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  1. hi Im looking for some advice and as this site was so helpful to me on a previous occassion i thought id come here first, the problem i have is as follows... I have worked as an industrial cleaner in a food processing factory for two and a half years now, for the first 2 year the job was good my aprailsals were A+ for work, attitude, attendance my relationship with my supervisor was excellent. From the begining of this year all the staff on the cleaning section have been having trouble getting holidays as every time we submitted a holiday form it was rejected by the supervisor who would state that she was of then and 2 people cant be of at the same time as theres only 5 in the cleaning section. Our working week includes saturday and sunday and the supervisor was using her full holiday entitlement 28 days by taking only saturdays and sundays of leaving very little scope for the 5 remaining cleaners to book there holidays, then january the supervisor told the company she was leaving for another job she had been offered but had to wait for a crb check to be confirmed and didnt put in any notice to quit. I was aproached by the MD of the company to ask if i would put in for the position when she left as i had acted as unpaid deputy supervisor in her absence. When my supervisor found out i was to replace her there was a sudden change of attitude and became very distant and reluctant to speak then march of this year she anounced that she wont be leaving after all and this is where the problems really started. My work load was increased so much that it was physicaly impossible to complete so a complaint was put in by her an interview was arranged with her manager and i explained what was starting to happen and would he keep an eye on the situation. Since then i have probably been in the managers office atleast 10 times for minor complaints and all the while i explained the situation and what the supervisor was doing and she was trying to provoke me into reacting and looseing my temper whitch i never have. Then june this year i tried to put in for a weeks holiday and was promptly told you cant have that week of as im of saturday and sunday i asked politely if it would be possible for us to have a calender put up in our canteen so we could check who is on holiday when and it would save a lot of confusion and arguments, the reaction i got was explosive, she lost control and started into me infront of my workmates with a torrent of abuse and bad language that went on for atleast 5 minutes. I asked her not to swear or speak to me in that tone as she wouldnt like to be spoken to like that she then told all 4 of us in the canteen to f - off out the building and stormed of. We returned to work and the next day i had a word with her manager but was fobbed of by him making up an excuse for her behaviour i then submitted a grievance the next day only to be told she had also done the same so it would be treated all as one, the very next day i was informed while at work that i was wanted by a senior manager in the main board room for my grievance hearing having not even been giving 24 hours notice i was interviewed about the incedent and all through the interview the chair person constantly made an excuse or gave a reason for her behaviour over the past 6 month. The grievance however went in my favour and i was informed in writeing of this but there was nothing to say what steps were going to be taken by the company to make sure this didnt happen again or if any discaplinary action would be taken, i aproached the senior manager who conducted the grievance hearing to ask what was going to be done and was told she didnt have to tell me anything and it was up to the supervisor herself if she wanted to apologise. Later the same day i was again taken into the boardroom with the same senior manager and subjected to an hour interview recorded on tape it soon became clear that i was the main subject and she was looking for ways to try and blame me the underlying issues for the supervisors behaviour i submitted a letter stateing i felt i was being victamised for bringing the supervisors bullying and abuseive behaviour to there attention... any advice is gladly welcomed thanks ..geordie
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