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Found 10 results

  1. HI, Sorry if not ciorrect forum, Ill try to keep it short we had been supplying our services to an independant letting agent for 4 months until we were dropped after a complaint was raised against one of their staff. Now they wont pay their last 2 invoices despite us jumping through hoops to keep sending it and changing the layoiut etc so they could understand. ( they had always paid us before until the fallout) They are now refusing to pay part of it as we threatened if we did not recieve by close of business last night then we would go to small claims court. They claim that we cant charge for 6 smoke alarms we have supplied, it is in the terms and conditions that we were to put them up if missing in properties and we were instructed to do this at the very first meeting. They claim we cant claim for cancelled appointments but our T&C's state we can. In fact everything they are trying to get out off ( over £1000) worth on the invoice is covered by our T&C's that was handed over at the first meeting and witnessed by 2 other people and the director ( who now denies it) . Our T&C's also state that once instructed by this company then we have deemed to be in a contract. They are claiming they didnt sign anything but no one signs T&C's .of their complaints procedure as advised but to no avail. We have done everything but they just bully us and are nasty in their emails ( which we have kept) We have also reported them to their governing trade body and have requested a copy Anyhow, so off to court it is, they want us to go through their solicitor, we cant afford to as we are a small independent business, they owe us £4500 and we can only just manage to cover the court application fee. My questions are, do we have to go through his solicitor? Can we just apply to the court for the amount owed. ? Many thanks
  2. Hi Not sure if anyone has seen this but just in case here is the link. There is a malware email running around (Yes, I have had one sent to me where I live and there are no parking restrictions anywhere) which contain malware and phishing. So please beware of any documents/invoices sent via email http://www.hoax-slayer.net/invoice-for-penalty-charge-notice-malware-email/
  3. Once again email users are being warned to be wary of unsolicited attachments arriving in their inboxes after online criminals spammed out a malware campaign designed to infect recipients' computers. Do not open email attachments unless they are expected and from a company you have done business with.
  4. Looking for suggestions for my step-son who has a handy man business which is doing well, but needs sprucing up to look more professional regarding estimates and invoices. He's really looking for something in which he can set up a template for standard forms etc and just fill in the details in a few minutes. He absolutely hates doing the paperwork! If it could also keep customer contact details that would be a bonus, as would some sort of diary/reminder system for chasing late payments etc, if such a thing even exists. He's prepared to spend some money to get something worthwhile since he hopes it will be a one off cost. He has a MacBook Pro running 10.6.
  5. A car somebody sold a few months ago has been receiving invoices from these people. The amount started from £100 then went upto £140 and then a few months later went down to £70. I attach the correspondance and hope it helps someone. As of yet court is being threatened. Before anybody asks. Commercial collection services LTD are running from the same address as the now defunct CCS ENFORCEMENT SERVICES which was a bailiff company taken over by rundell and co when they went pear shaped a few years ago.
  6. Driver fined £18,500 for ignoring daily parking tickets outside her home for a YEAR Carly Mackie, 26, ignored fines for parking in front of her family garage in Dundee almost every day, claiming it's her right to park in front of her own property A driver from Dundee has been fined a whopping £18,500 after throwing away parking tickets on her car for over a year. Carly Mackie, 26, ignored fines for parking in front of her family garage almost every day, claiming it's her right to park in front of her own property. She was handed a formal letter by the Vehicle Control Services Limited demanding she cough up the £18,500 to cover the cost of all of the tickets she has not paid. Carly, who lives with her parents, has been parking her Mini on cobbles in front of her garage in Dundee for more than a year. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/driver-fined-£18-500-for-ignoring-daily-parking-tickets-for-over-a-year-112110470.html#01m5y48 comments are good too below it dx
  7. Hi I am desperate for help! Years ago this site helped me limp out of debt and beat down the horrible debt collectors and keep them away. I am now blessed with a clear credit history, two morguages and a baby! Righto, I bought a flat in a block of flats with a service charge of £1,500 annually.a few years later i met my partner and let the flat to my dad at a discounted rate, the bank gave me another residential mortgage and we now live in a lovely little two up two down. Life is great...we'll... The service charges on this flat have now gone up to £3,000 per year! But thats life, what I cant handle is the invoice i got earlier in 2012 for £6,000 for my share of the new boiler. Not good, but i managed to pay it. Today I have just had another invoice for "phase 1" of the new building works. for £5,600. I can just about pay this with our new car, rainy day and holiday fund savings. But that it. They now tell me there is going to be more bills this year and next for roughly £10,000!!!!! I owe £131k on the flat and it worth £120K if i am lucky. The lease is 67 years and a new one is £12k. What are my options? I don't appear to have any. They say if i don't pay they will issue legal proceedings. But there is no more money, i would pay if i could but i would need to borrow the money. Any advice on this, or where best to get advice would really help me. Please please help. Thanks. Don
  8. This is Money has give a lot of good advice over the years, but now they are advising that you either pay or negotiate a lower fee with Private Parking Companies: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-2242801/The-trick-beat-private-parking-tickets-I-dodged-service-station-fine.html?ito=newsletter
  9. Hi all Would you Adam and Eve it!!!!!!!!!!! Last week I did a job for a customer in our town centre and he contacted the Council's parking control and organized me parking there for the week - No problem right... WRONG Turns out the car park I was in, at a supermarket across the road, is operated by a Private Parking Company. NOT THE FREAKING COUNCIL- so today I received number 2 "speculative invoice" of, what I expect, will be 5 in total...........Don't say it, I know, yes, ok. Shall I follow suit and ignore them all, or do I write individual letters as per the templates suggested on this forum? Thanks in advance!!
  10. Just a thought , as these speculative invoices are not something that could stand up in court , is there a case for harassement here if these beggars keep on sending them?
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