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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all ... Hope this is the right place to post this. Having lost everything in the recession I then suffered a major breakdown and now have Complex PTSD and fibromalgia amongst other illnesses which are all getting worse. After two years of being homeless myself and my partner were given a council flat. Our neighbours are the local drug dealers and generally bad things happen daily. I now won't go out of the flat at all. I have a pension which I could cash in in 18 months and I wanted to do this and buy a small cheap house. I currently get PIP and my partner gets carers allowance and we get income support which I apparently claim for us both. I don't really understand it all as the CAB sorted it out for us. If I did cash in my pension and buy a house would our income support stop. Also would this affect my state pension when I get to retirement age. Someone told me that we wouldn't be entitled to pension credits. Thanking you in advance for any advice you can give.
  2. Hi. Long story short. I have outstanding debts with HMRC going back to 2005, mostly due to not filing my SA returns. Most of it is fines and assumptions of my earnings, even though I probably haven't earned more than £5-8000 a year since the first year. We've lived hand to mouth since then, and hidden from our responsibilities, and the debt is now over £9000. I accept that due to me burying my head in the sand, it is entirely my own fault. My question is this. I am about to take one of my private pensions as a lump sum (around £40k) and I need to know whether HMRC will help themselves to everything they say I owe, before I'm paid out. I realise that I will be taxed at the emergency rate, and that they may well keep the overpayment to clear my debt, but that wouldn't cover it all. Can they take any more to cover the balance owed? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  3. my question is regarding my pension pot which I have taken it was with the national coal board, I received it 7 weeks ago and reported this to pension credit as it was over £10,000 but below £16,000 my ncb pension was paid monthly which has now stopped. I was told by pension credit I would receive extra money as it would be treated as what they call a better off claim plus they would take £1 every £500 above £10,000, after hearing nothing for 4 weeks I rang them and they just told me the same thing three more weeks have gone by and have still heard nothing, is this a normal time to wait for it to be sorted out, can anyone enlighten me please thank you
  4. i just thought I'd share this. Every sunday morning I get up at 5am (horrid I know) but I do so for a good reason! What I do is plan a week of easy meals, not easy to cook, but easy to reheat the following week. I've found that cooking a load of 1 pot meals like chicken casseroles, Bolognese, hotpots, curries and alike a tthe ungodly hours saves me a fortune in electric. After cooking the lot I store em all up in a bunch of tupperware containers and get one out as and when I need it. The costs I've saved cooking this that early (eco 7 hours), is amazing. At least £1 a day. The washing up is a lot easier during the busy weeks, its quick to boil some ride or pasta to complete the meal and best of all it's not tiring Nothing better than a hard days at work to come home to an easy 'home cooked' 5 minute meal hope this helps, Cheers, A
  5. Hi all, this is my first post here... This question is for a friend of mine, who is on Income Related ESA and has a small occupational pension fund - about £30K - which she thought was locked up until she was 60. Well, it turns out this is not the case, because of ill health she could draw on it, the princely sum of £10 a week. DWP are asking for a pension statement. Does this mean she has to draw her pension early? We know that any such payments will be deducted from her ESA. Or, can she wait till she reaches normal retirement age, because who knows, she might get well again which would be lovely. Thanks for reading. x clouty x
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