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Found 6 results

  1. Always happy to look around the charity shops.And spend a pound or two or even three. And donated as well. But increasingly finding it difficult to find not a bargain but a fair priced item. As the Great British public donate things free i would have thought the policy would be stack it high sell it cheap. Charity shops are now everywhere on the high streets of Britain and would have thought competition was fierce. Shoes,clothes household items at prices that you can now buy at certain stores cheaper.New. Charity shops are places where the poorer can go to find things cheaper,are things changing,have they changed do you think in the last few years. Now i do have Yorkshire origins and do not want to appear tight and am willing to pay a fair price. And opening this thread i do expect a little criticism perhaps.I can take it been round long enough. Maybe i am getting older and grumpier as time goes by. Also some Tips have now opened Tip shops usually in metal containers where articles that the British Public have thrown away are sold. Now once again some of the prices i have seen are priced at silly prices and you usually get the response well that is the price. Have you had any dealings. Have you noticed things have changed. Bring it on.Have your say. God bless the volunteers in these charity shops.How are the prices arrived at.Who decides.
  2. I am unable to find any other articles on this and sadly this site doesn't allow you to read the full article http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/business/Finance/article1516387.ece
  3. Hi all My bank is based on land with private shops but in a way has two parking areas one for the bank one for the shop. I parked in the shops, always have and used bank. Came out and a man approached saying have you used the bank, yes was my reply he then said unfortunately . ..... as I realised what he was I then stopped him and asked if land was private or council he replied private land so I just got in my car and drove off to shouts of see you in court!!! I took no other details than that but as I drove out I did see the sign contract thing on the wall, must admit never realised that although on the same land so to speak that they are separate My question is what to do next as and when the invoice comes through. No ticket was issued on the car or anything didn't give him the chance but I presume he has photographed the number plate. The car is also registered to my wife not me so don't want to cause her any grief. Any advice on correct procedures would be most helpful so I can do this properly whilst causing these leeches time and money. Thanks in advance
  4. I dont know if I have posted on correct forum, but seems appropriate category for my initial question(s) - in relation to these, modern, compact, 'legal high' shops - that are cropping up in many High Street's, which has young people (ages 12-17 predominantly) flocking to them, like bee's to honey! The common denominator being = high and the fact that it is preceded by, legal seems to be an added bonus! However, young people may be confusing the word 'legal' with 'safe' - which is certainly not the case! These 'legal' concoctions, sold using a legal loophole of packages being stamped with the words 'not for human consumption', would be better stamped with the words 'potentially fatal substance!'. Yet despite the rising number of deaths associated with this 'new trend' and our lack of knowledge in actual composition, or long term effects - the government are seemingly 'burying their heads in the sand' and continuing to give the retailers the green light, in setting up shop, in prime high street locations and selling to predominantly an age range of ages 12 - 17. Causing chaos and mayhem in some communities, rise in crime (as not cheap!); relationship/family breakdowns and for some 'death or long term mental illness'. I am amazed that this can be allowed to happen in this day and age! We promote healthy lifestyles and recently, government legislation now allows Social Services to take obese children into care - the parents of those children being classed as 'neglectful'. For most of those parents, they dont know any different , lack education and in my opinion - they need help not punishment! Yet the Government, in the full knowledge of the potentially fatal risks associated to legal highs, the already well publicised deaths that have occurred already (some very slow and painful); no funding being put into researching the chemical contents of these drugs - shipped to UK from China - creating a great deal of stress and difficulties for families, particularly with adolescent children - yet the Government give the green light to licenses being granted for these shops to operate and trade; in drugs of an unknown origin or effect (short and long term). This should be in my opinion, Political Suicide - but seems that it is perfectly ok for the government to leave this matter to its own devices, to ignore the harmful effect these substances have on the individual, the families and the community. It seems that 'WE' The Public, are ok with that ??? I just dont get it, am I missing something??? Why are we allowing this to happen, how can it happen -- why why why why? Who knows, in the future, we may be talking about something as sensational and debilitating as 'Thalidimide?' This may seem a bit far fetched, but I am sure nobody had an inclin toward the future generation of babies being born with such defects as was the case. Since that time, there has been many arguments and objections raised about that issue, for starters - how could that happen. How could we trial a drug on real people and for such a disaster to arise. As always, in any event which 'names and shames' a profession, authority or government - a public enquiry ensues and low and behold; that report will conclude with a list of recommendations and one will be ........ 'lessons learned?' |The other ........ missed opportunities'. We may as well have these terms written into the template for such reports, because basically lessons are never learned and opportunities continue to be missed!!! The mind boggles - we are dealing with a government who has so little regard for the people - their only agenda being to make a name for themselves - good, bad or ugly. I feel, for something bad to happen, it takes a few 'good people' to do nothing!! We need to do something about this appalling situation, but what can we do???? Any ideas and indeed, anybody who can throw light on the whole situation of how this is allowed, would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance. Nadia
  5. I live in a smallish village and visited my biggest store which is a COOP. An hour later I had to go to a Bargain Booze to get a tin of cat food I forgot. Both these stores were absolutely freezing when entering and the staff were wearing wooly hats, scarves and fingerless gloves. It was warmer outside than instore. Because I live in a village these store are not huge so about a third of their size are fridges and freezers stocking goods, which adds to the cold. However, I've not noticed this in previous years, as in, even in mid-winter, the heating of the store usually compensates for the chill outside and the internal fridges and one doesn't really notice it as it's regulated to be comfortable for staff and the shopper. Today was exceptional in these stores, it was absolutely freezing in both with winter hardly beginning yet. Both stores said their heating system had packed up. Anyone else suspect this is rubbish and they are just saving on fuel bills? The COOP group are in trouble as a whole, are they going bust?
  6. They should start by NDR free periods. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20104059
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