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Found 2 results

  1. Meriva purchased three years ago, good little car. Started developing an intermittent immobiliser fault three months ago. Failed to start at home RAC called. RAC could not diagnose problem as car would not "communicate" with their diagnostic system, apparently common fault with Vauxhall. Had it looked at by our usual mechanic, again could not be diagnosed. Car started intermittently. Contacted Vauxhall garage had to wait until the immobiliser came on but also had to book an appointment to co-inside with it breaking down! Eventually car again refused to start at home, contacted RAC taken to Vauxhall garage, which is another story! Apparently no fault recorded on system. VG removed immobiliser and Engine Management Unit and checked wiring. Put back together and car started. However could not find the fault. I was told that they could change both the immobiliser and the EMU at a cost of around £800 + VAT but there would be no guarantee that it would cure the problem. Explained to them that the immobiliser would come on again as this was how it had been. They insisted that I collected the car and that I paid £42 for the diagnostic test. I insisted that I should leave the car with them until the problem was sorted. Apparently the fault could not be diagnosed until the immobiliser came on again. I contacted Vauxhall customer complaints and posted on Facebook. Absolutely useless. I contacted the Managing Director who passed me to the Complaints Director. The eventual suggestion was that I return the car to the VG and a team would be sent to look at the car....at my expense! I collected the car and needless to say it is now stuck outside my home with the immobiliser coming on and for no reason intermittently starting. I am unable to drive it anywhere for fear of not getting home and I can't keep calling RAC. I say that the car is not fit for purpose as the inbuilt system to diagnose the fault has failed. I have legal insurance should I sue Vauxhall or has anyone else had the same problem? Help please?
  2. Long story but bear with me. Firstly £750 might not seem like a lot of money but to me it is. 26/01/15 Daughter and her Boyfriend and my Son all went with me to look at a car from a trader. The salesperson showed me round the car which was clean but a bit untidy inside. No bother a good valeting will do the trick. I was invited to take a test drive around the block but I struggled because I hadn't driven a manual for over 2 years. Car struggled a bit on take off which I thought was down to me. On returning to the compound the salesperson invited my family into the garage to look at the car with me. Whilst there I noticed (for the first time) a light was illuminated on the dashboard. I asked the salesperson what it was. "Just a service light to indicate it needs servicing". Who am I to argue with a motor trader employee. I also noticed a crack about 8 inches long in the windscreen. A defect that had not been noticed by the salesperson or the owner. I negotiated a discount of £50 for the new windscreen (my excess was £75 - dope!). The original price was £800 so I got the car for £750. A bargain (I thought for a 54 plate car in good nick). I was given a receipt with intelligible writing on regarding the sale. Drove home - stalling twice! Again I blamed myself. Decide to give the car a service (as I always do when buying a car). Bought the service items and waited for a friend to help by supplying trolley jack and ramps. He wasn't available until Wednesday 4th February. He turned up ready but before he started he noticed that this "service" light, as I was told, was the engine management light! "Take it back to the garage " he said. Sold as seen I said. No such thing he said get it back. Called trader; owner on holiday but his colleague (a lady) listened to my problem and suggested I take the car in for a scan the next day. I took my "mechanic" friend with me as witness. The lady greeted us and explained the garage mechanic was on his break. She asked me how long I had the car. I told her 10 days. "Nothing for you to worry about" she said. After half an hour the result of the scan came. She gave me a scribbled note telling me to go to an auto electrician to have the car scanned properly (?); apparently their scanner doesn't pick up everything! "why should I pay?" I asked. "sold as seen" she said. (oh that old chestnut). She advised I rang the owner the following Monday. On the way home the power steering cut off twice and I had to restart the car. I put the a/c on and the car kept stalling until I turned it off again. Got the car home and I haven't used it since. The next day i remembered something about the "sold as seen" excuse so i researched the net. Trading Standards and CAB both say there is no such thing as sold as seen. Both also say that if I decide that the car was not fit for purpose or as described I had the right to ask for a full reimbursement. I rang the trader and spoke to the same lady who I met the day before. I advised her of my right to cancel the contract and asked for a refund. She said she could not authorise a refund and that I had to put my request in writing. I duly did so. i sent the letter recorded delivery in time for the owners return on Monday (today). I rang the owner at 16:30 today (the letter was signed for at 10:35 by him. He hadn't read it and asked me what it was about. I explained all of the above. his response is "the vehicle was sold to you without any inspection or any work carried out or any intention of any work being carried out". Isn't that the same as "sold as seen"? But posher? He would not listen to my complaint of wrong information by two of his employees. He just kept repeating the above statement. My question: have I been a fool or is he wrong? Give yourself a medal if you've read this without falling asleep. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
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