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  1. Hi i am self employed on a low income and claiming Housing Benefit on a 1 bed (2 room) flat in an inner london brma. I have been renting one of the rooms out to a lodger on a permanent basis and receiving the 2 bed rate minus income deductions from the lodger. I would like to begin renting the room occupied by my lodger on a less permanent basis, to paying BnB visitors for weekend. Is this possible and what would be what is the best way to go about this without creating a change of circumstances every weekend that I have a paying visitor? All i can find is that there isn't any distinction at all in the regulations between a lodger and a temporary BnB guest - a 'lodger' is defined as 'someone who is liable to pay you or your partner rent, on a commercial basis, to live in your home'. There's no clarification on what 'to live in your home' means, and this means that it's quite possible that any paying weekend guest will be treated the same as any other lodger, and this may potentially mean that I have to notify the council of a change in circumstances frequently. Could i incorporate the business' under my self employed umbrella that does not interfere with my award which would be single occupancy with 1 bed LHA.? Would really appreciate any concrete info please. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi All, sorry to trouble you. I just don't understand this. We went to drop off some family guests (who were from overseas) that had been staying with us to Leonardo Hotel Near Heathrow. The entrance to the hotel is a via a private drive to the rear. We helped them with their luggage, helped them check-in - at no point did the staff ask us whether we had a car or any charges for waiting. The check-in took over 15mins, we then helped them with their luggage to their rooms and said our good-byes and left the hotel. Received a PCN just a over a week later stating we had stayed 40mins and charge is £100 discounted to £60 if paid within 14 days. I rang the hotel, the unfriendly staff went on the defensive, saying there are 19 signs all round the hotel, in the lift etc. How does a hotel expect guests to be dropped off - just park up and throw the luggage out and wave out the car window as we speed off in fear of getting a parking charge. This is really below the belt behaviour. The hotel sent a short abrupt email stating that I had to call parking eye to deal with any issues - the number they gave me is the payment tel number which only deals with payments. Please could you advise what is the best way to do deal with this. I would normally ignore these type of letters, but I understand Parking Eye typically takes people to the court. Thank you.
  3. 5 mins ago there were 1766 viewers on this forum I was intrigued that only 16 were members and 1750 were unregistered guests are so many people afraid to nail their colours to the mast or are they just plain snoopers. I belong to many forums and have never experienced such a divide.
  4. I have stumbled across this forum and have had a read through the articles, posts and stickies but haven't stumbled across anything which explains the scenario I am in: I am leaving my house share after 6 months and have come to the point where bills are to be split among house mates. I have a partner, which was made apparent to all housemates during initial discussion before we moved in with each other (none of the other house mates have partners). The LL of the house is a parent of one of my housemates. Reading through my contract I was aware that there was a section that referred to frequent guests and that a contribution to bills would be required. I am in the situation now where I have put in my request to leave as I am moving into another house. I have received an email from my housemates explaining that they were unhappy about the number of times my partner had stayed without receiving a contribution to bills from her. With the email I received a suggested contribution which was supposedly reached with guidance from the LL. I am happy to pay a contribution towards the bills for my partner staying over however the figures suggested were extremely unreasonable and had no explanation as to how they had been reached. The breakdown of the bills suggested that my partner would pay the same as myself and other house mates for water and sewage and 50% of myself and other house mates for gas and electricity. This proportion I have still yet to understand and have not received an explanation even though I has asked for one. I returned an email explaining that I was disappointed that I was not involved in this initial discussion and gave my own suggestion of a contribution based on the average time spent by my partner at the property (as an excel spreadsheet). This was also backed up with reasons that constrain the hours of when my partner can stay at the house and how my partner uses the facilities in the house. I am at the point now where a number of emails have been passed backwards and forwards and no figure has been agreed and ultimately my LL has suggested that my partner does not stay round until the matter is resolved. I also feel that one housemate in particular is driving an excessive figure for the bill contributions as this is shown in the emails I receive from them and that they clearly do not have an understanding of the cost of running specific appliances within the house. I would just like to ask a few question with regards to the scenario and would like for people with any experience of this to contribute as to how they feel would be best to resolve this matter. Is guidance from the LL allowed when considering bills, especially when there is a possible conflict of interest? The tenancy contract I signed states that a "contribution" should be made for guests staying, but does not define how much the "contribution" should be. How is this contribution determined in legal terms? In a tenancy contract where the term "day/days" is used and is not explained or stated, does this mean that a day can be legally determined as either a 24 hour period of time or a time period from midnight to midnight? Many thanks for your time.
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