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Found 6 results

  1. A story about my ESA Been on ESA for about 8 years after every "assessment" I’ve been placed in WRAG. TBH that was never a problem for me as I only had a phone call every 6 months or so from Job Centre. That changed about 14 months ago as I was transferred to one of the providers and had to start going to meetings. The first woman I saw was great and advised to request to put in the support group, so I did. It took 8 months for a "assessment" (in the meantime I was passed to many different providers) This "assessment" was a complete joke the report was filled with lies and half-truths. I got zero points from her, but the decision maker did put me back into WRAG. I appealed that decision on the grounds of not being able to “mobilise more than 50 metres on level ground without stopping in order to avoid significant discomfort or exhaustion & also repeatedly mobilise 50 metres within a reasonable timescale because of discomfort or exhaustion. I supplied evidence from when I applied for a Blue Badge, and also when I was awarded PIP at high rate mobility and had another supporting letter. All the DWP had was at my "assessment” I was seen walking slowly for 7 metres” I have to admit I go into detail about how someone can assess me being able to walk over 50 metres, when I was only seen walking such a short distance. I did expect the mandatory reconsideration to reverse that decision (foolish I know) but they upheld the decision, saying being in pain wasn’t a reason Anyway I asked for a tribunal and basically said the DM had erred in law as being in the pain was a reason and it is clearly stated. I had my hearing on the 13th Dec that lasted about 45mins. I was asked to go into lots of details about my life. I expect this was to see if my answers were consistent. It did fill like a grilling but I was glad it was detailed as I knew my answers would support my case. At the end they said they would call me back in to explain their decision. I knew being called back in can be good omen as the person before me wasn’t , but was worried about the “explain their decision”. While waiting it was the first time I thought I might lose even though all the evidence is on my side. I needn’t have worried my appeal was allowed and basically explained that my oral evidence was relied upon. So that my ESA story, now to the question I have The tribunal recommends I am not reassessed for at least 24 months, and want to know if the DWP pays attention to this? P.S. I just had a letter from the Job Centre for an appointment in Jan, guess who won’t be going
  2. Hi all,hope someone can give some advice on this. Here's a brief history,I had a subacromial decompression operation back in Dec.2014,I returned to work in Feb.2015,by this time they had introduced a night shift on a rota of 1 in 9 weeks aswell as the 6/2,2/10 shift.I managed to do 2 night shifts in 2015,by the end of 2015 my shoulders have gotten worse and sleeping has become more difficult,averaging 5/6hrs of interrupted sleep each night. This year they have increased the night shift rota to 1 in 5 weeks,I did my first one at the beginning of January where i averaged 3hrs sleep per day over the week. I went to see my manager and asked if i could be taken off nights,they came back to me and said if there's a medical reason they would look into it.So I went to my doctors,they prescribed me some tablets to ease the pain and aid sleep on a short term basis.I'm also due for another operation in March. The doctor gave me a doctors note/recommendation to be taken off nights until my shoulders are sorted out.Problem I have is that I've no idea how long this will be and work want me back on nights asap otherwise I could be out of a job,with work stating I'm not fulfilling my contract(I'm on an annualised hours contract) The works doctor has seen my note and said I should have no trouble doing the work but didn't understand it wasn't the work that was making me ill,it's the lack of sleep. I hope thats clear to understand,there are a few things in my doctors note I don't wish to disclose but believe me it was strongly worded. Any help appreciated
  3. Hiya, Helping my friend out once again with her latest ESA issue. After a pretty awful 14 months with no benefit or the 'assesment rate', my friend finally got to a Tribunal, where her score jumped from 6 points to 30 points. The tribunal placed her in the WRAG - which makes sense because her intention is to return to work - however the Tribunal recommended the maximum period of 24 months before reassessment in light of the serious problems she needs to tackle before that'll be realistic. Fantastic - I felt that was exactly the right result for her. I accompanied her to the JC+ this week for her first WRAG interview, and we found the JC+ hadn't taken notice of the 24 month recommendation, instead giving her only 12 months. The advisor explained this would mean she'd have to take part in the work programme - which would indeed be very difficult for her at this stage. My question is, can she appeal the JC's decision to give only 12 months? There was an 'error in pen' with the initial judgment paperwork where it was stated as "within 24 months" - this was quickly corrected to read "after 24 months" following a request from her Citizens Advice worker. Could this be the cause of the issue, or is there a precedent for the JobCentre just ignoring the Tribunal's recommendations? Could it be as simple as sending a fax off to the right place? Any help and advice would be appreciated.
  4. Has anyone any GOOD experience of websites which have searchable databases of allegedly recommended and vetted tradesmen in your area? Last year I needed a leaking flat roof repaired in a hurry and selected a roofer from one of these websites. It listed several "references" from satisfied customers (only by initials and town so unable to check with them personally). The work done by this tradesman looked all right at first but the roof started leaking again a few months ago in the same place as before. I tried to contact the company but surprise surprise both mobile and land line (an 0800) number as recorded on my receipts had been disconnected. Recently the leak got worse and I made a more concerted attempt to track the roofer down. A search on the internet on his postcode came up with his company with a slightly different name but trading from the same address on a different recommended trades website. This second website also listed his company registration number which I checked at companies house, only to find the company had been dissolved 4 weeks ago. The trade recommendation website claims that they vet and check references of all the tradesmen they list and indeed have several references published for each tradesman. In this instance the trade recommendation website gives the incorrect company name for the tradesman. Companies House has it the same as on my receipts and guarantees but with Ltd on the end as it was incorporated as a limited company shortly after doing the work for me. Further information from Companies House revealed that they took action to dissolve the roofer's company because he failed to provide his financial accounts. The first notice to dissolve was issued on 28 June 2013 and issued in London Gazette on 2nd July 2013. Yet the roofer became a member of the trade recommendation in website in July 2013. I am advised that he should legally have ceased trading after the first notice was issued, but he was actively seeking new business by joining this website and the website allowed him to join and clearly did not carry out any checks that he was legally allowed to trade. I have contacted the website with this information and was told they would pass on to the appropriate team. The references they check are all dated after the date the roofer should have ceased trading, although that does not necessarily mean that the work was done then. They are names and addresses supplied by the tradesman, so at best they can be selective and at worst provide details of friends and family who have not had any work actually done. I am now very suspicious of any of these websites and don't know who I can trust to recommend a good reliable tradesman. It seems they are just a way of a small tradesman advertising irrespective of his competence. Any comments please?
  5. I am appealing Ill Health Retirement at the moment with the help of my union rep:| At a recent meeting with my rep and manager I was promised a home medical from occy health (Atos) as I am too ill to attend an Atos centre 25 miles from my home. I have now been contacted to say that my employers cannot afford the 'bespoke' service as this costs £800 and I have been advised to have the telephone consultation or they can provide a taxi to the Atos centre. Without going into too finer point I also suffer from IBS along with many major chronic conditions which is why I am unable to use the taxi service to the Atos centre or drive there myself for fear of repercusions:oops: To be blunt I feel I have been pushed by management and union into accepting the telephone assesment. Does anyone know how much the Atos 'bespoke' service is? Surely it can't cost that much for an Atos doctor to travel 50 mile round trip for at the most a one hour consultation. Many thanks for any replies
  6. On this occassion I am looking for a recommendation for a car hire company from Glasgow airport that does not require a credit card. i havent used a credit card for 5 years (and havent needed one) only debit/electron cards. The major suppliers seem to need a credit card to hold a deposit. Do you know of anyone that hires without one please.
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