. Since then the colleague has been receiving regular overtime in the department she claimed to dislike so much Julie has been signed off work since the meeting with work related stress. She now feels unable to continue working at the job she loves as she doesn't know which of her workmates has essentially "stabbed her in the back". She was never bought up to consider herself disabled, as she's always been able to find a way around her condition. Even if it does take her slightly longer to do things. This incident has left her feeling worthless and miserable. She frequently breaks down in tears . I hope someone can offer us some advice.
  21. Hi All, I have a bit of a complicated issue....at least on the face of it is seems it! My wife moved out of her then marital home some 9 years ago on the advice of the domestic violence unit and for a little while she continued to pay the mortgage while her soon to be ex stayed in the house. After a while we bought a house together (due to her on-going issues with her ex I bought the house in my name) and we couldn't afford to pay both mortgages so concentrated on our new family home assuming that the old house would soon be re-possessed (even though there is a good amount of equity in it my wife wanted to move on and forget the past). Move on about 8 years and her unemployed ex is still in the house, the mortgage was being paid by the council (the interest); however recently he has been in court for benefit fraud and now they have stopped paying as we have started receiving letters asking for payment. We now want to re-mortgage our home to secure a better deal and want to make a joint application which is being hampered by fact that my wife's credit rating is rock bottom and this other mortgage remains a chain around her neck. What I am after is some advice on the best way to proceed here; ideally we want to force sale and realise any equity from the property if at all possible but would be happy just to get rid of the house so she can sort her credit out and get into a position whereby we can make a joint application on a new mortgage. After so many years its crazy we are still in this position but we just don't have the £8,000 we have been quoted in legal fees to get this resolved so anything I can do myself I will do to save costs. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  22. Hi I am a British born citizen and worked all my life and I have been retired for almost 3 years and emigrated to the Philippines two years ago and married my Filipino fiancee. The initial idea was to spend five or six years in the Philippines until all my step children had finished University and they could start their own life. Things have changed a bit due to me being a Diabetic and maybe needing a bit more medical care than i get know we decided that we would like to return to the UK sooner, however, on reading the rather mixed signals from the official Visa4UK website it seems as though my wife will not be allowed entry as she does not have an income/savings of £18,600 even though my income is just short of £1,950 per month and the costs of the visa application to settle is >£2,000 plus. There are no problems with the language and we have proof that I have known my wife for more than five years (kept all the emails) My wife intends to work albeit self employed and pay the taxes and insurances that are due yo the Government. The children would remain in the Philippines with their Grandmother. Can anyone advise on possibilities please
  23. Does this now mean that an ex wife,should contribute to an ex husbands failed business. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2989511/Ex-wife-hippy-turned-wind-farm-tycoon-millionaire-split-wins-right-fight-2million-divorce-payout.html Regards,John.
  24. Hello all I'm in a bit of flat spin and need help. Long story short I brought a new car last week on pcp, happy with it it's awesome. However my wife discovers we are expecting our third baby!! ( not planned ) but the car I brought won't be big enough for three car seats and I hadn't financially planned for a new edition so new car would be a strain on money. Where do I stand in cancelling the contract and returning the car? Like I said there's nothing wrong with it and I have done 18 miles in it. The car a pxd is there I just want to swap it back but the dealer is being a bit vague and said come in and we will discuss what we can do. I'm going in the morning just after some advice where I stand? Cheers Andy
  25. A husband went to the police station to report that his wife was missing. Husband. My wife is missing, she went shopping this morning and hasn't, come back yet. Inspector....can you describe her...what is her height. Husband... No idea Inspector...slim or healthy. Husband...Not slim so probably healthy. Inspector....colour of her eyes Husband...never really noticed Inspector....colour of her hair. Husband....Changes according to the season Inspector ....what was she wearing . Husband...not sure probably trousers and top or a dress. Inspector....was she driving. Husband ....yes Inspector....what type of car and colour was it. Husband....A silver Audi AB with a 4.2 litre V8 TDI engine generating 321 horse power teamed with a 6 speed tip tropic automatic transmission with manual mode. It has full adaptive LED Headlights, which use light emitting diodes for all light functions. It has a very thin scratch on the front left door. At this point the husband starts crying. Inspector......DON'T WORRY SIR. WE'LL FIND YOUR CAR.
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