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Found 17 results

  1. Hi, Whilst filling out a tax return I checked the information HMRC held regards PAYE from what is now a former employer. The information shows the dates, taxable income, income tax paid and National Insurance paid, all totalled up. The amounts I noticed didn't add up to the totals at the bottom of the page. It seems one month a payslip was issued, then a revised version issued. The totals on the revised version were correct but the following months payslip uses the totals from the original payslip. I contacted HMRC and they said yes it doesn't add up but we can't say why - you need to contact the former employer. So that's what I did, they gave me a P60 and said everything looks fine, but the P60 just contains the incorrect totals they gave to HMRC. I've now advised in more detail but without even having checked yet they advise everything "looks about right". Just wondering if they refuse to correct the totals what are the options? Do I need to go back to HMRC with the figures and rationale? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi everyone, My son works for a sole trader and yesterday informed my son that due to a PAYE error (which he admits was his mistake) my son had underpaid tax for the past three months and an amendment would be made to this months wages. This morning he checked his pay with the bank and found that his employer had deducted almost £1,000 as the unpaid tax (incidently, he only pays about £1200 for the whole year. He is now left with insufficient funds to pay his rent and other essential bills. His boss freely admits that the error is fully his error. The HMRC haven't notified my son or the employer.
  3. HMRC made an error in my 2016/7 tax code which resulted in a large overpayment of tax on my pension in October 2016. HMRC have admitted their mistake and issued a new, correct, code. Who is responsible for repaying me? My pension provider or HMRC?
  4. Hi, My friend recently found that his employer from 2009/2010 hadn't registered him with HMRC PAYE but they have deducted the paye and NI from his salary and gave him payslips. Also the company was dissolved somewhere in 2012/2013 and noway he could contact them. He only found out when he inquired hmrc about his employment history for the past 6 years which he needed for his visa application. How can he update hmrc records with this employment when the employer can not be found? What is the best resolution for him? Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone, I feel I am being put into a position by housing benefit regulations of having to consider giving up my job, I would be grateful for any help or advice. My story starts with leaving a job I was in after 12 years as an employee to do the job I am doing now. I started this job in June 2104. Basically I am a door to door collection agent, (like a provident agent), different company. I am NOT self employed but PAYE, I am on a commission only basis and I pay all my own expenses from my Net Pay, e.g fuel, car repairs, mobile phone, wifi etc. these expenses are not recoverable from my employers but from HMRC in the form of a new UTR (Unique Tax Reference). I also pay an accountant annually from my Net pay to calculate my expenses and submit them to HMRC and Tax Credits. I have had no issues with HMRC or tax credits, my award has been altered accordingly, but Housing Benefit will NOT accept these expenses because they do NOT show up on either my P60 or Pay Slips. HMRC are sending me out a calculation to give to the council showing my annual wage after expenses, but I know this will be fruitless, as another agent has been denied after providing his. I have took this to appeal and tribuneral and to my local MP, but I am still banging my head against a brick wall. Housing benefit are quoting me Housing Benefit Regulation 35 2(b) as the reason why I am not entitled. Basically in my previous job on approx £11,000 per year I was recieving £64 per week housing benefit and some council tax benefit. This job after expenses I get £10,700 per year and receive nothing and have to pay back an overpayment of £1900. I am a single parent with 2 teens under 18 and work in excess of 30 hours per week. I love my job and do not want to have to search again, I would be grateful for any advice offered. Thank You
  6. Hi Folks - Have been entered for an advanced tree felling course at my place of work , but my employer says if I leave in a certain period - I have to pay back the course . And wants me to sign a document to this effect . Provision and Use of Work Equipments Regs says otherwise I believe and there is nothing about this in my Works contract - yr thoughts ........ Q
  7. bullyuk

    Hmrc chasing paye

    Morning. We closed a Ltd company down late last year and had the confirmation it was officially ceased trading in Feb this year. I now have HMRC chasing £1000 in unpaid PAYE. Can they chase me as old director of a ceased company??? Many thanks. Gary
  8. Hi all, I was doing the books for a relative until they closed down their business down. HMRC have been informed and all the procedures followed to the letter. However, while the closure happened back at the end of March, HMRC are still not making demands for employee paye and national insurance contributions five months on. They have never delayed with VAT payments and even fined my relative for being late. It just appears odd that they have not communicated at all. From what I hear from other business people is that this is very very odd Has anyone had similar experiences or expert advice? Please help.
  9. can anyone give me some advice? my 19 year old is unemployed at the moment as an apprenticeship ended, prior to that he was working for a company as an apprentice earning a little over £100 per week. He has had a £100 fine fore not returning his assessment, but he was on PAYE, so did n't fill one in, in fact he was never asked to can anyone help, are there any template letters ? Thanks
  10. I am going to write to the HMRC Pay As You Earn office to claim a tac overpayment for last year. Back in the day the HMRC would pay back with a check. Can I ask the HMRC to pay the amount to a bank account or alternatively directly into my payslip? Thanks.
  11. I need some advice here. I am self employed and pay my PAYE in instalments from April when I self assess to just before January 31st when the payment is actually due. Worked well for some time until tax year 2011-2012 when I switched to direct debit monthly payment, saw it on my HMRC account and thought that would be a good idea as opposed to bac's payments. Boy was I wrong, not only were they not allocating the payments to my account (they have admitted to having to manually transferring all direct debit payments from suspense) but they have also lost two payments. I have lost count now of how many times I have called and asked why when they can see the payments they have not allocated them. It really is getting out of hand now, it's costing me a fortune in calls, I have written to them twice. These payments were made 6 months ago. Every call results in "we can see the payments and will put in another request to have them allocated". They really are infuriating to deal with.
  12. I have been working in a bar for over two years now. Payslips come by very rarely. Having JUST received payslips from the pay weeks in February & March I have noticed that what I have earned this year was well over what I thought, so I compared the net pay on the payslips with what was paid in to my bank account. Each week there is about £20-£100 difference between what is the net pay on the payslips (after tax deductions) and what I have actually been paid (shown on my bank statements). I can also see, that despite having a 810L tax code, I have paid tax on all of my earnings to date (the date relevant to each payslips). Looking at it, I'm sure my employer has been paying me a good wage, taking his cut out, and then giving me what my wage should have been that week, minus tax. To make matters worse, every April (new tax year) my employer closes the current business, and re-opens a new one that now owns by bar (checking on Companies House, each new business is apparently directed by someone who we have never heard off). I know a few people in the past have tried to sue my company, but have failed as the owner of my bar, and the debtor, in the eyes of the law is no longer existent and the new company has no responsibility to fulfill the debt. I will be visiting citizens advice on Tuesday regarding this, but I am worried now as I have worked out I am owed in excess of £1,000 (total from the company last tax year and the new one this tax year), but any advice you can give now will be greatly appreciated. I have not quit as I was fed (obviously false) promises that my wages will be sorted out "next week" which I have foolishly believed. If I was to take matters to court (if things cannot be sorted between us), is there any way to prove the real director of the business has been the director for the past years, but has been operating under different business, owned by different people.
  13. Hello, I have been hassled by the inland revenue for the last 3 years and they have recently hit me with 6,500 pounds fine. First this money is for the late returns they said I made, yet, if i am correct, I should not have been doing self assessments when I have worked for the same company and been PAYE for the last 22 years, merely changing my home address. I di mention this to them on several occasions, yet they are still charging me with late fines dating back to 2010. I have all my necessary pay slip taxation data. Can someone please inform me as to my standing in being able to contest these charges. Thank you
  14. Good afternoon, I will attempt to give you all the relevant facts in the hope that someone can please point me in the correct direction. Since being made redundant I am now retraining in a different industry. My employer is kind enough to pay my uni fees in regards to my day release degree course. My degree course is a vital professional qualification in my new career. I have been told I can claim from HMRC the cost of the textbooks for my degree course and the cost of my 1 day a week train ticket to uni back. Is this correct? I have trawled the internet and HMRC website for hours but keep going round in circles and getting no closer to the answer. In my current trainee role I am on a modest salary and PAYE. In order to help ends meet I also work part time evenings and weekends in my friends shop. NB these earnings are also subjected to PAYE. Any help / pointers gratefully appreciated cheers
  15. Hi all, I checked my PAYE Tax in May and it was around £300. In June it had shot up to over £400. Is this due to the UK budget coming into effect or is something unusual here? I've been advised to investigate with HMRC but knowing how long they take to do anything I thought I'd ask here first Thanks Chris
  16. Hi, In 2007-08 i left my employer and started a new job. However i was never given a p46 on starting out. Recently i recieved a demand letter from HMRC claiming i had underpaid tax and therefore needed to pay £835.09 next year. I appealed this and hmrc admits the employer should have provided me a p46,but it was also my responsibility to inform them of any changes that might affect my personal tax allowance. Can anyone advice on how to go about this as i have appealed twice and hmrc have stuck to their guns. Thanks
  17. Hello. I was made redundant in June 2010, but due to long length of service and it being 'voluntary' it was a very generous settlement. The problem is HMRC wrote to me on January 31st this year to say that I had underpaid tax on it by £6,833.60. This was set out with a P800 form. The tax year in question is quoted as year ended 5 April 2011. After speaking to them, they advised I go back to my employer and check with them as to how they based their calculations at the time of my final payment, and to provide breakdowns of this. I have written to them twice now, and have had no reply. Obviously HMRC are keen for a resolution on this. I would therefore be grateful for any advice on how I should proceed. Having re-read my separation agreement, their is a clause in there that absolves my ex-employer from any problems that may arise with regards to PAYE tax claims from HMRC, which pretty much seems to rule out taking up any complaint with them. I am also a bit annoyed that it has taken HMRC this long to get around to notifying me of the problem. I appreciate that at the end of the day the only advice may be that there is nothing I can do other make arrangements with HMRC to pay this amount. If so, please feel free to tell me that! What I would like to know particularly is how I can ensure that they are entitled to this full amount, and if there is any way for me to register a strong complaint over their delay in handling this (a delay which has caused me some frustration, and put me a bit in a hole regarding my current plans).
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