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Found 3 results

  1. On Saturday morning I was waiting to turn out of a minor road when a car ran into the back of me. The driver admitted fault there and then, it was all reasonably amicable and we exchanged details without issue but they wouldn't tell me who they were insured with. I tried to contact the driver by email, as much as anything just to confirm details were correct, but the address they gave me just had emails bouncing back. I tried the phone number they gave that evening and again on Sunday morning but there was no answer. By this stage I'm worried that I haven't been given true details so phone my insurers to let them deal with it. Had I been able to contact the other driver I would been contacting my insurers for information only. I've just had a phone call from the other driver's insurer offering all sorts of incentives not to go through my own insurer - too late. They claimed I'd be stuck with the excess and the parting shot was a veiled threat that they will delay paying my insurer to keep it an open claim and affect my renewal costs. I'm not due for renewal for a good six months yet but is this likely? My own insurers followed up my phone call reporting the accident with an email stating they would be recovering 100% from the other driver and I'd have no excess to pay.
  2. Security researchers have put a pompous computer criminal in their rightful place after releasing the decryption keys for their ransomware. Lawrence Abrams of Bleeping Computer writes that the ransomware, which was released last week, encrypts users' files using AES encryption, appends the .LOCKED extension to all files, and demands that victims pay a fee of 0.5 BTC (approximately US $210) in exchange for the decryption key. All things considered, a pretty standard piece of malware... "You'll never be able to find me. Police will never be able to find me. Go ahead and try them if you like, but don't expect your data back. They will be concerned about helping the community, not with helping you meet your deadline. If they say they need to keep your desktop for a few days, well lol, you probably won't be seeing your machine again soon, let alone your data. I've been doing this for five years now and haven't been caught yet." "...Just be thankful that it wasn't worse. I could have asked for more money. I could have been working for ISIS and saving that money to behead children. I could have been a mean SOB and just destroyed your data outright. Am I those things? No. I just need the money to live off of (true story) and don't care at all about the hacker 'community'. So there isn't anyone you will be protecting by sacrificing yourself. I'll just encrypt more people's data to make up for the loss." Full article
  3. Hi everyone, I am really hoping someone out there can help me. Tonight a man knocked on my front door and handed me a letter from my local court, Romford. The contents of the letter is an order to attend for questioning. I am really scared right now, I have mental health issues and I'm not coping very well. The letter says they wish to question me about a judgement order that was placed on me on 1st June 2011 in Northampton, I have never been to Northampton in my life !!!! Apparently I owe a firm over £4000 !!!!! I have managed to track it to a former address of mine in Somerset, the problem is though the judgement was made 13 months after I moved from said address does that mean it is likely to belong to someone else using my name? I do not remember taking out any loan around this time and I do not remember receiving any letters demanding money. I do however remember being visited by bailiffs when I moved to London in 2009 numerous times but I never let them in the house and after 3 or 4 times they never came back, I don't remember receiving any letter at this time either. Please help me, I really need some advice.
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