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Found 6 results

  1. Hi All, can anyone give me some advise please. my son took out a gym membership through Harlands. He completed the membership at the gym using their computer and was not giving any contract / confirmation to take away. Harlands advised him by letter that the bank account given did not support DD. Harland office is only open 9 - 5 and as my son works he is not at home during them hours. I rang them a few weeks later to give them another bank account but they would not entertain me as it was not my account but advised that they would email him to get his authorisation for me to tall to them, which they didn't. Since then he has been to the gym and give them the correct details but they obviously haven't passed them on. he has now received two lots of charges for £20 each I can only assume is a penalty as it cant be for returned or failed DD. I got my son home early yesterday so I could ring them again and after holding for 20 minutes I spoke to guy who was very unhelpful and could not actually tell me what these charges where actually for apart from admin & overheads. They are now threatening with debt recovery to recover the full years fees. Can they actually do this? This charge is excessive & unfair. Thanks
  2. Can you believe it. A 93 year old war veteran targeted. 23,000 Pounds taken in a few hours. Video of this crime. The victim was withdrawing money when he was distracted by one of the men while another obtains the victim's PIN number and switches his bank card. It was only when he tried to use his card again a few days after the theft he realised the cards had been changed. Officers said that within a few hours of the theft, which took place on December 14 just before 3pm, the men had withdrawn £23,000 from the victim's account. DI Simon Bromiley, who is leading the investigation, said: What is quite clear from our inquiries so far is that these three men were very well organised in their deception and very selective about their victim. They watched the gentlemen as he came into the bank and then carried out this despicable and callous theft" – DI SIMON BROMILEY Cash machine distraction thieves steal £23,000 from 93-year-old. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-35132842
  3. Has anyone got an address for orange that I can write to.I took out an 18 month contract.Nearing the end of the contract, and having been caught out with them before, I contacted them with 30 days notice asking for an upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy S4.They said that they did not do this phone and so I said I would have to cancel because I really wanted that phone and could I have my puk code to take my number with me because I was leaving.The advisor said they could not give me my code because they only last 30 days. I cancelled my direct debits with 18 payments paid for an 18 month contract. I rang for my puk code and had problems but eventually got it off the advisor. Later I received several bills for an extra month, and I sent them emails explaining why I was not paying and that I would not ring them and incur further costs and would they communicate with me in writing and then received a final bill for payment " that despite their communications with me, this was a final demand and if I did not pay it would be passed on to DLC." I sent a written letter in the payment envelope asking them to communicate with me.(which they have not done)" Now DLC are on my case, but Ive told then I am not worried, I will not pay,they can take me to court. I have no mortgage or require any credit.Should I just ignore everything or fight back!
  4. Hi all, I'm new here so be gentle lol. I took out a tv with Brighthouse nearly 3 years ago. Our old tv was ancient and when the tubes went we couldn't get it replaced and neither of us had any credit history so went with Brighthouse. At this time we were both working so could afford the repayments. I lost my job just before Christmas but we were still able to make payments. a month ago I had a miscarriage, was very very unwell due to blood loss and my husband had to take some unpaid time off work to me me with our sons, round the house duties etc. Brighthouse Know this! All of it. So now I am 4 weeks in arrears as it has been hard to catch up. I have informed them 3 times that I plan to pay off the remaining balance next week when my husband gets his normal full wage again. I have had people at my door and phoning constantly. The woman who came the other day told me when I opened the door "I'm here to collect your tv" Luckily I have read my agreement back to front and knew full well she needed a court order. She said "I will get a court order" She said she is willing to wait six weeks for a court order even though I am intending on paying next Tuesday This woman has a totally disgusting attitude problem, I have had many many dealings with her in the past and I actually complained to customer relations and told them I wanted no further communication with this member of staff but that seems to have been totally ignored. When I was only 2 weeks behind she phoned to say if it wasn't paid that day she would be up to take my goods at the close of business. When I told her I have paid well over a third and quoted the agreement she said "Err I think you will find that only applies in England" Customer relations were laughing their butts off when I told them that one. (why would they make me sign something only valid in England when I'm in Dundee, Scotland) I have emailed the customer.relations email address I found on here but not sure if it is still in use. I have written out a copy of the letter revoking license to visit my property under Scots Common Law to send to Head Office and I have a copy sitting here in an envelope ready to hand to them if they come up today (which I am expecting) My Question (got there finally) is... Do I have to open the door and physically hand this letter to them or can I pin it to my door? I just don't want to see her again. She has made me cry so many times with her attitude and I am still extremely emotional after losing my baby so cry at everything just now. If I do have to open the door can I just hand it to her and shut the door? Oh and forgot to say the remaining balance on the tv is £140. That is ALL that is left to pay including the arrears. The agreement is due to end in May. If you are still reading this essay it is much appreciated and I really look forward to any advice. So glad I found this place
  5. Hi all, Am hoping someone can give me a bit of help as to what i can do next. I moved to my present address and asked EDF for prepayment meters, the chap on the phone convinced me to keep the quarterly meters, i am chronically unwell and disabled and he gave me the scenario of there being snow on the ground and i'm not able to get to the shop to top it up which was enough for me to keep it. However, due to benefits messing me around i was unable to keep up with the payments so asked for pre payment meters and was told the debt would be loaded onto the gas, but there was a problem with the electric so it was never loaded onto the electric meter. Each time i topped up the gas it took 70% for the debt- no matter what day i put it on, so more often than not i froze - didn't use the heating and used the microwave and not the gas cooker, when i rang EDF they said basically it was tough because they didnt own the meter and i had to just let it happen. So i did until the debt was cleared. Occasionally it still charges me if it gets too low, not in the emergency, but low and i credit it. Months ago i received two bills for the gas and electric, both for the amount of £223.71, i knew i couldnt pay them so i wrote to the EDF energy trust enclosing those bills. I was turned down. Today i have received a letter threatening legal action, BUT the amounts are very different! Electricity is £163.22 and Gas £60.49 adding up to £223.71! And apparently they are coming on 5th November to break into my house or something. What do i do next? The Gas shouldnt have anything on it because the debt was loaded on at approx £60 which was paid back, but also i am thinking if EDF hadn't of messed up i might have got help from the EDF energy trust and not be in this position. I don't want to ask them to just load the debts onto the meters because A) I'm not sure what i owe now and B) they take money at 70% of whatever i put on off the debt. Thanks
  6. Rightsnet http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/3579/
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