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Found 4 results

  1. I'm not 100% sure on the date this phone bill was racked up but it was either late 2012 or early to mid 2013. It was my first mobile phone contract, the terms of which were completely misrepresented to me, and I was in a long distance relationship. Ended up racking up like £1072 which orange then passed off to a debt collection agency. That was the first I even heard of it. As I was young at the time my mum said she would set up the minimum payement and I would pay her back. Well fast forward to now, i'm living with the girl I was in a relationship with and started getting letters from what i'm pretty sure is a different DCA about this same bill. Initially I ignored them thinking it had already been paid till I received a pre-legal assessment in the post. Messaged my mum and it turns out she never set up the minimum payment at all . I'm worried that this has caught up with me especially as I thought it was all taken care of and I don't know what to do, or if the debt is statute barred, or if i'm going to just have to pay it off. So yea, any advice on any steps I could take would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Hi. A family member would like to know of how to find a good local(ish) employment lawyer to speak to about an employment issue. He is not in a union. Also, a good idea of cost for some initial advice would be good? Thank you in advance.
  3. This is a long shot but wonder if anyone could advise I had a £7,000 loan from lloyds with PPI .. if i remember rightly it was around 2000 . i fell in money problems - basically living off credit cards , fell behind with loan repayments and ended up around £1000 overdrawn which got bigger and bigger with the constant charges , and fees for letters to tell you , your were overdrawn after burying my head in the sand for ages i finally set up a debt management plan with CCCS to pay off the lloyds loan, overdraft , MBNA, egg and barclays. Lloyds refused to accept if for about 9 months (the CCCS advisor told me this would happen, even told me which depts would write to me and what colour the letters would be !! ) so for 9 months masses of charges were added to my account , every month they would debit for the loan repayment, PPI and missed payment charges etc , then finally they accepted the DMP - by now with around an extra £1000 + added to my overdraft !! i slowly paid off everything with my DMP and slowly just had LLoyds left to pay ( i upped payments and as one creditor was paid off , assigned the rest to lloyds. ) This took about 5 years to pay off and i came into a bit of money and asked lloyds for a settlement figure which was around £3600 - as i had kept up my DMP, upped payments etc they rounded it off to a final payment of £3000 , which i paid. would it be worth doing a SAR to try and claim back the charges, and PPI - i would understand if they no longer had any record of me - but if they did have details of my current account and loan account would they refuse to pay anything as both accounts were defaulted and came under a DMP ? PS : for the record if anyone is interested Barclays accepted the DMP straight away and so did EGG - MBNA argued for about 3 months but then accepted it , LLOYDS took about 9 months+ before they finally accepted it and stopped all interest and charges
  4. Ok. This might not usually be CAG worthy, but it thought i'd try and help a friend out, and since i dont think there is an appropriate forum for it, i placed it here. One of my friends at work has recently passed his driving test. 2 weeks ago, give or take a day. He has a car, and is planning to visit his brother and sister in law in ireland in early september. Now, what he wants to know is, is he allowed to drive in the Republic of Ireland in his own vehicle. Fully insured, MOt'd etc. He is 31 years old, so not under any age limits. Reason he wants to know is he has heard some conflicting information that to be able to drive in ROI, he needs around 12-24 months driving experience, although DVLA website states he just needs to hold a valid license and doesnt mention any "experience restrictions". He has contacted the dvla by email, but they simply told him to ask the ROI licensing authority. he contacted citizensinformation.ie and was advised by someone there as follows: He has sent an email to the AA around 5 days ago, but has had no response, so i told him i would ask here to see if we can get any advice for him. Thanks for any information you can give, and sorry again for the random information request
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