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Found 12 results

  1. 1. The date of infringement? 16.08.18 2. Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No 5.Who is the parking company? P4 Parking 6. where exactly did you park? On a double yellow line in Woolwich London. Land owned by Berkeley I parked on the double yellow outside my child’s nursery, with my hazard lights on, as I have been doing for the past year and a half when the 5 allocated parking spaces are full; as all of the parents collecting their children do every day. I always make sure that my parking is not causing a hazard or obstruction. I feel it is worth mentioning that I did have an encounter with a parking warden outside the nursery some time ago when I parked on the double yellow with my wheels on the pavement. The parking warden at the time told me off for having my wheels on the pavement but said I could park on any double yellow surrounding the nursery for 15 minutes (same amount of time allocated to the parking spaces) to collect my child. On the 16.08.18 I was parked on the double yellow for no longer than 15 minutes. As I exited the nursery I noticed a parking warden speaking to one of the parents and overheard the parent apologising. I hot-footed it to my car, got my child inside and then drove off thinking he had not reached my car... only to discover, approx 3 minutes later, the PCN partially hidden below my windscreen. I spoke with the concierge and they advised me to appeal, stating that there was nothing they could do about it themselves. I was fuming and still am because I honestly don’t know what they expect parents to do if there are no available parking spaces. I have to collect my child from the nursery by a certain time or risk being fined. Is it worth me contacting Berkeley to see if they would cancel the ticket? I feel that they have not produced sufficient provision for parent parking and then are penalising those who are left with no option but to park on the double yellow lines. I’ve also considered speaking to the nursery but can imagine they’re not going to want to get involved. Please can someone advise what you think my chances are of appealing and if I do have any, the best way to do it? Thanks in advance. NB. PCN attached.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/apr/16/scrap-diesel-cars-for-cash-says-influential-committee-chairman This looks interesting. It looks like it might be means tested, but Theresa May has taken into consideration that Tony Blair's government pushed diesel vehicles -
  3. Hi All, A friend of ours is in a huge amount of debt from her marriage, where her husband built up this debt, cheated on her and was also very abusive. Our friend had no choice but to go into a refuge with their 2yr old son. Whilst in the refuge, her husband didn't give her dog the medication that it needed and it became ill. the husband took the dog to the vets in the morning, but the vet put the dog to sleep in the afternoon. The dog belonged solely to our friend, not the husband. The vet did not call our friend on her mobile phone to speak with, as the dog's owner), they were happy to speak with her estranged husband. The vets have sent our friend the bill and asked her to solely pay it as the sole vet account holder and dog owner. She wants to know if they can do that? Someone takes the dog in ( who the vet knows) and destroy it without t=contacting the owner and also without checking that the vet account holder is happy to accept the charge for this treatment? many thanks in advance E5D
  4. Saw this story on the news this morning - http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/17947/online-news/dcas-in-crackdown-on-foreign-driver-parking-fines But the news piece didn't really give much of an explanation and nor does the above story. So currently, councils cant access foreign car data (unlike our UK DVLA system), but they are going to employ DCAs (who we all know have zero powers even in the UK) to track down these foreign car owners (how ??), and ask them nicely to pay ? I cant see the success rate being very how, surely it will only end up costing councils ?
  5. This is simply awful and if other local authorites follows the poor example of London Borough of Islington it will be appalling. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-3124279/Is-start-diesel-tax-Islington-charges-extra-96-today.html
  6. hi all i need your help i moved into my new property in November last year and been getting letters from excel civil enforcement for the old owner, i have been sending them back return to sender. I came home from work yesterday at 9 last night and my car was not on my drive, i went inside and see a letter from excel saying that they removed the car to cover the debt. when i called to number on the letter explained that i was not the person on the court order and that he removed my car illegally and wanted it back if not i would call the police and have him arrested for theft. he then told me that because the car was at the drive and the address was on his order so he can remove the car. i offered to email proof of who i was to his office he refused and said if i did not pay him the money of £1500 plus holding cost the car would be sent to auction. which then he hung up This morning i called the court and explained to them what happened who where no help all they would say is that the debt was out of their hands and i would have to deal with the bailiff company. i dont know what to do can anyone please help me
  7. Hello, Just wondered if anyone can advise. A friend has recently purchased a vehicle through ebay. Shortly after the updated V5 was received a letter was received advising that the vehicle had outstanding finance and that it will be repossessed on the 23rd of this month. I have done some digging and it transpires that the previous owner never sent the V5 off and that the logbook loan was in fact taken out by the previous - previous owner. I have the name and address of the previous, previous owner as it is on the logbook, furthermore I know where they work as it is on their facebook profile, that I had a cheeky look at. I have not made contact yet. Not really sure what to do now at this point, can anyone advise? I have spoken to the loan company, who don't really want to know. Time is obviously of the essence as it is due to be repossessed next week. I really would be grateful if any advice!
  8. Hi guys Looking for a bit of advice regarding a default. I had a pdl with quickquid, they never issued a default. The account was 'sold' to mucky hall who on the date of purchase applied a default on my credit file. I have been challenging this since as I was never supplied a proper default notice. In the final response from m/hall they have supplied a default notice they claim was originally supplied by quickquid, which is dated 3 months prior to the 'notice' they had originally supplied and 3 months prior to the date on my credit file. They now claim that upon purchase of the account they updated the details of my default to reflect the date they had taken ownership. I am now raising my complaint with the FOS and need to know if what the claim to have done is in anyway legal? Thanks in advance
  9. Hi all, This is probably a unusual one, we bought a small caravan site 12 months ago, 45% of owners were unhappy with ownership and 40% wanted to actively sell their units, during the past 12 months things have changed and only 2 units wish to sell, they have been up for sale with an estate agent (we don't take commission or any fee at all) one of the units wishes for us to buy back their unit. we got 2 local dealers to come in and give us a price both were £24,000 & £25,000 this unit was bought 7 years ago for £170,000 it's a holiday unit only, now the owner is saying they will accept £75,000 they marketed it at £100k we are struggling to see the value in this unit and what we could do with it. A brand new unit would cost £70,000 any suggestions/thoughts ?? I'm sure if we bought it at £75k people would think we will have ripped them off, but we don't actually want it, we would need to borrow the money the bank are saying 14.9% so it will cost us £11,250 a year in interest.
  10. Hi. I have a situation which is pretty unique (I believe) and don't seem to get a straight answer from any of the government sites or even my bank, so I was wondering if anyone here has any advice. In 2006 I divorced and my (ex) wife stayed in our mortgaged property while I rented a different property that was completely separate. Unfortunately, she was unable to take over the mortgage or to raise enough capital to buy the property from me, so the mortgage is in my name still despite me not living there. In Lieu of maintenance, I pay the mortgage for her (they're around the same price). She is self-employed and makes a maximum of £7k a year but also has tax credits and maintenance from her previous husband to make up the shortfall. We have no written contract between ourselves for the mortgaged property and I am not in a landlord position, as she has free reign to do anything to the property and I have no landlord-style liability to fix things if they go wrong. Last month I lost my job through a dismissal (long story) but although I qualify Contribution based JSA, Housing benefit for my rented home and council tax benefit. The grey area is the mortgage, which is still in my name and needs paying. The bank has asked me to make token payments and really to pay the contractual minimum which monthly is more than my income now. They also suggested that I go to the jobcentre and complete the form MI12, but can I do this and still claim housing benefit as the rented property and the mortgaged property are two separate addresses although both in my name. I don't want her evicted as we're still on good terms, and as I am in negative equity with the property, sale of any description is out of the question. Any advice would be gratefully accepted.
  11. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14477/online-news/pe-firms-bid-to-acquire-arrow-global-
  12. Hi, just a quick question here, I have found out that the director/sole owner of the company I work for has been employing family members on full time wages for a considerable amount of time. The family members are never in the office, have a corp email, or are on the phone system. I have also seen a large amount of personal expenses from the owners family such as computers, laptops, flights for holidays etc being claimed through the company. In my eyes this is fraud, and as I will be leaving soon I wish to wipe the smile of this dishonest person's face. Is this fraud? and how serious is it? Who do I report it to? What usually happens after it's reported? Many thanks CM.
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