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Found 3 results

  1. This is asking for advice ten years ago I was taken very ill and had to give up working have undergone ten years of major surgery and hospital treatment my wife working part time to look after me . rightly or wrongly and I know in hindsight wrongly before I was admitted to hospital I was fully aware I would be unable to keep up with my outstanding debt repayments . contacted a debt management company to handle my debts as I was fully aware that within weeks I would not be in any position to deal with it and thinking that being honest and facing up to this that I would not be able to deal with this along with trying to take pressure from my wife we both signed agreement for the debt management company to act on our behalf and at no time without hiding from any liability. Just in the last few months I have been well enough to relook at what we had done and now realise what a huge mistake I made as after all these years after paying thousands of pounds I have only reduced the by hundreds yet I was paying for PPi and other payment protection schemes on all the accounts yet a few years the same management firm offered a PPI repayment plan although they stated that some of the debt was covered and they reclaimed refund all that happened was it reduced the debt and I ended up with another debt for their fees which was added on to the monthly repayment plan and according to them now it will take another 89 years to repay what we owe by which we shall both be dead Yet when looking through old paper work in the last few weeks due to my health improving I found a credit statement from one of my debt companies stating that they had accepted the monthly repayment of one pound per month but where changing a payment options plan of sixteen pounds and this was three years after I first entered in to this debt management plan. I have within the last few days asked the debt management firm if they had details of copies my original credit agreements and as they acted on our behalf could they forward them to me or ask for them which I was informed they did not and would not be able to obtain them surely how can they undertake a debt management plan without the agreements . I am fully aware now that I have been been ripped off by the debt management firm and by the credit firms and now believe honesty does not pay by admitting my indebtedness trusting somebody to deal with it has now cost my wife's health and I will never recover my my illness . I feel there must be a solution but it seems far to late to do anything now as I accepted the debts by handing every over to a debt management firm as I was not in position to deal with it due my health so any help would be very gratefully
  2. The amount the government charges mobile operators to use airwaves space - known as spectrum - has risen from £64.4m to £199.6m per year. Although less than originally suggested by regulator Ofcom, the price hike is likely to infuriate operators who have previously warned higher spectrum fees could put up consumer prices. Ofcom said that operators had had plenty of time to prepare for the fee increases and should be prepared to keep consumer prices competitive. But operators have not ruled out raising prices to absorb the cost of the new fees. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/telecoms/11887187/Mobile-phone-customers-facing-bill-shock-as-Ofcom-triples-spectrum-charges-for-operators.html
  3. Hi, My wife unfortunately turned to this so called "debt management" company to "consolidate" all of her loans, store cards etc into "one easy payment". I know they also operate under a few alias names like "Debt Free Me". What they ACTUALLY do is very little, for what amounts to their £2,500 fee. Basically they instruct you to do everything which a well organised person with no legal status could do for free! Like save a certain amount of cash in a high interest account, negotiate with lenders, that kind of thing. What they didn't do was to inform us of an impending summons from RSB totaling some £19,500! This happened because their "contract" stipulates that all associated mail must be directed to them. So we hadn'r heard from them for about a year and then BAM court summons! Cheers! Anyway good people: I was reading through the said Spectrum contract and it actually says " IF WE HAVE NOT CLEARED YOUR DEBTS IN FIVE YEARS WE GUARANTEE TO PAY ALL OF YOUR DEBTS OFF IN FULL". What a claim! Would this still be valid? PPS: Talking of RSB, the summons amounted to nothing in the end because the RSB bank had actually lost a large chunk (2 years) of account transaction data relating to the period, so they just invented 2 years of "non payments" - of course when they took us to court the judge threw it out because WE had up to date records of payments and they very nearly got a contempt of court claim against them. CARLOS xx
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