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Found 10 results

  1. Hi, really hope someone can help me. Sorry am not good on a computer and never posted a thread before. A 40 something dinosaur I am afraid!!!! Today I received a visit from the lovely Sherforce who have towed away a car that does not belong to me for an outstanding debt. Did tell them it was not my car but they took it anyway. Don't know what to do. Please help......thank you
  2. HELP PLEASE - THESE GUYS ARE A NIGHTMARE. I am hoping that you guys can offer me some advice. basically along time ago I did some work for a company and through no fault of my own ended up owing them some £1200 which rose to £1500 after they went to court. I have tried on numerous occasiins to come to an agreement to pay but nothing. Then SHERFORCE CAME IN!!! They have been trying to attend my previous address even after I have been in contact with them via email with replies on numerous occasions informing them that I do not live there anymore. Yesterday I got a call from a withheld number at 654 saying my house is being burgled and at which point I received an email. This stated that they had attended the property well previous address and seized good and they where charging £300+ to do this. Opon making a phone call it has been discovered that they never atteneded the property but claim they have and chqrging me for it. They say they have attended many times charging the same £300+ but again lies!!! What do I do please? The billmis now some £3200 double original and I refusimg to pay a penny as I feel harrassed, lied to and also feel as I am being scared mungered excuse spelling. HELP PLEASE :@(
  3. After doing the rounds of some of the HCEO's tonight it has come to my attention that Sherforce are down yet another Authorised HCEO who has gone to a competitor that at present features on BBC1.
  4. Hi i have a ccj with southern water for 1200, this has been passed to sherforce who have been out once but not gained entry, and sent a letter stating they are coming to remove goods for these 2 things they have charged £2000 with a threat of at least another £720+vat when they attend again is there anything i can do to stop these people from doing this. Any help would be greatfully received
  5. Hi everyone I am hoping someone can give me some advice please. I have a ccj with southern water for £1200 from last year I know I should have got this sorted before it escalated to this however as I was already paying a council tax debt that took priority and I honestly wanted to clear that which as of last week i finally have done. I struggled to pay my council tax bill at the rate they requested and with the added water bill payment on top it was impossible to keep up so i missed a few payments and I stupidily put this debt on the back burner . However yesterday a HCEO called to say he was here to collect the debt which is now with charges added £2267 I did tell him that theres no way i have that kind of money and he said i would have to get it as he will be back to collect in full or remove my goods although i never let him in. I wondered if there is any way i could get southern water to take the debt back from him although they have said the debt is now with an outside agency and to deal with them. I am unable to pay the original £1200 bill in full never mind the added charges on top, I honestly don't know what to do next so any advice would be very gratefully received.
  6. Listed February 2011. Capsticks Solictors v Sherforce in the Royal Courts of Justice. Anyone know what this might be about? http://www.thelawpages.com/court-hearings-lists/high-courts.php?list=523&date=2011-02-08/Queens-Bench-Division
  7. I thought there might be those interested to hear that today ( 29th May 2012) both Sherforce Ltd and Shergroup Ltd have had notices from Companies House of applications to strike both companies from the Companies House register for failing to provide accounts. Notices were also advertised in the London Gazette today of these applications. Personally, CS should be damned well ashamed of herself. You can get confirmation of the above by going onto the Companies House website. ..... I would not be surprised to hear that her companies are all bust. Could not happen to a nicer person..... WD
  8. I have had a letter from Sherforce which includes their fees which are massive, about 2K. I have had a copy of the regulations that they say is related to certain fees and most of their fees are under "section 12 Miscellanious" does anyone know what this is. Also they are charging me for services that they have not carried out. Please help.
  9. Hi I returned home tonight at 7.30 to find a Sherforce High Court Sheriff sat in my kitchen talking with my wife. I had a Debt of £3,500 with a local Borough Council for 1 years Sports Facilities Hire costs which I found impossible to maintain the agreed payment arrangement. The Borough council took out a CCJ against me which I still couldnt pay and last friday I received papework from the high court saying the debt has now reached £8,000 including £1775 in high court costs and interest. I have no money to pay this. I am desperate! I received the paperwork on friday and a phone call on monday. Its now wednesday? Since this debt I have paid the Sports centre religously and am upto date. I do not disagree that I owe the centre(council) money. However apart from not being able to afford the repayments, there were discrepancies between excatly what the sports centre said I owed and what the borough councils finance department said I owed which I queeried. I still think they were incorrect. The centre is now not run by the council. On a slight tangent one of the coaches that works with me went for a job interview a year ago at the same sports centre and the Council intervewier discussed openly the debt I had and the amount of money it involved and that if he got the job 'he would have to keep an eye on me'???? The coach told me this in confidence. The HCEO has made me sign a document saying he can take both my wifes car which is in her name and my car which is in mine. He says I have to pay £4000 by friday or he'll arrange to have them collected. He said I cannot have time to pay and that the most they would allow me is 6 months. I cannot afford either. I work as a part time employed sports coach and try to run my own lessons on a selfemployed basis. I need to know exactly where I stand on this. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi All! ok, some advice needed please. Just had another letter though my door 'by hand' this morning from a sherforce body. it had no money amount on it but last time they were chasing over 16k from a 10k ccj. Now, this sounds a lot because it is a hell of a lot of money. but it isnt money I have borrowed and spent, it is for an alleged water leak from the property I manage to next doors hotel. I have had no receipts to make insurance claim and no visits from the hotel owner. just a court order which they gained 'behind my back' so as I could not defend. I have tried setting aside the order but the judge was very unpleasant to deal with and everything i seem to do needs more things to undo (certainly with the courts!) OK, first things first please. What can and will these sherforce people do?? ( I already had a notice of seisure from them 21 july ) Thanks, Nik
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