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  1. I have done a search. I have been off work for 6 weeks with work related stress with doctors note. Got a call today from a supervisor telling me that my manager wants to see me later this week at work. This is the only contact I have had from work since I have been off work. Do I have to attend this meeting? I have had no contact from HR or Occ health. I really do not want to go to the meeting as the manager is part of the reason for the stress, and I feel I could lose my temper. cheers
  2. Car Boots.-My experience so far-observing people talking and buying and selling.Four weeks now and still going but have learned a few lessons.And boy have i had some fun. And met people you would not believe perhaps to meet with many tales of the unexpected which i prise out of them. Well anyone who reads some of my threads it does not take long to realise old Tawny sometimes struggles a bit with today's modern world where things seem to cost so much. So tries anything to make a few quid.Many fail but some work if only for a while. Money is needed for the most basic things. Rent,Council Tax,Electric,Gas,Food,Insurance,Petrol if only a fivers worth. Many of us must be struggling,surely i am not the only one.I know i am not. So i think of things to try to make a little extra.Whether from nothing,things that you can collect for free and sell on,or a little buying and selling.And i mean a little,anything over a tenner makes me shiver. I will admit to being 60 now and five years ago had a heart attack that i have to admit though do not want to has affected me slightly.Whether age,medication i do not know,but after standing or moving for a few hours i usually have some pains. Not complaining but can not do what i used to do,but try.Hospital check recently says i am ok,so that will do for me. But had to change construction job. Now recently i thought to myself you have to find a few more pounds from somewhere but how. So got a cleaning job in the evening.Just a couple of hours a couple times a week. Not enough,mmm what else. So i do not know if this will help anyone who may be struggling but this is what i do to try to earn extra. I will share with you,and if you have any ideas to make a few pounds let us know. I am not keeping them top secret,why do that.Life's to short. 1-I have been collecting Driftwood for a few years now.Which people are telling me is worth a few pounds. Will mention more another time.. 2-Propagating plants and selling on.Beginning to make a few pounds,though expected perhaps this time of year. But due to me loving plants,the garden is full and so is one bedroom, resemling now a Rain Forest people say when i let them in that is.House plant department. Now let us get to the Car Boot Part. Really raw start to my latest adventure,a little story for you.Usually i would put a story on that takes more than 5 minutes to read on a Saturday,but hey does it matter. Started 4 weeks ago.Not suggesting anyone tries this a little risky perhaps. Took a look at the weather forecast on a Friday,dodgy Saturday,frosty night then Clear frosty,calm Sunday. Right,what can i do,need a Sunday Dinner,it was that bad,hard to believe perhaps but true,so loaded a few things up in boot of car,put back seats down and put there as well,as well as paste table,retrieved from old days of paper hanging.Just random items,that were not any use to me.And not worth a lot.Of course i had not got the eight pounds cost of standing as they call it but am the eternal optimist and set off.After scraping ice of the car.And defrosting eyebrows etc. Seemed to myself the middle of the night. Opened door for wifey and settled down for ten minute drive. Set off 6-30,of course in the wrong direction to where i wanted to go,wifey giving me the knowing look but quiet,possibly thinking where she went wrong when meeting me many years ago.I got lost as usual,turned round and followed a van with trailer and pasteboard tied to top of roof hoping that within the next ten minutes i would not be on the M6 heading to Scotland. A mystery tour was on the cards perhaps.. Once headed to Manchester Airport and ended up on the moors somewhere in Yorkshire. Luck would have it he was heading to where i wanted to go.And later when talking to him i told him and we had a laugh about it. Said he had done it for 30 years.Wondered why someone was going slow behind him like a tracker dog.Or the taxman. 7-30 arrived,place was packed and ended up at the back of a field.Slight thoughts of will my car when the frost melts,with escape later when frost goes. MMM,i thought what a place to be but never mind.Wrens, Blackbirds singing, geese, flying over,Even a couple of Swans did a flypast. Frost on the ground,pennines in the distance tops covered in snow. God bless the Dealers,they usually are first there i found out and are ready to spend. Made enough in 30 minutes, for breakfast,Bacon Roll,Barm,and steaming mug of tea.7 quid,note went to head said, Flask and sandwiches next time boy,thoughts of dent in profits. Forgot about the eight quid that would be asked for,never mind. Slowly confidence rose when next 10 pounds was collected,enough To pay the rent when asked for. Started chatting to a few people and listening to their stories.I am nosey but like a story or two. One chap had sailed the Atlantic single handed,started tours around the Bahamas afterwards and was a healer as well. Was doing fine till decided to buy a bigger boat,large to do bigger tours,engine went bang,he went bust and nearly ended up rowing back single handed.But had had a fascinating life all the same. I will tell other tales of the car boots as the thread goes on,i do not want to go on to long or this will turn into a book.But already i have at least four.That may surprise you. I am registered with the taxman for this kind of business.No use covering things up at my age,forget what i have said after a day or two if not written down.And no need of a offshore tax haven yet,will pay what is due or not. So where was i upto,ah yes.About half twelve people started packing up so did i,put empty boxes that is back in boot,80 pounds in my money tin. After expenses,rent,tea,food etc. And headed to Aldi for nice piece of beef,yorkshire pudding and vegetables.And enjoyed it immensely. Though shortly afterwards went out like a light for a few hours like a contented cat. Now i also look for bargains,not knowing much but if under a fiver when i am flush will buy them,and sell them on online sites.although shaking when i part with a note. Here is a tip for you that i have bought and sold a couple of times and are around it seems. Will pop one or two on now and again,and i hope you will to.let us help others make a few pounds perhaps. So join in this thread,tell us your experience,i will put stories on about Dealers,people,traders i have met and many other stories as things hopefully develop.And i am sure you will find them interesting,and will surprise you. Tip one. Bells Whisky Bottles-The ones you save your coins in.Usually around 50 pence to as much as 6 pounds,i have paid. They always sell for upto 50 pounds plus postage.On online sites.Now stop rushing around i know you have one. Plenty of time. Last thought today,i know perhaps many people perhaps are not able to,due to illness,disability many reasons to not be able to do such a thing.And may need a few pounds extra to help a little.And perhaps have many unwanted items. Well ask a friend,form a group perhaps think about things anyway.I am,but a story their for another day. Well enough for now i feel,popping down to the Tip shop to see what has been Donate d . Bye Tawnyowl.
  3. Hi, I am looking for some advice, having received a court requisition this morning, having been previously blissfully unaware of any issue (not having received any warning letters) I am the registered keeper of a car, that I 'loaned' to a friend of my husbands to use during a troubled patch in his life. The car was taxed by DD monthly, paid for by my husband, and insured by the driver, until January 2016 when he wrote the car off in an accident. I am being charged that on the 5th April 2016 the vehicle was taxed, and not insured. Firstly, the car was taken away by the insurance company on the 25th January, I naively assumed at that point that they would inform the DVLA (apparently not - they only received disposal notification on the 25th April) I had been paying monthly tax by direct debit, and had forgotten to cancel it, and having never had a car written off I didn't realise I needed to inform the DVLA mysef. DVLA tell me I would have had 2 warning letters, I didnt. But they cant do anything about it as its with the court now. Apparently the enforcement team wont speak to me because there is a previous offence on the car, which incidentally was the 'friend' speeding in it, which has been settled. The court is in Crawley, I live 150 miles away. Yes I could go, at great time and monetary expense, but I dont understand why when the vehicle didn't even exist I am being made to feel like a criminal. Can anyone suggest what I should do? Am I guilty? there was no car!
  4. Hi all, We recently parked our car with a meet and greet company at the airport. Whilst they had the car they broke the internal rear view mirror. They say that they did not do the damage and refuse to accept any liability. As only external photographs are taken at the time of handing the vehicle over, there is no proof that they did the damage. They have offered to pay 50% of the replacement cost. Is there any way that I can make them pay the full amount? Thank you for your advice.
  5. Can anyone please advise. I have defaulted on a 'grant of time to pay' and have now received a notice of enforcement from (dated 02/09/2014) a firm of HCEO's I defaulted because I had to pay a family loan for money I had borrowed for legal help during the trial, but the court don't recognize family loans as priority debt. This is now paid and I can start to pay the order. We have a baby due in a matter of weeks and now the bailiffs are threatening The debt is for £2880, to stop them acting I have arranged to pay £800 tomorrow and they then gave me 6 weeks to pay the balance - honestly I cant afford either I have tried speaking to the baliffs they are not interested in setting up any other payment plan. I have tried the court and they are not interested saying now its with the baliffs there is nothing they can do. What I'm concerned about is my partner is 7.5 months pregnant, she owns everything in the house most of it on finance, if I cant afford it and don't own anything what can they do? please help
  6. Hi all Received a letter today to say that on the 10/01/2014 i was the registered keeper of car that had no insurance. Also apparently on the 13/1/2014 a fixed penalty was sent to me and a valid payment was not made . 1. I never received a penalty of them or i would ave replied to it 2. The tax had ran out on the 31/12/2013 and i was awaiting the renewal from dvla but because it was Christmas post it was late in coming my car had failed its m.o.t at the beginning on January and i simple could not afford to carry on running it. So I cancelled my car insurance and declared sorn on 24/01/2014. Any advice on what i do now please i have tried ringing the DVLA but they are on strike today so cant get through.
  7. Do these still happen? (London or anywhere else?)* *Not that I'll be let in through the door of course
  8. I have worked for an employer for 6 months. They appear unable to meet there obligations. They appear unable to pay a contractor who did some work for us, and other organisations are phoning about unpaid invoices. there are 3 permanent staff. If an employer is unable to pay wages (due to be received by employees mon/tues next week) when should they notify the employees? What legal rights would i have if my employee is unable to pay my salary next tuesday. I believe the situation is as follows - we are working on a project which is supposed to go live at the start of next month. The client receiving this will then be due to pay a significant sum putting the companies finances on a level playing field. But I need to understand my legal rights if they delay or don't pay on the 25th of the month. I am looking for another job - but I need employment and a wage until that happens.
  9. I Situation At the end of last month I finally have received my first letter by RLP. I was caught shoplifting in Tesco in September. a. No police was involved. b. The total amount in goods was around £15, and I am pretty sure that it could be reselled. c. Everything was done in 20 minutes. There were two security guards asking me questions, and I was asked to give them my name, address, telephone number, and passport number. d. I did sign on two sheets--a banning notice and a notice of intended civil recovery respectively. e. The 'fine' was £137.5. f. I am now over 18. II What have I learn from CAG: a. I am now still innocent, and it is extremely unlikely that I will be sued. b. RLP does not have any legal rights to 'fine' me, although its threat will be harsher and harsher. c. The best choices are either ignoring them completely, or sending them a short note a single line reply "I deny any liability to you or your client". d. I promise I will NEVER do such stupid things again. This is a very good lesson. III What do I still have in doubt? a. With regard to their 'database', is it very unlikely that it will really affect my future employment and credit? b. Does it make any difference whether I send them that short note reply? c. In usual cases, how long does it take to eventually stop from hearing from RLP? Will they call except from threatening letters? d. I will be applying for a student Visa in a year or two, will it be influenced by this stupid mistake? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sincerely look forward to your replies. THANK YOU!
  10. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?341812-Summer-2012/page2
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