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Found 17 results

  1. Hi everyone. I change my payment date for my car finance with money way... I was advised wrongly of the changed date and rang one date late to pay my finance which I was then told was terminated as I had defaulted more than once in 2 years.. I fought and fought as I rang in the date I was informed was the new date but got no where with the situation.. I’ve then had anglia uk over the phone and coming to my house to ask me to contact moneyway or to voluntarily surrender my car which I don’t want to do as I was told a court order would be needed as I’ve paid over a third and I want to fight my corner in court.. Will I made aware of the court date or will it just happen without me knowing for a return of goods order?? I keep getting passed from pillow to post with money way when I do ring and don’t really know where I stand with this situation and I’m stressed to death with it.. Thank you in advance for any advice
  2. Morning all, long time lurker first time poster... I have been repaying my water company debts through Marston, until last week was regularly repaying £85 on the 21st of each month. Then I switched jobs to work for the NHS as a bank support worker. The pay is much better than my previous employment, but the NHS isn't run like a private company, I recieved my first paycheque this morning, two weeks late because my line manager had been too busy to complete my registration. I wrote to Marston to tell them this and said I would be able to pay today (the 1st) and even offered an additional £50 for the inconvenience and to get proof of the delay from my employer. They replied and said my letter had been passed on to their client, but in the mean time told me that as I had not held up my end, the agreement had been terminated and they would proceed with enforcement for the full balance of around £3200. I made my late payment anyway and offered to increase my repayment to £100 due to my new job, now terrified they are going to ignore this and show up, take my (£1000) car and try and get into my house for my goods. I have been on antidepressants for over ten years and while I am currently dealing with my mental health problems, this sort of issue is exaclty the type that would make me stop going to work and ignore everything once more, which will only make situations like this much worse. Any advice on what to do next would be gratefully received.
  3. Hi My name is Khadija I have been recently been informed by my dentist due to two missed appointments they have now terminated my dental care. The latest appointment I take full blame as I got the dates mixed up, however my first missed appointment this year was due to an accident I had that made it unable for me to attend. I called to explain why I could not attend and they understood and informed that my first missed appointment will not go against me. I have spoken to the Dental manager who has been looking into the matter and today I recieved an email without a detailed explanation that I now have to look for an alternative dental care. They also sent me a letter stating that within accordance to NHS regulations the surgury can now stop my treatment. I have checked the NHS website and the decision to stop any treatment is the sole decision of the surgry andnot the NHS. Being a patient at my surgury I do not recall ever being informed or having a copy of the surgury's policies. It seems so unfair to me that being with them for 5 years and having all my children at the same surgury the decision to stop my care is very irrational and hasty. Is there anyway I could pursue this further please because it I feel the dentist is more concerned about their numbers as opposed to my health. Please advice and thank you so much
  4. I'll try to keep this as short as possible... I took out finance for a car with Moneybarn back in November 2015, amount borrowed 9k, amount to repay 16k (roughly), £280 per month. In January 2016 I lost one of the two jobs I held, reducing my income dramatically. I fell behind on January's payment and contacted Moneybarn within a day or so of the money being returned from my bank account. I spoke to a lady and explained my current financial situation, I asked her if it would be possible to help me through this temporary bump in the road. I was asked to fill out an affordability form, however, far from helping me, I was instead told that I was deemed unable to afford my monthly repayments (which I already knew) despite my numerous requests for a temporary lower payment plan, which I was happy to pay interest on, she refused. I received an arrears notice shortly after, and swiftly paid it. In February the same thing happened, my repayment for the end of the month was once again returned due to lack of finances. I didn't want to just ignore this, so I once again contacted Moneybarn customer services and spoke to a very arrogant gentleman. I explained my situation and pleaded for a lower repayment amount until such time I find a second job again. Despite this, he was adamant that this would not be possible, and pressured me into agreeing upon three "exit options". He vaguely described what each option meant, and when asked to send me this in writing - so I could carefully consider each option - I was told this was not possible. He told me I have 20 days to find second employment and provide proof of my affordability for the original £280 per month. I said I would do my best, however, a month later and I am now two months into arrears (Febuary & March) and I still only have one job as I have been unable to find second employment so far. After my last phone call to Moneybarn Customer services in which I was spoken too in a very arrogant manner and felt pressured into agreeing something which I didn't fully understand without being able to properly read the details - I decided against contacting them via telephone. I instead wrote a letter on March 15th to Moneybarn's head office, detailing my current situation and requesting that my account be frozen until such time we can agree upon a fair outcome. Exactly one month later I received nothing in reply from them, so I decided to email them instead attaching my original letter. In response to this I received an email saying "Sorry we cannot discuss this matter via email, your account has been passed onto our Asset Management department, please call our customer service number" even though, I quite clear stated that I did not feel comfortable discussing this over the telephone and wanted written information where I can carefully read and consider what is being said to me. I once again requested for a postal address for their Asset Management department, in response, my request for an address was completely ignored and I was instead told their next action is to appoint recovery agents to come and take my car, and if I would like to discuss this to call their customer services... So far they have ignored my original letter, ignored my requests for written information of what is being said, and avoided helping me in every possible way. Despite their tag line of being "committed to working with customers to resolve any issues". I don't quite know what to do next, or what options are left for me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi Guys, Maybe you can help me here. I received a DCA letter on Saturday giving me till the 4th to contact them to arrange a payment plan. This debt is from a phone contract (EE) I terminated early (#396) as Orange (who I signed with NOT EE) were charging me over the odds for a phone that had been off for three months. So I cancelled the contract. I'm being threatened that if I don't reply to Moorcroft they MAY take further action. What's the best way to go about this? Regards
  6. Please can anyone offer me some advice, I owe 12K to welcome and I am paying them back at a reduced rate, however everytime I get a phonecall off them they ask for date of birth, so I give it to them and some will say that it is fine and other people will say that we have a different date of birth for you, but then go one to talk about my account. Am I right in saying that this is against DPA as if I give a different DOB to what they have on their records they should not continue with the conversation? Also how far back can you go to reclaim PPI I believe I took the loan out before 2005 so I may not be covered by normal SAR? can any one help or point me in the right direction with these questions????? Thanks in advance
  7. Hey guys, A quick run down of the history of this situation: - Started employment in January 2013 at a relatively new web development company - Began going downhill and it had an impact on my mental health - Fought on, but resigned in October 2013 - giving extra notice up until the last working day of December - Four weeks later I was taken ill, informed my Project Manager and within 2 hours I received an email that said I'd been a brilliant employee but as of immediate notice my employment was terminated. This was allowed as I had worked my 4 weeks notice. --- I immediately contacted ACAS and pointed out my contract stated a minimum notice period of 6 weeks, and was informed this was unlawful dismissal.I calculated holiday leave and ensured this was paid. I informed my previous employers that ACAS were interested in the timing of my dismissal with regards to my health, that they felt there were grounds for action for Unlawful Dismissal, and that I was due holiday leave. After a very quick change of tone in the emails I backtracked, out of sympathy as the company has gone down the drain with everyone leaving, and informed them I really didn't want to cause any harm - I enjoyed working there and liked everyone as colleagues and as friends. As such I was going to overlook the dismissal issue and presume it was done in my best interests, and that by paying me up to the end of the month they were paying my holiday leave off anyway. (I was nice. Possibly wrongly, but within 4 hours of them telling me I had no job - I had an offer for the next week.) I then asked for reference(s), preferably one from each director; and highlighted the fact I had hardly received any payslips throughout the 10 months I was employed there. I also requested my P45 - they promised this would be done ASAP. --- The next week I still felt like I'd been dumped on, and was rather annoyed to see that despite starting a new job - and despite the fact that they had terminated MY employment with NO notice - I had emails and missed calls; asking for assistance on a project! If they gave me the grace of ONE DAY then they would've got all my handover documentation. It wasn't a malicious decision, but I thought it was best to not answer the calls during my new office hours - and I genuinely felt uncomfortable about assisting them voluntarily. (I had signed a Non-Compete Agreement with the new company after all...!) Unfortunately, as I had followed their instructions to the letter and returned the company macbook pro in the state I received it - newly formatted, there was nothing to be gleaned from this device either. It was after receiving the macbook pro that they stopped all communications. I know full well that there was no data on the machine, so there is nothing that would've reflected badly on me. Had I not formatted it then the only things that could've reflected badly would've been job posting bookmarks anyway. (Besides, it had an encrypted home directory and I never shared my passwords.) Over the next few weeks I realised I still had access to client data, so removed my access to any of it - this was a concern of mine when I realised some of the people who still had access to the data hadn't been involved in the company throughout my whole time there. Knowing this was probably an issue as per the DPA.. once again, I felt uncomfortable, but wanted to leave on the best of terms - so turned a blind eye. -- It's now week 7 and I have received nothing from them; they have, to put it bluntly, shirked their responsibilities and broken their promises. I feel like an idiot for being nice and feel as though my (attempted) act of kindness just gave them an excuse to try and take liberties. Any ideas of where to go next? I'm on a business trip to Sweden for two weeks soon, and want this sorted out as soon as possible really. It's worth mentioning that I have recently cleared my finances out and I'm saving for a deposit on a flat with my girlfriend: but of course, I have no proof of income beyond a December payslip. Additionally, I'm being taxed heavily (according to my new employer, although I didn't notice anything) due to submitting a P46 and not a P45. Annnndddd lastly, I needed two references before I even started this job; but it appears my work has been reference enough - however I am aware that this could crop up in the next two months during my probationary period and cause me issues if they then request them. I'm thinking of emailing them both (read; the other directory too; who poured inheritance in to this venture - just to see it wasted away by some curious decisions that he refuses to get involved with) and informing HMRC tomorrow. (Although I was waiting 30 minutes last time I tried to ring HMRC...!) However I'm beginning to consider whether it may be worth scraping the niceties and bringing up the Unlawful Dismissal and the health issues once more; I let them go in order to save a good friendship and so as to help keep some life in that company: but I've achieved nothing. Sorry for a bit of a rant, thought it best to try and explain as much as possible! Cheers guys!
  8. Hello. It's been a while since I last posted on here, but troubles have arisen once again! This dates back to January this year, I have only just gotten myself back on my feet, so feel au am now ready to tackle this. This is very complicated, I'll do my best to explain. There was a lot of naiveity on my part, as I was new to the situation. But overriding this was a huge amount of deception and lies being told by the third parties. So, in September 2012, I contacted a number on a sign displayed outside a small commercial unit, with a view to leasing the property. I hastily arranged a meeting with a man claiming to be the landlord (this will make more sense as I go on). He told me to meet him at his 'office' which turned out to be his car in the car park of his car wash. He brought with him a tenancy agreement. I had a good read through, although it seemed very generic, it did make direct reference to the property. A deposit of £600 was agreed, with a monthly rent of £600 to follow. I paid this fee in cash later that day, and was handed the keys. I immediately set out to purchase relevant equipment. I was opening a two bay car service and repair workshop. I purchased a brand new hydraulic car lift, a compressor and various tools at a cost of approximately £2500. I also purchased various signage and livery at a further cost of £600. Additional costs were incurred in the form of insurance, advertising and various legal costs. Things started well, and business was picking up. I arranged to fit my main sign above the unit. Once fitted, I got a very informal 'text' message informing me that the sign needed to be taken down, as the 'main' landlord disapproved. I questioned this, as it was the first time I had ever heard of the main landlord. He gave the impression he was the property holder. This aroused my suspicions. After a lot of back and forth conversations, it was agreed, that if the words 'servicing, repairs and Tyres' were removed (leaving only my business name) then it could remain. He then revealed this was due to a garage on the same estate complaining I had taken all of his customers. To this I thought, what has it got to do with me? Why are you intervening? Anyway, desperate to continue, I failed to comply, and the sign remained.it was as I erected more signs the problem got worse. I was having a torrid time (with all of the sign issues, the confusion over who the landlord was and also parking problems). Out of the blue one day, the guy who owned the other garage came to me, at first there was tension, but after he explained what was going on I completely understood. It turned out, the whole estate (compromising of 3 buildings and one outdoor use area (another car wash ) was owned (under a 99 year lease) by the same company. A very large property agent in my area, 'lex Allen'. When the garage owner took out his lease over 20 years ago, it was under the proviso he had exclusivity of any motor trade use, meaning my unit could not be used in any way related to the motor industry. He also detailed that at the time of his lease, the estate was bigger, but the council opted to build a bypass straight though the middle of it. The council gave the land a covenant (or something along those lines) saying that there was only certain permitted uses of the land, ( meaning that it couldn't be bulldozed to make way for a KFC). A few days after this, I receive a letter from Lex Allen, telling me to immediately vacate the property. As you can imagine, this was difficult, as all of my equipment was installed, and I was in utter shock! Anyway, I left the unit, and arranged a meeting with Lex Allen. He told me that he had a conversation with the man who he leased the property to (who sub-let it to me) he gave him express permission to let it to me, provided it was not in conjunction with the motor trade. Obviously, it is now clear the man who sub let it to me completely disregarded his instructions, and continued to let it to me. In the lease contract he gave to me which fortunately I still have, it was clearly written that the property was to be used for the purpose of maintaining and repairing cars. He refused to return my deposit of £600, stating that it cost that to dispose of two bin bags of rubbish (which weren't even mine) So, was left jobless, penniless and completely disheartened. I had put everything into that business in the 6 months I was there. I am so sorry about the long story I have told. I suppose the question I want to ask his, where do I go from here? Do I take one of them or both of them to small claims court? Should Lex Allen have made more checks? In trying to contact Lex Allen, he is refusing to sign for my letters, and will not arrange another meeting. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  9. Hi, would someone please be kind enough to check out this Halifax loan CCA for me and let me know if it's enforceable or not. If you click on the pics a couple of times they get bigger. Thanks
  10. Hi, Just a bit of background as this is for my Mum. Since 23rd July 2012 she has been working as a Practice Manager for a GP Surgery, 2 1/2 weeks ago her husband of 18 years died unexpectedly with its own issues in another thread. Since then she has had the funeral and has also been to her doctors and obtained a sick note for bereavement which lasts until next Friday. My mum contacted her boss to go in on Monday to do the wages for the employees and sort out some other bits, but the main partner of the surgery has told her he wants the keys back and a meeting in regards to her future employment. I have a funny feeling that he will terminate her employment though I do not know what the reason would be considering she turned their profits around in three months. My question what would be the recourse for my mum considering that her husband has just died, and she has a sick note which her employer is aware of as we contacted him to let him know. Thanks in advance.
  11. My wife is having her employment terminated by her employer due to incapability. She has severe rheumatism and dizzy spells and has been off work for over a year. She was working part time for 15 hours per week. If her firm terminates her contract will she be able to claim JSA?
  12. If a credit account has been terminated by the creditor, is the creditor entitled to keep charging default interest as to S.86 (B) CCA 1974
  13. My services with Sky were recently cancelled by Sky themselves due to an alleged debt that I owe them. I’ve had Sky since 2007 and it is only now that I’m hearing of this debt at my address for Sky. I gave them a call and they told me there were multiple accounts at my address, this I is correct as I had a previous account that I cancelled. I have recently gone back to Sky with a new account number I said I didn’t need any boxes but they sent them out regardless. But anyway, the account number of the Sky account with the alleged debt of £X,XXX.XX is not mine and the account number starts 200x so it seems it’s a very early account as my two accounts which have been paid in full each month since 2007 start with 621x. I will quote the letter in a 2nd post, but the reason I am posting is that I'm looking I’m looking for any help in what I can forward to Sky as it now seems they have assigned the £X,XXX.XX to my name at my address. The tenancy documents I will not be able to provide them with, since I am back living with my parents as I suffer from a bad case of Psoriasis / Psoriatic Arthritis so my parents are in fact my carers since 2007 and they never had Sky before I moved back in with them so any tenancy documents would be in their name and not mine. I don’t know who owns the account with the account number starting 200x, but now I’m concerned because for Sky to be switched back on at my address, I need to prove I, myself don't owe the debt and that whoever owns it does not live at my address. So any help would be great, as I said I’ve paid for Sky since 2007 and have never missed a payment, so they have been happy to take my money and now suddenly this has come out of nowhere. I've removed the account numbers for security as well as the debt, but is notified how much by the number of digits.
  14. Hi all. In October 2012 I hand wrote a letter to BT saying that I would no longer require their broadband and calls service after the end of October. Then at the beginning of November I received and paid my October bill. I also received an email from BT Residential Services dated 8th November which acknowledges that I have chosen to close my account. I have since had bills for November, December, and now for January. In December I spoke to customer services and I explained my situation, and that I have an email from BT Residential Services which acknowledges my request, but the lady told me my account hasn't been closed and that she was putting a note on the account that it is to be closed, and also that someone would be calling me regarding this. No-one called, and I thought that was the end of it. Then yesterday BT rang me again asking when I am going to pay November, December and January's bills!! I was shocked and told her my account was closed in October, and that I have an email regarding this request, (the email is all i have from BT that proves they received my request to close my account). She told me my account is still active and not closed at all, and that no request had been made to close it either. The lady I spoke to told me the bills she wants me to pay relate to a contract which was signed in 2010, but this can't be possible because I moved house in 2011, and I had to close my then bt account before i could have the same BT service installed in my new address, and i had to sign a new contract for this. So i am confused as to what is happening. I asked that in future that this matter continue to be discussed in writing rather than telephone conversations, because I am being told many different things but no proof of what i am being told, but she said no, she was calling me for payment only and she doesn't pass on messages. She was so rude. I am struggling to get them to stop billing me for a service i no longer receive and that i had already written to cancel. If it weren't for the email they sent acknowledging that i have chosen to close my account, I would have no proof at all that i had written regarding this. I am getting nowhere on the telephone. Meanwhile and while ever this goes unresolved, i fear that i will continue to be billed until forever. What can i do about this?
  15. I have an unsecured payday loan on which I have been unable to keep up repayments. The first missed payment was at the end of September, subsequently missing payments at the end of October and November. Received an email last week stating that: Pursuant to the Loan Agreement that you signed and the Terms & Conditions thereof, you are in default of the above referenced loan AND have failed to take corrective action as detailed in the Default Notice sent to you at least 15 days ago. We hereby exercise our contractual right of Acceleration. This means that: - Your entire loan amount of principal, accrued interest and fees of £xxxx is now due. - We may notify the Credit Reporting Agency of your default on this loan. - We may sell your debt to a third-party debt purchaser who may exercise any rights available under the law in collecting the amount owed. - Interest will not accrue from this point forward. Now as I remember, ICO guidelines state accounts shouldn't be filed as in default until the account is 3 payments behind. I am now three paments behind but the default notice was sent prior to missing the third payment. Am I correct to think they have failed to follow the requirements regarding default notices? If so, as they have terminated the account, am I correct in my belief I am now only due them the arrears, and not the full balance?
  16. I am a support worker working with nhs for 7 years. I have had numerous sickness with depression, for which i have had for 30 years, and a back problem. I returned back in march on a staged return and at mt sick review was put on stage 2. I have had no sickness with these 2 debilities since then. I did have some sickness with irritable leg syndrome. I was put on strong medication to help this, but it only caused my insomnia. I had about 4 or 5 days sickness with this. This problem is now resolved through myself researching it and finding out it was a magnesium deficiency. So no sickness with this problem since end of june. My other sickness which is about 3 days is due to my menopause symptoms. Periods stopping, then starting heavily. My sickness since march has improved a great deal, but my manager is totally disregarding this. She is taking my sickness for the whole 7 years into account. She also said we should have been at stage 3 over a year. But because she kept sending letters to my ex's house i never got them until too late. I corrected her on the address numerous times and still she failed to get them to me correctly. It turned out to be a mistake by a new office worker and they did in fact have the correct address all along. I am appealing against the decision on the grounds that my sickness has improved, a great deal over the last year, and also this is my first time at stage three. Other members of staff have been at stage 3 numerous times and never terminated. This is the very first time in my department that this has happened. Any advice anyone can give me on winning my appeal with be greatly appreciated.Thanks x
  17. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to help answer a question? I wondered if an initial disciplinary letter stated that a verbal warning could be the possible outcome of a meeting, but I was then suspended and terminated is this unfair? I mean shouldn't they have said the consequences could have been dismissal not a verbal warning? Thanks for reading.
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