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Found 3 results

  1. I work in a small office. I'm the only part time employee. Due to my chronic fatigue syndrome and other illnesses I work one day a week. That was the deal with the employee before me due to her family comitments. Additionally I cover holiday and sometimes sickness. I was of the opinion that this was by mutual agreement, when it suited me and them and that I could say "no" Apparently not. A few months ago, I was ill and received a call asking me to go in, I said no as I was ill. My boss was very abrupt and I heard later that she'd been angry that I hadn't. My job was to cover sick leave. I get sick too, that's why I'm doing this job that pays the bills if I'm very lucky. This week, I've covered for her being away longer than her agreed holiday. There are family reasons why she had to be away, I understand them, but I've been working through a chest infection and she has never asked me if it was OK for me to come in, just left a message with a colleague that she was off until further notice. She hasn't informed anyone of her plans. I've understood that she's been away longer, these things happen, but she assumes I'll cover for her. There's a reason that I work part time. I have to pace myself and I can't work beyond the point where I've agreed to stop. Anyway, I think next week she's going to demandthat I cover when ordered. I can't and won't live like this. Basically if this is the case my time is theirs even if not paid. If my phone rings, I have to go in. That cannot be right? I know it's hearsay so far but I want to prepare myself so I can stand up for my rights. I have rarely refused to cover, been really flexible. My contract says "Stand by cover will be necessary from time to time" Surely I must have some say in when and can't be made to suffer for not going in when ordered. I hope this makes some kind of sense. I understand a lot of this is what I've heard from others, but if she does make demands directly, I'd like tobe prepared.
  2. I have been working for my company for 10 months and they have announced redundancies today. Out of 10 Project Managers of the same role, 4 (of which I am 1) have been told we are in a Tie Break situation where we can either select Voluntary Redundancy (if we do, the company still have the right to decline) but if no-one does then we go to external Interviews for scoring. My issue is that they have based their decision on choosing the 4 people on performance reviews from 2009-2011. I only joined in June 2011 and was given a 6 month review that was all fine, no issues noted at all. I have performance documents confirming I am doing what is expected of me. Only 1 of the remaining six staff could be seen to be a 'star' performer, so I do not understand how or why I have been selected and not the rest of the team. The question I have really is can they compare 6 months of a new starters performance to 3 years of previous employees and if the ratings of those individuals where the same as mine, have I been unfairly selected on the basis of being the newest employee of the bunch (the rest have been with the team for 5-15 years). Thanks
  3. Hi there, I am looking for some help on my impending redundancy. I am a trainee, and work in the Civil Engineering private sector. I was advised last week that I am at risk of redundancy along with the rest of the team as they want to close the close the office. Others in the office have been relocated to another local(ish) office but we did not have that option. I am a trainee, and am referred to as such in all correspondence and even on my confirmation of redundancy risk letter. I wonder if it is actually legal to make a trainee redundant? I don't think it is morally, or ethically, right to do so but I guess it's down to what the law says - and that's where I'm stuck. The law seems quite murky on this subject and am struggling to get my head around it. If I am made redundant I will effectively be left on the scrap pile in the immediate future as I haven't finished my college training/qualifications. I am more than capable of doing the job, and in fact lead others (but that's a different story I guess), it's just the fact that I don't have the qualifications to put down on paper in my CV that puts prospective employers off so I don't know what I am going to do. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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