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Found 10 results

  1. Hello all. So todayI received a “CONTROL OF GOODS” letter at my house from Newlyn. It was for a PCN which I had received, whilst the car was registered in my mum’s name. Since this January, the car has been registered in my name. Also, the house is in my name, but the car has always been registered at my home address. Cut a long story short, my folks split their time between our house in Spain and the UK. When in the UK, they are based at my address. They wanted £248 paid by the 11/07, but the letter wasn’t received by them until the 22/07, as my folks were away until then. Upon seeing the letter, I paid £98 on the 24/07 and paid the remaining £75 yesterday. My plan was to have it paid by the end of the month. In total, I paid £173 for the PCN. This did not include the £75 compliance charge which I wasn’t going to pay. Although, I was going to send Newlyn a letter asking them to justify their compliance fee. The ticket was from Ealing council and wasn’t the first one I’ve had from them, so I don’t have a problem paying the actual ticket. That was £175. My concern with that is that Ealing council never sent through any notifications that I had forgotten to pay the original PCN. If they had done, it would have been with any post addressed to my mum. And having had tickets in her name before due to my parking, I’d have heard about it  When my folks came back, the first they’d heard about it was when a letter from Newlyn arrived. This is something I need to deal with after as my main concern is Newlyn returning to my house. I believe I need to get my mum to send off a TE7 form to the Traffic Enforcement Centre as at the time, the car was in her name. Am I correct in this ? I’m not contesting the PCN. I received the ticket and never paid for it.However, it seemed to go straight to the enforcement stage. This morning, I received an unsealed, hand delivered letter through my letterbox. It was dated the 17/07/18, which already got alarm bells ringing for me. It was the “control of goods letter” saying to either pay £826 straight away, or have goods removed. I haven’t contacted them yet, as I wanted to get some advice on the matter first. Can my car be clamped, or removed if it’s now in my name and on my drive? I’m self-employed too and use the car for work purposes. Also, can they enter my house forcefully? By that, I mean can they force locks open to get in and remove goods? And if they do turn up, what should I be saying and asking? My plan was to contact the person who left me the letter this morning, as they left a contact number.Also, to contact Newlyn. As far as I’m concerned, the £173 for the PCN has been paid. Anything else is just Newlyn trying to get money from me. What really concerns me is the two-week discrepancy from the date on the letter, to when they posted it through my letterbox. Like I said, I had no problem paying the PCN but £656 in “fees” is just robbery. I’ve been looking over various parts of the forum today to see if others have had similar situations. Seems I’m not alone  I hope that all made sense.
  2. I'm in a situation with Newlyns. Because of an ON/OFF relationship I've not been getting a lot of post, and a parking ticket seems to have slipped through the net and now its at the warrant of execution stage. I still didn't know until i was parked up at the side of the street last week and a spy knocked on my window and introduced himself to me as agent 007 (not really) from newlyns and that ANPR had picked up my details and i owed £400. He gave me his mobile number to "deal with it" and sent me a reference number. I called the office and set up a payment arrangement with them to pay £50 per month (8 payments), on the understanding that they send me something in writing which states that enforcement action will stop whilst I'm up to date with payments. they said id have to email in. Payment due on the 8th... still nothing this morning i rang again and spoke to "Colin The Manager" who told me he couldn't send any such email/letter because the council have to vet everything they send. I told him I'm not sure how i can be protected if theres nothing in writing stating so, and he just said "ok ill take the arrangement off and your vehicle will be seized" Banter occurred where i said "ill hide the car" "Then we will take your goods" He said "How?" i replied "By coming in and taking it" he said. "And you think ill let you in" i said "we have ways" he said scarily. blah blah blah They wont send me this tiny little piece of security i asked for, i'm asking if I should be worried or is everything likely to be ok if i keep up payments. thanks UKD
  3. Hi I've just received a text from Newlyns saying they will attend tomorrow to remove goods. I also accidentally deleted the text!!! so can't remember the exact words a nd don't have the mobile number it came from. I remember it said to call 'this number' now. This debt is a liability order from Canterbury Magistrates for non payment of council tax. I own a small flat near there which is way too small for my family and which I'm trying to sell. I've never lived in it. Council have charged me a full year's tax with no rebate - which I will need to look into as it's 25% rebate most other places for single occupant (or no occupant?). I have been unemployed for nearly two years and now have a job. But Newlyns demanded I pay the £1200 over 6 months even though I was unemployed when I spoke to them. Having been unemployed for so long it's really crippling me trying to catch up with all my unpaid bills now, to the point where I have nothing left each month within a week of pay day. Sometimes I have to cancel a standing order. I didn't pay Newlyn in November and I didn't pay them in January. I'm just too broke. I'm facing a huge council tax bill where I'm living now which will probably need to be paid by April, which is £1100 and I'm hoping my daughter will have her housing benefit sorted by then so they will reduce the bill. I don't know how to deal with Newlyns. I've read some of the sticks about bailiff actions etc but I think this firm are really hard. I think it's disgusting that a bailiff company can be successful enough to be a PLC in this day and age. I'm scared. Does anyone know what I should do? I have never had them visit my current address or discuss any belongings with them. I know they asked for my NI number when I originally spoke to them. They said it was to check I wasn't working. thanks
  4. I have just returned home and found a "Control of Goods" notice posted through my door saying that I must pay Newlyn £1115 from a property I used to own in Lewisham. I moved away from Lewisham in 2009 for work and sold the house in 2013, in the meantime I rented it out to tenants and always kept the council informed of comings and goings - there were only two tenants in that period anyway. I wanted to sell in 2009 but you know what the housing market was like couldn't give it away then. When I lived in the house up to 2009 I paid by direct debit so it can't be from those dates. I rang Newlyn and the woman who answered was really quite nasty but I persisted with being calm and she told me that they had sent notices to a rented address that I moved away from over two years ago. I have contacted Lewisham via their webform to ask what debt they are asking for. I suspect that either one of my tenants never paid their council tax or the buyer of the property chose not to register promptly. So my question is - can they just post a Control of Goods form to me without any other notices regardless of whether they sent a notice to a property that I no longer live in? Miss Nasty from Newlyn seems to think that was fine to send notices to my old address and then send Control of Goods form to new address but surely that can't be legal? Also it was a Liability order so I can't do anything about it according to Google. I never received a copy of the order even though I had my post forwarded because Royal Mail only allows your post to be forwarded for 2 years, and I did forward it for 2 years. Is there anything I can do about never receiving a copy of the order? Obv. I am going to ring Lewisham council tomorrow but having dealt with them over the years when I lived there I know they will be difficult can anyone let me know what I should be saying to Lewisham and Newlyns? NB the Newlyn Notice said the Liability order was from May this year. Thanks.
  5. Hello, Whilst myself and my husband were in our house a letter had been pushed through the letterbox from Newlyns. It contained 2 letters both dated 5th November 1. Take Formal Notice 2. Notice of distress. This is for council tax in the amount of £165.34 they have added charges on and the bill now equates to £346.65 It said it was for unpaid council tax for Trafford Council for my husband, we worked out when he lived in that district and it was 2005 for about 3 months. They had detailed on this distress notice that they intended to seize my 35K Mercedes car, which they had detailed the reg number, firstly they can't take my car for my husbands debt but I found that laughable to say the least. We called Trafford Council as we had no idea what this debt was for as this was the first we had heard of it, baring in mind we have lived in this same property 5 years. We explained we had never received a letter asking for payment nor did my husband realise the debt even existed, Trafford Council happily took the payment of £165.34 from us but then spoke to someone in the recovery team and they have refused to call the bailiffs off. They even told us they had written to my husband at an address he moved out of in 2008 which is why we never had seen any of these letter, they told us he should have advised them he moved, which in my opinion is ludicrous, why would we tell trafford council he moved out of a manchester council district property in 2008, this makes no sense to me, why have they been unable to find him when we have lived here for 5 years. What I'm asking is we have paid the debt to the council but the council won't call off the bailiffs, I have an email receipt of the payment from Trafford Council. I don't know what to do as the bailiff people said they are sending someone round tomorrow. any help gratefully received
  6. Hi Since when did Newlyns start referring to PCNs issued under the Road Traffic Debts Regs as a Magistrates Liability Order? Orders for recovery are issued by the TEC at Northampton are they not? Thanks
  7. Hi all i'm new here. I'm after some advice in regards to a letter i have received from Newlyn's. It's a removal notice for £431.11, £202 for a penalty charge my Wife incurred & £229.11 for fees. The car involved was mine & was sold a few months ago and my Wife has now bought her own car. Yesterday i found out that my Wife had arranged a payment plan with them over the phone without telling me. We receive benefits and have two young children and can't afford the payments she arranged. The letter states that goods can be removed in my absence, is this correct? Can they clamp & remove my Wife's car for my debt? I'm considering applying for a Debt Relief Order, can i include this debt on it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi, New to the forum, hope all is well! I've paid my outstanding business rates direct to the council after a visit from Newlyns. They are trying to charge me for a levy and removal of goods £335, but this was on a first visit, the levy is £68 and the removal fee makes up the rest. They got inside so I dont have a problem paying the levy but I read that they can't charge for both on the first visit with no prior warning. I've read this forum and written to the CEO of the council and asked for a breakdown etc. They are quoting Section 1 C of the non domestic rating, regulation 14. No breakdown has been provided and the CEO/Council have not responded. Lastest letter was sent to me on the 4th. What should be my next step? Thanks so much James
  9. Hi Just a few questions i have regarding Newlyns Bailiffs This morning i had a letter pushed through my door that stated they had made a levy on my car due to an outstanding PCN. Firstly they have added charges that are more than the outstanding PCN itself. Can they do this? They also refer to a warrant of execution but i have received no such warrant neither have they provided me with a copy. I find all this a little excessive as its the first time i have heard from them. The car itself is subject to outstanding Hire Purchase so i am not the legal owner. I have read various posts where bailiff companies see, to ignore this fact. Also i will be filing an Out of Time through the TEC as i made an initial appeal and never heard anything after that so assumed they had scrapped the PCN. Is it right that they cannot carry out any further action while one of this is in place and how would i go about enforcing it if they tried to take further action? Thanks for your help its appreciated James
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