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  1. I had a debt with Monument Credit card that was bought by HFO. I got court papers in 2007 for them to get the monies owed. I spoke to them and was told to send the forms back to them and they would deal with it. Did all this and next thing i knew the court had ordered in their favor. They also obtained a charge against my property to secure the debt. As i owed the debt I just accepted it and we came to an arrangement to pay £20.00 per month. Balance was now £2,045.06 up from £1,477.56 as they added on cost and interest I think. I have paid this since December 2008 so have paid approx £1500.00. Around June this year the payments started to getting returned by the bank so I thought that I had finished payments. Today I received a letter from the Land Registry saying that Asset Link Capital(No5) have now been assigned the debt. I started to look up Turnbull and HFO and found they are not trading anymore. So I am at a loss as where to go do I contact ALC or go the courts? During this time I have only spoken to the a couple times on the phone and a few emails. I have never received any Statements only letters saying a payment was late a few days. Andrew
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone may be able to help me with a problem I have which involves Turnbull Rutherford / HFO Capital Limited & HFO Services Ltd. It revolves around a Barclaycard debt going back to 2007. I have attempted to get Divorced & had my submission returned form the Court due to their being a Couple of Charging Orders listed against the property I shared with my ex which we had a mortgage in joint names on. It would appear that a CCJ was granted at Northampton CC on 4th July 2008 in favour of HFO Services Ltd ( I was never notified that they had applied for a judgement so was not able to attend to defend ), subsequently a Charging order was granted on 14th August 2008 at Guildford CC ( according to a letter from Turnbull Rutherford ) although a copy of the Final Charging Order as supplied by Turnbull Rutherford is Stamped Guildford CC & Dated 29th September 2008 ( again I received no notification of this action so was unable to attend to defend). I first made contact with TR in December 2012 to query the Charging Order & also to enquire as to what the debt was as I had no knowledge of it, at the time of my call the representative of TR was very vague & offered little information, although I stated that I had received no paperwork or notice of the action taken his response was basically '' we have the charging order so I doesn't matter now anyway, pay or we will sell your house''. I received a letter from TR a couple of days after my call suggesting that I had discussed a settlement figure for the debt ( which I never had ) and the client detailed on the letter was HFO SERVICES LTD. I spoke to my ex - wife who confirmed that she had not received any paperwork in relation to this matter ( I was no longer living at the marital home & hadn't been resident since 2006 ) I spoke with someone who advised the debt was 6 years old that it would be statute barred & to have no further contact with TR which I duly did. I received another letter from TR in March 2013 again incorrectly stating that I had contacted them and requested a settlement figure ( which I had not ) I ignored this letter and made no contact with TR. I applied to Guildford CC to have the judgement set aside I completed a form as supplied by the court and paid the fee ( cannot recall the amount ) and sent the paperwork to the court. Approximately a week later I received a call from TR which I took by mistake during the course of which the TR representative again suggested that if I didn't pay they would force the sale of the property & also that my attempt to get the judgement set aside would fail, they suggested that the court had contacted them following receipt of my application which had prompted their call. I have until recently resisted all contact from TR however my circumstances have changed whereby my ex wife now wants to move on with her life & potentially re-marry which she cannot do until we are legally divorced, she had suggested that her Father would be willing to settle the debt in order to get the charging order lifted so that the divorce can go through. Reluctantly I have tried to contact TR only to find that they have been struck off and that the Debt is now being handled by HFO SERVICES Limited, I have obtained their number and called them, I have requested a settlement figure to which they have asked me to make an offer, as instructed by my ex father in law I have offered the sum of £1800.00 against a debt of £3547.90, I spoke with a guy called Ankur Srivastava who said he would go back to his client and respond to me by email which he has now done. His response is as below; Your Account With- HFO Capital Limited Original Lender- Barclaycard Original Reference- ..............# Balance Outstanding: £3,670.90 Further to our telephone conversation this afternoon, we would like to inform you that HFO Capital is willing to close the account by offering you a one off payment for £2,753.17 as full and final payment on the account. his represents 75% of the current outstanding balance. We would also like to inform that above mentioned balance does not include any post judgment interest added to it. As you may be aware the judgment was obtained in 2008, however HFO Capital has decided to waive off interest for all this time. HFO Capital Limited would also like to confirm that once the payment is received in full, we would inform the court to get the judgment marked as satisfied against your name and also instruct the land registry to remove the charge from your property. HFO Capital would also be contacting the relevant credit agencies to get the default marked as satisfied against your name. Please feel free to contact me on 0208 899 7452 if you have any further questions. Please note that settlement offers are time bound and would be valid for a fixed time. Regards, Ankur Srivastava HFO Capital Limited PO Box 342, Lavender Park Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6YX T: 0208 899 7457 This footer also confirms that this e-mail message has been scanned for the presence of computer viruses. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of HFO Capital Limited. HFO Capital Limited is a limited company registered in in Eire; Registered Office: 22 Bridge Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4, Eire Registered Number: 446327 Vat Registration Number: IE.9673073N. Director: B Nathan (British) S. Blackburn (Maltese) HFO Capital Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Interim Permission Number 614989. I have noted that he is saying that his client is HFO CAPITAL LTD & he has signed off his email as being an employee of HFO CAPITAL LTD, the judgment & Charging Order is in favor of HFO SERVICES LTD. I have tried to contact GUILDFORD CC to seek clarification of the judgement & who it is in favour of to see if the fact that monies are being requested to be paid to a company other than that named on the Judgement & Charging Order is legal or if I can get the Judgement set aside due to this discrepancy. I apologise for rambling but am new to this & out of my depth, just wanted to put as much detail on here as possible in the hope that someone can help me. Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
  3. Hi there, In 2007 I was the victim (like many others) of the aggressive tactics of Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors in conjunction with HFO Services (they are actually the same people, or were then - HFO bought unsecured debts and Turnbull converted them to secured debts by a court order, on an industrial scale). At the time in 2007, I was ignorant of what I should have done, which was to question the validity of the contract by making a Subject Access Request. But as I didn't know about this I had no option but to complete the N9A and offer to pay by instalments. Turnbull/HFO wanted all the money and it was in their interest not to accept instalments, therefore they pretended they had not received the N9A, thus making it look as if I had not responded. The court then naturally found against me by default. Turnbull/HFO further muddied the waters by making up another bogus case which was subsequently struck out by the judge when it was discovered that the case did not actually exist. My first attempt to set aside this CO was unsuccessful because the district judge seemed to be beguiled by the paralegal who showed up to defend Turnbull/HFO. Also, by what the judge seemed to be saying, he had not actually read my witness statement. The judge dismissed my claim. I have full documentation covering this case, including all court papers and over 20 exhibits. Since this fiasco the FCA have asked to see this documentation and I have supplied them with copies of everything. As the account is in dispute I have stopped paying the £55 a month I was paying to Turnbull/HFO by standing order towards this fraudulent account. Last week I received a letter from HFO Capital (HFO Services had passed the account to their alter-ego HFO Capital) demanding the restitution of my standing order. I phoned HFO about this. I told the person I was speaking to at the start of the conversation that I was recording the dialogue. I then told him about the letter and reminded him that it was a criminal offence to demand money while an account was in dispute. At this there was a complete change of attitude! He told me that it was a terrible mistake and to "just ignore the letter". I have paid Turnbull/HFO nearly £2,000 for this fraudulent account and I seek to set aside this court order, recover my money, including all prior legal costs to date and clear my credit profile of this unjust item. I also seek compensation for the time I have been obliged to spend trying to clear up this appalling mess (by my reckoning about 80 hours and the distress caused. HFO Services and their associates HFO Capital and Roxburgh UK, all debt purchasing companies, have been barred from holding a consumer credit licence by the old OFT. Additionally, Alastair Turnbull has been barred from the group consumer credit licence of the Law Society (a hitherto unprecedented decision by the OFT) as a result of his illegal activities and has clearly brought the reputation of the law into disrepute. At this stage I would welcome the help of a solicitor to set aside this court order and to restore some justice in this matter. I would welcome any suggestions on this forum. Thanks.
  4. Hi I was wondering if someone can offer any advice. I deferred on a credit card in my youth. Around £1500. This got passed on to HFO Service. After some contact I started paying it back. I payed around £800 back when I realised that they ahd added an extortionate amoun of interest on. I went to citizens advice etc ad they contacted them and all went quiet for a year or so. I sent them a CCA & SAR letter but have already payed some money back. I heard nothing apart from letters from Turnbull & rutherford. They have recently contacted again to say I still owe approx £1100. I really want to close this out and put an end to it once and for all. I was wondering if they ever accept reduced offers to close the issue as I know they can not legally ad there own interest on even thought they do. I understand theyre licence is under review but would would happen to my debt if their licence as revoked. How will this be afffecting my credit rating and how do I repair it? I want to end this issue once and for all but what is the best way to do this.
  5. High I'm new here, so don't even know if I'm in the right section, apologies but in mitigation I am a pensioner. I have recently found out that my husband of 71 has run up credit card debts which had been defaulted on payment, the debt was apparently sold to collection solicitors Turnbull Rutherford, I have now taken charge of trying to sort out the mess, this company has place an attachment to our property, and it appears that the interest has been pilling up, the debt is currently at £21k, I have requested copies of the original signed agreements as per the sale of goods act 1979 section 75. However we have now received another letter with a settlement offer of £6.5k, which seems incredulous, my first reaction was to run to the bank and try and raise the cash, but think I will wait for any advise this forum can give me. PS the letter states the offer is only open till Friday 28th June, so there is not much time to respond, or raise the funds, this is causing me sleepless night and stressful days, which I could do without, I am currently receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer, all this debt worry is not helping.
  6. Hi All I recieved this today....... Dear Mr W Acct with OC xxxxx Acct Num xxxxxx HFO case no xxxxx Amount Owing xxxxx We have tried to contact you several times blah blah with the offer that HFO has for you in connection with your acct, Current Bal xxxxxxx. We are reviewing your acct and preparing an in depth info dossier on your current financial situation, if you fail to get in touch then ' your dossier ' will be forwarded to our solicitors with the instruction ' Sue ' Our credit search shows that you have an active xxxx account upon your credit report, in this situation HFO have 3 options to choose from.... 1...Initiate action against you to secure debt with a C O , you have made payments in the past and it is unlikely that you will be able to raise a credible defence to legal action. 2..Agree a settlement allowing you to pay a ' one time settlement ' amount...or... 3...Enter into a reasonable payment arrangement with you towards the full amount... Additionally HFO could enforce its judgement by way of ' Warrant of execution ' whereas bailiffs will visit your home sieze goods and sell. You can avoid escalation of this matter by calling me ASAP..... ................................................................................................................................................. Within the paperwork is a load of bumpf regarding ' How To ' various forms ie...EX 325. LOC011. ????????. So C'mon then guys who can do a nice reply to them from me. Oh by the way this acc was cca'd but never complied with. Mr W
  7. Thank you for your information / advice so far. I have 2 CCJ's that have been with HFO Services / Turnbull Rutherford, which have been in force since Oct/Nov 2007. I pay £1 per month on each. As I stated earlier, they did try to say I had arrears and take me to Court on one of these CCJ's previously. This appears to be what they are trying to do again. The last time the case was transferred to Manchester - they didn't turn up and it was judged 'out of time' and it was thrown out. They are using one of the CCJ Claimant Refs on the letter that I have just received from them and are stating that I'm in arrears again, which I'm not. The Post Office returned my last payment to them, and the Post Office informed me that the 'addressee had gone away'. This was the first I heard that Turnbull Rutherford were no longer working from this address. Turnbull Rutherford didn't inform me of a change of address or anything else for that matter. They also have never sent me an annual statement or notified me of any interest. I no longer have the help of Manchester Advice as because of cutbacks, that Department no longer exists as part of Manchester City Council. I was going to go to Citizens Advice to get some help but then I thought I should try the internet and then here first. To my surprise there's a whole host of information about the shenanigans of HFO/Turnbull Rutherford ! I would be grateful for any advice or information given.
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