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Found 6 results

  1. Parked in a residents` or shared use parking place or zone without either clearly displaying a valid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place, or without payment of the parking charge (shared use bay) This was the reasoning for being given a PCN (hire car at the time) - wrote to them straight away stating that there were no pictures taken of the vehicle as none were uploaded on council's website - "no images were found for this PCN!" council responded saying wait until you receive notice to owner but not having photos isn't sufficient grounds as they don't need photos or something along those lines. so hire company were contacted - gave my details (this is just before Christmas) but no letter was received at my address apart from a letter after the new year stating I needed to pay £110. I wrote back to them via online stating that there were no photos and I had not received a previous letter so why am I being charged £110 already I also said I wanted to go to independent adjudicator - they stated a letter was sent on the 19/11/2018 and I missed the opportunity to speak to the independent adjudicator as I didn't respond to the previous letter - Their wording was : a notice to owner was sent to you on ..... this notice provided you with the opportunity to make formal representations. as you failed to make rep a charge certificate (CC) was issued. once a cc has been issued there is no longer the formal right of appeal. the pan has been reviewed and we are satisfied that it remains valid, your representation has been reviewed I must advise you that we issued the pcn because your vehicle was observed pared in a resident's or shared use parking place or zone without either claeary displaying a valid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place, or without payment of the parking charge. The CEO had recorded detailed notes at the material time of issuing the pcn and can confirm the contravention has occurredl. the photographic evidence is secondary. it is the responsibility of the driver to insure that they understand the restrictions in place and follow the designated signage. at this stage we have reordered 110 as a gesture of goodwill (whatever you say mate - gesture of goodwill is you not giving me this ticket) 110 payment should be made within 14days blah blah what can I do now? how do I respond to a letter I never received for adjudicator ? how can they prove I was parked there - what if a ticket guy has it in for me and just stuck a ticket on and not provided photos cause I wasn't parked there? thanks for the help oh and to top it off the car was only observed from 13:34pm - 13:34pm
  2. Hi all! Is it illegal for a subcontractor to take photos inside my house and send them to the landlord? For a bit of background/detail - I am finally (after five years of waiting) getting a new kitchen in my Housing Association home. Today one of the subcontractors took a photograph of my cat litter tray and sent it to my landlord claiming that there was a smell of cat urine and faeces which made it intolerable for them to work in my property. I have several issues with this - firstly I was totally unaware that this had happened, I was not asked permission by the subcontractor for him to take any photographs, nor was I aware that this had even happened until I received a telephone call from my landlord regarding same. Secondly, the cat litter tray was in the downstairs cloakroom - separated from the kitchen in which they were supposed to be working by a utility room and a closed door. The smell from the tray is minimal and was not even detectable from the kitchen, which was the only place I was aware they were in. I did not give them permission to use the toilet, nor did they ask. Thirdly, because I was totally unaware that any photographs were taken, I have no idea how many were taken, and of which parts of the house and/or my personal property. Is what they did legal? and if not is there anything I can do about it.
  3. Is there something under UK law to prevent an online seller displaying misleading photographs even if there is small print to state the photograph shows something not included? I recently bought what I thought was an A2 picture frame from Amazon. A search on Amazon for "A2 frame" showed this item: (unable to link, please search Amazon for B009RBIZ1O) The item I received was a rolled up poster. On checking Amazon I noticed some small print at the end of the long description. I also noticed other people had left negative reviews because they had also thought they were purchasing a frame. The seller appears to be using an Amazon account to accuse these customers of being stupid. In the meantime they have a much more suitable photograph of a poster they could use as the main image. While it isn't a huge amount of money it annoys me to see they are aware of the confusion from previous customers and leaving comments on their reviews calling customers stupid. All they need to do is swap the photograph but I suspect they know they wouldn't sell as many £10 posters this way. I tried contacting Amazon who just put me in touch with the seller for a refund but I actually want them to change the misleading photo.
  4. Hi all hope everyone had great Xmas and 2014 brings everyone all they need, wish, hope or could want I was hoping to some enlightenment with regards what is allowable and deemed acceptable for Councils to be able to do Reason for question is I have been harassed, intimidated, threatened and bullied by 2 - 3 Council employees since moving into this Council house and the last letter and action taken by Council was last straw so I asked them to provide me with every single piece of information they held about me or I was mentioned or associated in such information via Subject Access Request route. Credit where credit is due they provided me with a bit of the information requested but nowhere near all of the information they hold based on my own documentation and other evidence although they state what they sent me is all they hold. Any way my question relates to after quickly glancing through the information they sent me I noticed quite a few photographs had been taken of me and certain possessions of mine without my knowledge or permission as they would have not been able to take some of the pics without going through the entryway and opening my back gate or taking pictures while standing in the entry taking pictures over my back gate. Can they take such pictures without either asking you if it is ok or at least informing you that they have or are going to carry out the same. Notwithstanding the above although it is quite bemusing a number of Council employees have either been asked to give their opinion on what they thought of me or gave it freely is there anything I can do about this as I do not know why or what relevance would need to get their opinions on me and keep them on my file Many thanks
  5. Hi, We have a routine house inspection planned for this coming week which has happened every six months for the last 5 years. During the last inspection the estate agent said it is now part of their procedure to take pictures of every room, which they then forward onto the landlord to show them what their property is currently like to give an impression of the type of people living in it. We agreed because we felt very on the spot but rang up later to say we weren't happy & they said this is the case with many of their tenants and they will have to rethink. Now, they have hired an external agency called Pinstripe to carry out inspections. On their website it says they too take pictures of the house. We have rang them to say you can take as many pictures as you like of the walls/doors/curtains everything that belongs to the landlord & the landlord is welcome round in person anytime, but we don't want our personal possessions in the pictures. They said we (as tenants) have no choice that is what they do and we have no right to stop them. If we had young children would we have more rights? Or can random people come and take pictures of their bedrooms? We will have all of our electrical goods and personal items on display to a number of people who have access to our house! Please can someone provide any info on this subject and of any rights we do/don't have. Thank you
  6. If I'm on property other than my own, I believe that I can only take photo's of objects on that property with permission, and and in the case of people, only with their specific permission. When I enter a car park, fitted with ANPR, nobody has asked my permission to take my photo - are they breaking the law? I'm not talking about CCTV, but ANPR. Sam
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