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  1. Just the basics if anyone has any experience here please: I work for a private sub-contractor providing transport logistics, servicing the NHS. I come into no contact with patients or healthcare professionals, but do have to move equipment that has been in hospitals. I don't want to have a HepB injection. I was told by my line manager that as a 'duty of care' issue they can 'force' me to have the injection. I refused. My objectionable manager took great delight in telling me this will be gross misconduct. Despite the confrontational language used, I imagine the end-story of this stand off will be my manager telling me if I don't have it I will be sacked, rather than him holding me down and forceably stabbing me with a needle? I've worked for the company for three years. I refuse to have the injection. It is not work critical. I've offered to sign a waiver. Can he sack me? There's nothing in my employment contract originally signed in 2015 about my continued employed being dependent upon being stabbed with unproven viruses, etc. Any advice. I'm tempted to go in all guns blazing, but..
  2. My friend has been working for the same company for over thirty years and recently had to fill in some sort of assessment form in which they asked if he had any financial issues that they didn't know about so out of honesty he said yes, I have an IVA, which is almost satisfied and has been adhered to from day one. The company have been very unpleasant about this and are trying to say that he is a high risk because of this and are threatening him with the sack over it. He has been through a grilling today and they're asking for further evidence next week before they make 'a decision'. There is something about this that smells pretty bad. He has three years to go before retirement and I feel this is a cynical sideways way of trying to get rid. I wonder about the legality of this and if anyone on here knows of a precedent that might help throw some light on this thoroughly unpleasant and spiteful behaviour. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can offer some advice Regards Andy
  3. I have been in the same job at the same place for 10 years. In 2011 I was diagnosed with work related stress/depression and was signed off for several months. I did return to work on a phased return but did experience some harassment from my boss and after a year or so the problems flared back up and I was signed off for about a month with work related stress/anxiety/depression. Again I came back on a phased return and I insisted on completing an individual stress risk assessment where I listed some of the factors that contribute to the problems. I had one meeting to discuss tge assessment with my line manager this was 18 months ago. Since then there has been no follow ups at all. However i have made it plain that I have been struggling with issues (that were stated as stressors in the IRSA) yet nothing has been done even though it could have easily been. In fact i went to see the senior manager and expressed that I was having problems but was told that anyone not coping in this way would be failing the standards expected and could face a capability proceeding. Since then things gave come to a head and last week I was removed from one of my duties without consultation due to believed failings that are I believe due to problems stated as stressor in the risk assessment that have not been addressed or revisited in the past 18 months. On Monday I was informed informally by my line manager (the union regional rep) that I was likely to be fired. I became seriously stressed having oanic attacks etc by this and texted a colleague at 3am that I felt like topping myself. They told senior managers and they contacted me to tell me to not come in and see my GP whicb I am about to do. I am at the end of my tether and do not know what to do I feel completely unsupported. What was the point of the risk assessment if it is to be ignored like this.? This is a public sector post BTW
  4. Hello everyone, I have been working for a big Pizza home delivery company from last 5 years. Last year my manager started giving me less and less hours, despite knowing that this was my main and only job. The situation continued for a few months and I was forced to get another part time job as self employed. In my self employed job I was given generous hours in certain shifts but I decided to keep my first job at the same time have enough hours. Since August I have not been offered any hours at all and at end of September I received a letter saying that I had not attended a meeting with manager and that I was therefore sacked and have right of appeal. (I had never received any notification from my employers asking me to come for the meeting) I appealed and in two weeks the area manager chaired the appeal hearing. He explained that because I had not worked for some months and they have a automated system, that a letter is issued automatically and had been sent to my address. I explained my position and I was promised that I would get at least 30 hours a week in future. I contacted my store manager and informed him of my availability and the hours I can work. I was told that they would answer back soon. I also told my manager that I would be away for three weeks to visit my parents abroad and would return on the 25th. Yesterday I came back and I found a letter saying that they could not guarantee hours because my contract says that I will be given hours according to the business needs. I called the manager and he started asking me question when I received the letter and did not reply to my answer about getting hours. I have a feeling that they will sack me again and will skip all the disciplinary process. I called head office and asked the HR that I want to file grievance against my manager and area manager. They asked me to send details in writing and they will take action. I have been working there for 5 years now and never ever gone through any disciplinary. Have always been punctual and hard working during my shift. They are still hiring people for the same position I had, but they are not giving me any hours (they have window posters for hiring staff) They also have some staff members getting over 60 hours a week. Also in five years I have never been trained for health and safety at work, food hygiene, or fire and safety at work. In the past 5 years I was never paid my full entitlement of holidays. They do not pay us from September till end December (not allowed to take holidays) and the holiday year finishes en December means we cannot claim holiday pay. They will have all this on record. I need some advice from someone on how to proceed. Can I ask them to provide me all the information they hold of me through freedom of information or data protection law? Or I just send them a letter asking for a meeting? I personally think they are picking on me and I have not done anything wrong. I have also worked in same field for more that 25 years in UK and abroad and do not understand why they are treating me this way. I feel frustrated that instead of benefiting from my past experience, they just want to get rid of me for no reason.
  5. He actually said this on tv this dinnertime. In there next election manifesto they will promise that 'all' teachers will be qualified. When asked what would be done with the existing unqualified teachers and those that didn't want to go down the qualification route, he said "they will be asked to step aside". More Lib Dem crap.
  6. Hi all and hope someone can help me. I've been a sales rep with a company for the past 12 years and have done a reasonable job. I've met targets, called on customers regularly and have been told by many that I'm in with the bricks! The past 2years have been tough as my territory has been decimated with customers going bust or just not spending and as a result of this, my figures for this year are down and my position is now on a shaky peg! My manager, off record, has told me to start looking for another job as he does not want to go down the route of micro-managing me - this is the last thing either of us wants. We are good friends and he's not wanting to do this to me. The targets for next year are already being discussed and I don't fall into their plans and if I leave, they will not replace me. I've not been given a time frame on when to leave but the message is out there! I don't want to get sacked as Im unaware of rights etc - I did ask about redundancy but this apparently would cost too much due to my length of time at the company. Does anyone know what rights I have on this and how does this go with companies deciding to get rid of their sales people? Any help or guidance would be gratefully received. Thanks
  7. Len McCluskey and the Unite Union tried to bully and blackmail a Scottish company into increases in pay and bigger pensions despite the company losing £10million per month. This stupid person and his Union who will lose nothing and is assured of his pay and pension had their blackmail threat of strikes backfire on them when the company said it was closing with the loss of all those employed. So 800 men now face a bleak future because of one mans intransigence. They are at the moment trying to backtrack on their demands and say that isn't what they meant. More ... This plant is the mainstay of Scottish Economics, so a country wants to go independent with one factory to support them - I can't see anyone falling for this stupid independence rubbish.
  8. Where do I start? .... I've been off for 2months for work related stress, my GP has put bullying as well as w.r.s on my fitnote. In the last 3 years I have faced my work colleagues (very underhand) sniping and generally putting me down and intimidating me - no physical violence or shouting - she's far too clever for that. I've been to my line manager several times - but he is friends with my work colleague and, hence, nothing's been done I very much get the feeling they think I'm paranoid Anyway, since being singed off I have had several phonecalls and 1 Occ Health appt and another to come. My manager (not the one referred to above) wants to meet with me but I just do not feel up to it at the moment, the thought of it makes me physically shake. However, I get the feeling that they are trying (by way of OH) to prove that I am unfit to work and ultimatetly sack me . I feel very alone, Union not much help, and I don't know what to do to protect myself - I've only just been told (by ACAS) that I prob should have taken out a grievance Can anyone help keep me right please?!!?
  9. Hello im seeking advise.....a few days ago i got a risk of redundancy letter from work....now im one of two receptionists at a hotel that between now and xmas is busy my letter says that due to a turn in business my role is no longer financially sustainable! ( wtf ) i will make every effort to find suitable alternative position blah blah so then it went into consultation period and i was told at my second meeting that one of us has to go and then he scored me on a matrix chart thingy. i have found out 2 other girls are being trained on reception that work in the hotel and i am one of few cross trained members of staff that can work well elsewhere. i know it will be me due to recent events of me making a formal complaint of victimization from a manager whos just horrid to me.... shouldn't that be addressed first? where do i stand if i get replaced? apparently he sends this matrix thing to a legal who chooses.....cant say alot is on the form tho pretty drab tbh PLEASE HELP
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