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Found 3 results

  1. 18 Nov 2016 we (stupidly) signed contract with Anglian Home Improvements for a conservatory. It was a four hour sales pitch, in our home. He offered us a special discount if we signed that night. He offered some sort of 'deal' if we used their financing. He offered us extra discount if we would agree to advertising. The meeting was between my husband and I, my mother in law and him (also add in two wired sleep deprived toddlers running around to the mix). Contract came out at 10:30 and he finally left at 11pm. We just wanted to get rid of him. At the appt, we discussed the fact that we were at the full amount we could afford and if anything else came up, extra building works, we would have to cancel. No problem at all he assured us. If we cancelled before 14 days, we would have deposit returned (£500) At worst, we would lose our deposit (£500) after 14 days. We were given the impression Anglian was very reasonable about this. We also discussed the age of our home and possible issues with planning permission. We advised that we were in a heritage area and lived in a home of special interest, as formally defined by the council. Again, he assured us this would not be a problem. 25 Nov, Anglian sent surveyor around. Surveyor flagged possible gaswork pipes issue. My husband rang Anglian to advise that we wanted our file on hold due to this possible issue. My husband again clarified our position that if any extra building issues arose, we would not be proceeding. He again was assured that monies would be returned to us in this eventuality. At no time, either sales rep advised us of any more harsh penalties. We contacted National Grid on our part. Anglian sent round a man to dig up our patio to check for pipes. This confirmed pipes location would not be a problem on the northern wall but we still needed clarification from National Grid as to where the location of the pipes intersected on the western portion of the conservatory foundation. 4 Dec, we received a letter from Anglian advising our file had been passed to CAD drawing stage. I emailed to remind them everything should be on hold. At this point, we were concerned that ancillary building works would be an issue re: the gasworks. We were also concerned with planning, having looked into it further. We also had our neighbour voicing concerns about the build and threatening to object to it. We also felt that we had been manipulated and information had been severely misrepresented. We were also starting to have little confidence in the customer service of Anglian due to their repeatedly pushing things through when we had advised them several times that our file was on hold. We sent a cancellation notice 19 Jan 2016 stating the above. On 22 Jan, we received an email from some women at Anglian telling us we would owe 30% so £7000 some odd if we cancelled. We then received a standard form letter from Anglian dated 21 Jan advising us that they were delighted to confirm their acceptance of conservatory contract (!). Clearly an attempt to bulldoze through to the next stage in order to justify their costs. We emailed back to set all this out again. On 5 Feb 2016 we received a very terse and basic legal letter advising us we owed them £7300 and that we needed to either continue with contract or pay this within ten days. I copied my email again to as many people at Anglian as I could and asked that they respond to our issues by end of day today. Unsurprisingly, we've heard nothing. I have been in touch with Citizens Advice and lodged a complaint with Trading Standards. Does anyone have any helpful words of advice? This has been extremely stressful. Thanks in advance.
  2. (I'm not exactly sure what forum this should go in, so I'm posting it here, but Mods please feel free to move it.) I'm going to charge Anglian Home Improvements £500 each time they continue to harass/phone me I have reached the Samuel L. Jackson Fury Event Horizion - "Enough is Enough! I have had it up to here with these [edit] Double-glazing salesmen on this [edit] phoneline":-x I'd appreciate some advice on the specific OFCOM guidline and law acts I can use against them. Dear Anglian, I have, over the last 6 months, received dozens of phone call from you, some silent and putting the phone down immediately I answer, and some asking to speak to a "Mrs Gardner", presumably the person that had this phone number (REMOVED) before me. I know the calls are from you due to the caller number display. Every single time I request, as is my legal right, that you stop calling me immediately and that you remove my phone number and all other information from your system and never call me again, your phone operator always agrees to do this. Despite this request, you continue to phone me at all hours of the day and night, and even when I inform you that I am not the person you are looking for you still try to sell me something. Let me inform you of some facts: (1) I have NEVER contacted you, requested a quote, had business dealing with you or otherwise made any contact with you previously (2) I am extremely ill, severely disabled and bedbound due to an incurable illness. I often have to rest or sleep during the day or evening. (3) The phone number you keep ringing (REMOVED) is for EMERGENCY use only, and hence each time I hear it ring, I can only assume it is an emergency. This stresses me, and my illness is one that, if I am stressed, my illness gets worse. Hence your insistent calls are causing me actual harm. (4) You have ignored my request to remove my number from your records on EVERY SINGLE OCCASION, thus breaking the OFCOM GUIDELINES ???? and the LAW ACT ???? Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (5) From this date onwards I am applying a schedule of fees for every phone call I receive from you to compensate me for my time and for the damage to my health, and for restitution for the HARASSMENT from you. The fees are as follows; Receiving phone call from yourselves = £500 Receiving SILENT phone call from yourselves = £750 answering email from yourselves = £250 answering unsolicited letter from yourselves = £250 personal visit from yourselves = £1500 Writing letter to yourselves = £77.34p Continued phone contact or extended other communication from yourselves shall be consider acceptance of this schedule of fees. All communication may be recorded and made public. Continued ingnoring of my requests will lead to legal action. Yours sincerely Mr Mongoose
  3. Hi all i hope im posting in the correct place. just wanted to share and get advice. My parents live in a council house and have been having work done by a company called keepmoat. The work is now sort of completed(according to them). My mom has copd and is on oxygen and also has fibromyalgia and my dad has parkinsons and dementia. The issue is they were left for 24 days without shower and kitchen facilities and when they finally installed shower they didnt seal it so they have a leak going down into kitchen which has been ongoing for 6 weeks. They have broke my parents bed, mirror, wall unit and damaged their wooden flooring. Their downstairs toilet was not plumbed in and my mother relies on this alot as she has IBS. They were prmoised on 6 occasions that this would be plumbed back in and nothing was done. my mother had a really bad flare up and and as she uses a stair lift she couldnt get upstairs in time to get to the toilet and had an accident and i have never seen my mother so embarrased or uncosolable it really broke my heart. She spent her 65th birthday in bed crying. they have plug sockets that dont work because the electricians didnt run wires to them, there is holes in the kitchen ceiling, cracks in walls and ceilings and they put the wrong floor protection on the floor in the kitchen which i slipped on and damaged muscles in my back. I have been phoning them multiple times a daily and also contacted local mp and am getting nowhere.Im really at the end of my tether and am considering going to the newspapers. But just wanted adivce on whether people think this is the right way to go.
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