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  1. Hi there, Is it still possible to claim back excessive mortgage arrears fees that have been added.I plan to SAR,then work out what i have been overcharged by and send letter to claim back. Can i do this??? Cheers
  2. Well back again after a number of years following your success in getting unwelcome finance out of my life forever. I have been receiving emails from lantern relating to a quick quid loan I admittedly did not fully repay as I was at the time backed into a place where my only way out was to stop paying the payday loans and then deal with the fallout or lose everything. Just at that Time I had loans with Wonga, Myjar, quick quid and pounds to pocket using one to repay another and getting deeper and deeper in. Anyway Wonga wrote off their balance in full with no comebacks following a legislation change. I sent quick quid a letter stating I was intending to defend the way the loan had been approved after a number of previous loans, Irresponsible lending, and received a letter saying they were looking into my complaint and received no further communication from them so forgot about them, then sent their reply to Quick quid as they are the same company they simply replied saying they would take me to court, then heard nothing, now fast forward four years and I start getting emails from Lantern, I have not replied to any of them. Firstly for one quick quid account and now they are saying I have 2 quick quid accounts totalling 2,900 pounds. If I try to pay this it will put me right back to square one after managing to get back on my feet and clear all other debts, and start to rebuild my credit rating. Any advice will be welcome.
  3. I had a quickquid loan back in 2012 didn’t end up paying it back. It doesn’t show on my credit file. Quickquid sold it in 2013. It’s currently with PRA group who chase me for it sometimes. Now I was on a payment plan with payplan with last payment being in July 14. I asked payplan for records of who I was paying and I cant see anyone listed as quick quid theres one on there called Mackenzie Hall and cash window there the only ones I cant remember or are not sure who I might have been paying, I’m worried PRA might go to court before this is potentially stat barred(if I did make a payment in July 14) Do you think I should do anything, my last payment to quickquid would have been in 2012 so its stat barred if that’s the case, it’s just whether I did pay anything with payplan and it’s gone to a random debt collected. Do you think I should be proactive and get an IRL complaint in or not do anything?
  4. my friend cancelled his JSA claim today and has appointment booked with his ingeus advisor tomorrow, he has asked me if he can still get sanctioned for not attending as he is switching from JSA to ESA? sorry to keep going on but he keeps asking me.
  5. Hi. As some of you may know, I'm having problems with my employer. Their latest "trick" was to call for a capability meeting (I have a "protected characteristic) So far, ok. I have no problem with that... We (Union Rep and I) went through. We discussed it, we all agreed on a slight amendment to my work. Basically, they agreed to curtail the amount I drive. The agreement was three days a week, I would be limited to under 200 mile, and I would agree that the other two days, I could do over that amount, but not over 300. The people there were: Head of HR. My Line Manager. My Union Rep. Recorder. Myself. Everyone seemed happy. About two weeks later, I got an invite to a "follow up" meeting to discuss it. As it was a "follow up meeting" I thought it was just as well to go alone, as the trip is 250 miles, and it didn't seem worth dragging a Union guy along. As soon as they found out I was alone, they delayed the start of the meeting for 40 minutes. When it finally started, the HR person excused herself, and was replaced by another manager. So, at this meeting, there was: Manager No1. Manager No2. Myself. Note taker. Then, basically, they laid into me nonstop, slagging off. I would also say that most of what they said was complete bull****. "Figures and data" pulled from thin air, etc. Finally, they told me that my hours were to be cut from 40 hours to 15. They followed this up with a letter than made even more ridiculous accusations, None of which were either true, and furthermore, they couldn't actually quote any reference or back up with any form of details of specific instances. They reiterated the cut from 40 to 15 hours... What I'm asking is, was the 2nd "follow up" meeting even legit? We had the first Formal "Capability meeting", we came to an agreement - then the invite to a "follow up" meeting arrived (And I quote) "Please attend a follow up meeting on Friday 1st June 2018 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx During this meeting we will discuss the adjustments that you have requested and what measures we can put in place to support your request." Obviously, they didn't discuss the details from the first meeting, simply ran riot and called it a Capability meeting. Any thoughts?
  6. my doctor will be sent a form from the DVLA to fill in re my medical fitness to drive. In the past 3, 4 or 5 months my mental health has been excellent no problems. BUT earlier this year like 7 months ago I (voluntarily) admitted myself to a psychiatric ward and was there for 3 weeks. I know the doctor will have a question to answer along the lines of "has the person been admitted to a hospital in the past 12 months for psychiatric treatement?" Does this mean I won't be allowed to drive until a year has passed since my admission date, even though I have been fine in recent months? Or does it depend on each circumstance? I'm worried about this, I need my driving licence and my life is on hold until I get it back.
  7. I would appreciate some advice on the insurance that I had while ago. Whilst going through some paper work I came across some insurance policy that I had when I had the mortgage with Abbey. It is a life insurance linked to the mortgage and it is paid off now. But I never claimed anything back as it was part of the mortgage that I had to have this. Is it too late to claim anything back now?
  8. Hello Everyone Would any one be able to offer any advice on my situation please ? Went Bankrupt 6 years ago, all unsecured debt. One of the debts was a payday loan by Quick Quid. All creditors amended their entries on my credit reports to show that the debt was satisfied and the default dates were on or before my date of bankruptcy order. These are the ICO guidelines. All well so far. Quick Quid have recorded my account as Defaulted which is correct but the date of Default is 3 years after my Bankruptcy order. This is against ICO guidelines. I wrote to call Credit and raised a dispute and they simply wrote back and said 'Quick Quid have not responded to your dispute so you need to contact them yourself' I have done that and they are not responding either. Any suggestions on what I can do / put in my next letter of complaint ? Cheers
  9. Dear all I wonder if you can help? Last week I received a letter from our friends at MMF chasing a quick quid loan and threatening a CCJ. This made me take my head out of the sand and decide to do something – but I fear I might be too late I had 15 loans from QQ from December 2010 to the last one in (which was an extension of an existing loan taken out in Dec 2011) in March 2012, which I didn’t pay to break the cycle. I have paid over £3k in interest. I took a loan out every month which was an increase or an extension. At the time they lent to me, whilst I was on a good salary, due to mental health issues I was in total financial disarray. I was on a DMP with debts of approx. £38k, I had 8 defaults and also debts with Wonga (written off) and Payday UK (paid in full). QQ never reported a default to any CRA (although they did send me a default notice y email in june 2012) to be honest with sorting out all the other messes I conveniently forgot about them until MMF kindly got in touch. further to the MMF letter I wrote to QQ to complain about IL and had a standard template reply saying its past 6 years so we don’t have to do anything go to the FOS. I also wrote to MMF informing them I didn’t acknowledge the debt, that the account was in dispute and asking for the loan agreement. They have agreed to put the account on hold for 30 days. So my questions are 1) is it worth going to the FOS after all this time? I have evidence of my financial state at the time as kept a couple of old Credit reports, I could get bank statements (not sure if they will help my case due to my salary and borrowing) but cant do this until pay day, 2) have I now acknowledged the debt by putting the claim in thus resetting the clock 3) as I paid to extend the loan in march 2012 does this count as a new loan (asking as this would be under the 6 year mark?) 4) would it be worth just offering MMF a low FFS figure I really do want to avoid a CCJ or default or do they have to wait for the FOS complaint I have worked so hard for the last 10 years to pull myself out of this mess and am nearly at the finishing line , I really don’t want to give up without a fight. TBH i dont want any cash back just acknowledgement that the last loan is unenforceable
  10. Hello all, they have never provided me with full list of loans ( i think I had more than 15 with them) here is their final word... QuickQuid Customer ID: xxxxxxxxxx We are in receipt of your complaint dated 16/08/2017 where you allege that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you. Specifically, you mention: • The loans were unaffordable • You were dependent on short term lending I’ve investigated your complaint and would like to bring your attention to the following points: Under the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules, complaints cannot be made where they concern an event that occurred more than six years ago. Of course, we will still investigate your allegations as they pertain to any loans you have received in the last six years. AFFORDABILITY In your complaint you allege that QuickQuid did not perform a credit check or affordability assessment. We have reviewed your file and can confirm that, in line with our internal process, at the time of each application, we conducted our standard credit assessment, which included pulling your credit report. As part of our assessment, we analyse your current financial commitments, insolvency records, delinquency records, County Court judgements, credit enquiries and other credit accounts currently open. Lenders are required to make an assessment that is proportionate to the type and amount of the loan as well as the associated costs and risk to the borrower. It would not be proportionate for a lender which provides small loans, which are unsecured and which do not require a guarantor, to conduct the same assessment as a bank which provides high loan amounts which are secured by your home or vehicle. Your loans were unsecured. We did not provide a guarantor loan where you would have needed to have had someone else share the responsibility of repayment . Your credit report is not the only thing we analyse when we make a lending decision. We also look at the information you provide us in your application, as well as your loan history with us when we decide to approve or decline your loan application. This information is all input into our internal credit model which is run to obtain your credit model score. If your credit model score does not meet the minimum approval threshold score then we will decline your loan application. Looking at your record, I see that your credit model score was never under the minimum approval threshold for any of the loans for which you were approved. For instance, on 07/12/2007 you had a credit model score of -0.0636 on your QuickQuid loan # 20934 when the minimum approval score was 0. Your credit model score is higher the minimum approval score which shows that our affordability assessments properly ran per our internal policy. It is in our mutual interest to have a well-designed affordability model. As a responsible lender, we provide customers such as yourself with access to credit and take upon ourselves the risk of default. While we will not reject a customer simply because there is a late payment on a credit file, we will critically assess the details of your credit file to provide you with a reasonable and affordable loan. The investigation of your complaint also considered all relevant information contained in your application. It was noted your monthly income was stated as £1920 per month. I compared your income to your total monthly repayment for each loan you took with us. From this I can see that the income you made during each payday loan with us was always more than enough to cover the amount you had to repay us for each loan and thus I cannot agree with you that your loans were unaffordable. DEPENDENCY You are claiming that you were dependent on loans. Yet if you were dependent on taking out one loan to repay the other then you would have taken out numerous loans, for equal or increasing loan amounts, and with very little time between paying off one loan and taking out the other. When I reviewed your loan history I see that you never had more than four consecutive loans with less than 15 days between loans. CONCLUSION Therefore it is for the above reasons we cannot agree that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you. As this is our Final Response regarding your concerns to the above referenced account, if you are not happy with this outcome I need to ensure that you are aware of the ultimate availability of the Financial Ombudsman Service. You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances. I have provided you with a link to the leaflet for your information to assist you if you decide to pursue this further course of action. They can be contacted at: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. Tel: 0300 123 9123 Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk Further details are also available on http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk FOS consumer leaflet: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/consumer-leaflet.htm ___________________________________ Lost of stuff that makes no sense to me... any advice? Or is it now time to complaint to financial ombudsman..
  11. Hi, so like many over the past few months I'm new to this site and have received a letter from Moriaty Law stating that I owe £877.55 from a loan I took out with Quick Quid back in May 2012. As I'm already paying one debt off with Moriaty I contacted them straight away and questioned it. I probably should have posted about this earlier before taking any action, but here's what's happened so far: I've asked them to provide all/any documentation they can in regards to the load as I genuinely don't remember taking it out. There's a fair chance I did as but I'd like to see proof first. They said it was a fair request and will begin to request the documentation. They then stated that I did, in fact, pay £105.50 off the loan two weeks after taking it out (probably first pay day after getting it). They then said that MMF are willing to accept £700 as a settlement. I've tried to gaina ccess to my old email address used at the time but with no avail. I'm also using a different bank account now so have no way of checking on receiving the load or making the payment. Usually I would just begin to pay the load as I know it's my mess and I have to deal with it, but this one sounds a little suspicious after not hearing about it for years. And I also know what has happened with MMF and read multiple articles stating that £0.5 million has been written off due to unfair practices. Any advice as to what I should do next or when I receive the paperwork would be of great help.
  12. Hi ]Have an old loan with Halifax that we defaulted on in July 2011 (thankfully should be getting removed soon). Anyway we have been paying back what we owed for what I'm sure is now the last 3 years if not 4/5. The thing is we pay £50 a month for what used to £25 (reg payment), but the the thing is we are still paying interest so £25 goes on that......does that sound right or should we not be paying interest on a defaulted account?. The amount we owe barely seems to be reducing. I think we still get statements from Halifax. Sorry can't paragraph properly I'm using my mobile.
  13. Hello. Had a whirlpool washing machine off brighthouse which I have been paying for 3 years with insurance cover and only have 2 weeks left to pay. The washing machine bearings have gone and brighthouse sent a guy to fix it and he said they will right it off and left a form. I contacted brighthouse and the lady said because it is 3 years old she is having trouble replacing it and would I like a new one with a reduce price which I refused. Now the lady is saying if it is replaced it will be one that is 3 years old. I am a bit confused on their website it states if they cant fix the item they will replace with new. She also said because our washer is now 3 years old that it is not worth anything and the price for it now is zero and she doesnt think she can find a like for like. I need to phone them back tomorrow so any advice would be great thankyou.
  14. In 1996, I applied for the then student loan for as 2 years course. Once I finished my University, and for a long while, I didn't get any jobs where my earning reached the threshold necessary to start paying it back. I then moved to Australia and live there almost close to 4 years. I hadn't heard anything from the SLC (Student Loan Company) since 1997. When I got back from Australia, I suffered a stroke and since then I have completely forgotten about this loan. However, last week, I got a letter making demands to pay the loan back? Isn't this supposd to be statute barred? (No communcations since 1997?) Also I am going to be 51 and I was under the impression that the loan gets written off once you are that age? The long and the short of it is that my daughter needs to apply for a student loan and my wife has been able to fill-in her side and I am supposed to do mine, but it keep saying error and that I must contact them by phone. I am not sure what to do next? Is this statute barred or not? Thank you for your help
  15. August last year i was struggling for money, stupidly i applied for a payday loan from QQ at the time of taking this out my credit rating was appalling. i made the first payment but after that found myself struggling to continue making the payments due to several factors. the loan was for about £400 but since then it has gone up to £700+ . i emailed them a number of times asking to consider writing of the debt and gave them the reasons why including low income, loss of benefits / job, stress of debts, bad credit score etc. I also pointed out that the constant phone calls and emails every couple of days could be perceived as harassment. with all the calls and emails i kept receiving i decided to send them a income / outcome sheet showing there was no way i could afford any type of repayment offer at present and asked yet again if they could put a hold on any action, but was constantly told if i didn't phone them they couldn't sort it out and they would proceed in trying to collect the money. in every email they sent i was told if i didn't offer pay the amount or offer a repayment plan by phone my account would be sold on i told them i would prefer to only correspond via email yet they continued to phone (even after i asked them to stop doing that) and emails still kept coming saying i hadn't made any offer of repayment or tried to contact them (even though i kept explaining my situation in emails!) at the start of January this year i wrote a complaint, that they acknowledged, i explained all my problems and also that if they had done the correct checks i would not have been granted any loan. I also requested the once again that they stop any action unfortunately their reply was they don't stop any action even when dealing with a complaint. today i get a letter from Arc Europe threatening county court action within 14 days of their letter if i do not pay the amount in full or make a proposal to pay off the debt. could someone please give me any advice as what to do now thank you
  16. Hopefully a quick question. I've been taken to court by the water company, who are looking to get a CCJ. I've agreed a repayment plan with the company. Do I need to do anything on moneyclaim or with the court papers or can I just leave it? Thanks
  17. Complicated story. My neighbour confided in me she just found out she is being evicted at 9am on the 11th Jan 17. She is 69, has long term mental health conditions and her affairs were previously handled by the court of protection for some 20 years. She is a leaseholder (66years remaining) of a flat within a house conversation, it appears from the paperwork I have seen the landlord has been successful in gaining possession and she is now being evicted by way of forfeiture. The original claim for forfeiture in 2014(?), which was withdrawn states for reasons such as no access, not washing windows, putting flowers on the window ledge. There has been ongoing disputes between her and the landlord, ever since as she claims they illegally required the freehold (Some 20 years ago) and she refused to pay a premium of 100k for a new lease, which cost them (the other two leaseholders) £2.5k to get the freehold. Her property in size equates to 40% of the building. This lead to them harassing her, failing to carry out their repairs and reporting that they thought she was dead and the police breaking in. She was sectioned under the mental health act ( a few years back), when she disclosed past incidents. For the past 18 months she hasn't opened mail due to her health and conditions. The mortgage company wasn't initially apart of the claim, but they have adjoined and appear have been granted some relief at some point. She has only realised, a friend insisted she opened up the mail and that when she found last weekend she is being evicted next Wednesday. I know she needs to complete an N244 but what should be included?, I have taken a copy of the guidance. She is not entitled to legal aid, because of the equity in the property and solicitors want up front fees, and/or short notice. Any help would be much appreciated. I have only had 2 hours sleep myself and have to wake up to 4 kids (one who is broken his leg), work, a meeting with my brothers mental health team who have failed him drastically and assist my neighbour, along with my own health issues. So I need to get some sleep, but will check in the morning for any advice on completing the N244 or anything else. I have quite a few of the court papers but need to scan them, which I hope to do tomorrow at some point. Many thanks for reading and I hope we can help her.
  18. Hello everyone, I had not even realised that people were reclaiming charges and fees from the like of Wonga and quick quid. Back in at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012 I had lost my job (just as well since they owed me thousands in wages) and been out of work for several months. With the new job I had i was earning £300 a week and was being chased by debt collectors and the courts for outstanding debts (thankfully sorted thanks to CAGGERS amazing help !) I took out several loans between 2012 and 2013 they are listed below. Does anyone have a template or any comments/input/advice at all please. I'm not even after the money so much as getting the loans taken off of my credit rating... Thank you again in advance Smudge xx Wonga Quick Quid 19th July 200 20th August 210 28th August 210 17th Sept 200 21st Sept 150 24th Sept 50 19th Oct 193 1st Nov 250 8th Nov 100 16th Nov 608 21st Nov 350 30th Nov 340 6th Deceber 150 11th Dec 240 19th Dec 600 8th January 150 31st January 250 8th Feb 150 14th Feb 150 26th Feb 700 11th March 200 25th March 255 5th April 159 19th April 500 23rd May 250 14th June 300 20th June 600 1st July 2013 1099
  19. Hello all, My car insurance is with Bank of Scotland. BoS insurance operate a paperless system so everything is electronic and accessible online, no paper copy of documents is delivered unless requested. Yesterday I changed the car insured under my policy. A charge for which was levied as was expected due to the difference between the two cars, however I was also charged what appears to be a standard £25 'administration fee'. What's the justification for charging this amount when everything is electronic, with no human intervention (not even to update my policy) and no documents are printed/posted?
  20. Hi I have downloaded the compound interest and simple interest XLS files for working out a PPI claim. I have all my GM card bills from 1994 to 2004 when I paid it off and stopped using it. When I enter the PPI premiums and interest in the the compound interest file it comes out to an awful lot of money as it works out the interest up until today. Is this correct? And do i also claim simple interest on top of that? I don't expect to get it all but I would like to be accurate in what I ask for. reading the forums I seem to have two options the FOS route or small claims. Is this correct?
  21. I bought a second hand TV on gumtree 6 months ago, the guy had bought extended warranty cover and it still had a year to run. Last week the TV broke down and in the small print it stated that the warranty should have been transferred into my name at the time. When I contacted the guy he said deal with it yourself "phone and pretend you're me" which I did. The warranty group have honoured the warranty and arranged for the TV to be picked up and repaired. Today I got a call saying the TV has been written off. Which means I can have a replacement or vouchers I think. So my question is this, if I ask for vouchers, will they come in the other guys name or gift card. My point is, I don't want to request vouchers or a gift card in someone else's name that is useless to me. Thanks
  22. I have looked round for such a Site many times when looking over there for problems similar to we have in the UK.And maybe join such a group to chat to some of our American friends. Never seen it before,or missed it when looking, and the link does not work anyway. A test bed,it says. Now i am sure a wise one ,as i am not tech minded can tell me how long this was going,or perhaps going to happen perhaps. Just copied this to show you how i was baffled,it does not take much to achieve. This is what i am on about. Consumer Action Group - Americans Unite to Reclaim the Right Free help to assert consumer rights. ... Welcome to the Consumer Action Group of America · The Bear Garden · This forum - Questions and Answers. General ... And there was much more,huge in fact. Would sure need one hell of a Site Team . http://testbed.consumeractiongroup.com/archive/index.php
  23. Hi everyone, I took out a few loans with quick quid a few years ago, paid them all on time until the last one. I cant remember exactly what happened but i do remember i was having some sort of problem with the bank at the time and tried to resolve the loan with qq several times. After a while I started getting those "please contact us" letters from Mackenzie Hall but because i had never heard of them i didnt contact them. About a year or so later i got a letter from i think Motormille Finance asking for repayment of the qq loan, i arranged a payment plan with them and the first payment was taken from my account on the due date,. the next month the payment never came off so i conntacted them and they said it was a problem with my card details and they would set it up again. it never came off again and this time the excuse was that my repayment plan had been cancelled because of a failed payment, they set it back up and I thought that was the end of it. I then got a letter from National Debt Recovery demanding the same money so i called them and told them i already had a payment plan set up with another company and therefore i would not be paying them. i also called mmf and advised them of the second company, both companies said it was them i should be paying but i told them until i got confirmation from qq i wouldnt be paying either of them. I heard nothing until recently (around three years after all that) when i got a similar letter to what a lot of other people seem to be getting from Marshall Hoares bailiffs, but after reading the info on here about them decided to ignore it. today I got a letter from MMF saying they are taking me to court AND a call from Marshall Hoares about the same money. I toled marshall hoares the story and that i would not pay them until qq told me who to pay and i called mmf to advise them the same. mmf say my account is sttill on hold after me originally informing them about two companies wanting the same money and that they have not heard from qq and could not explain why i had recieved the letter from them. Marshall hoares said they will contact qq and call me back. I contacted quick quid and they said they only ever sold the debt to Mackenzie Hall and quote "the debt no longer matters to us" So my question is what do i do? should i just ignore all these threatening letters as other threads suggest?
  24. We got my niece a Hp laptop for christmas in the middle of december and it has just come down with a keyboard fault . press s and you get sx etc on two blocks , now my feeling is it is a switch underneath that has gone bad , will it be a straight forward replacement or will they send it away for repair . she uses his for her homework i have reset it to check the keyboard so i know its not software but hardware failure . It was brought at tescos i forgot to add
  25. Hi, I'm a regular Lidl customer and can prove it from receipts. On 25/07/14 I parked in Lidl as my wife had a hospital appt (a 20week pregnancy scan) and the hospital parking/on street parking nearby is a nightmare. I intended to return within the 90mins allowed to shop in Lidl (I did shop in Lidl afterwards but it was after I left the car-park (exited car-park 13:31, time on receipt 15:07)). We ran a bit late (as the baby was not in correct position!) and I didn't want to miss the scan by running back to Lidl so we were 17mins 52 seconds over the allowed 90mins. I now have a Civil Parking Charge Notice from Athena for £90 reduced to £45 if I pay within 14 days. This seems a bit excessive to say the least. I don't have any real defence as I broke their rules, do I have any way of not paying this charge? Is it legally enforceable? Can I offer to pay a smaller, more reasonable charge for 18minutes? Many thanks for any help!
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