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Found 7 results

  1. Hi All, Recently been tidying up my old debts including CCAing a few who have 'cashcowed' me for years. Currently have a clear credit report as all debts are long gone although most are still outstanding! There is 1 debt left that i am not sure what do with, actually thats not true as i intend to continue ignoring it but i just wondered what others views are on this. I won't mention names in case they trawl these sites and i don't want them to start looking for it The debt was with an old bank that has since been swallowed up by another. It was a credit card and a current account both of which defaulted. The debts were added together and i received a CCJ back in 1999. The debt was taken over by a DCA who continued taking my £10/month by SO until payments suddenly stopped in 2009. Nothing that i did, they just stopped taking the SO payment and i never heard a thing from them again? The DCA is still around i wonder if anyone has any views as to what happened. I am assuming it is gathering dust somewhere waiting to be sold on. I would totally ignore it but as it was a CCJ there are still possibilities that it could resurface somewhere else?
  2. I defaulted on a wonga loan over a year a go (427 days according to my account) but I haven't heard anything from them or a debt collector. I defaulted on other debts around the same time due to not having a job and I've been repaying them through the debt collectors they were assigned to. Should I make an attempt to repay it or just ignore it until my situation is better? If I'm being honest I don't feel that bad about not paying it back
  3. With the new EU ruling http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27396981 will this extend to credit reference agencies?
  4. Hi Guys, The last couple of years have been horrendous from a debt point of view. I am out of work again and my family doesn't make enough to pay bills and buy food so you can guess how stressful this is. Two years ago we moved to lower our housing costs. At about the same time "Egg money Manager" ceased and became part of Yorkshire ??? BS., so my instant access to bank accounts etc. was wiped away - i tried reconnecting but couldn't. Through regular charges applied to the account it was taken through the limit and the charges were ramped up again. I had no paper statements coming in, but some forwarded letters from my old address told me they wanted their money back. Head in sand never a good strategy I know, but depression and fighting to survive on all fronts meant I took no action. About a month ago got a letter from Westcott (didn't connect the issue at first) asking me to contact them urgently. I rang and confirmed i was said person and asked what it was about. They referred to the RBS overdraft. I didn't acknowledge but said I wanted to contact the bank to verify/get further information. Westcott have bombarded me with at least one automated telephone call per day since asking me to contact them. Eventually I spoke to them and asked them not to keep waking my poor husband up in the mornings as he works nights. They have put 'harassing' me on hold for a couple of weeks while I contact the bank. It used to be the case that they had to produce a credit agreement but I don't know if this is still correct? I know they couldn't produce one for my husband back in 2009/10 and my account was a lot older than that so they are unlikely to be able to. Is it worth a try to get them off my back - I certainly can't afford to pay them anything back. Grateful for any guidance Sweet
  5. Hi there I just wondered if there is anywhere that i can try and find out which loans and credit cards i had taken out. I have memory problems pre 2005 so I wondered if there was a place i could search?
  6. Hello, I hope someone can help me! I received a letter today from Wescot Credit Services asking for £809.99 relating to a Halifax Current Account. Shocked doesn't quite cover my reaction... I called them to discuss this and they were very nice, I got very upset (recently had a baby, so i'm very emotional anyway!) and they agreed to put it on hold while they got further evidence from Halifax. I also called Halifax who said they couldn't do anything as it was out of their hands. I had a Halifax account that was £470 overdrawn and in December 2010 i paid in £500 to clear the account. At the time, I had moved house a few months before and had a royal mail re-direct in place. It would appear that there was another month of overdraft charges, £34, left to come on the account the month after I had paid. Unfortunately my £500 wasn't quite enough to cover the £470 and the final charge. The charges continued without my knowledge and by the time the debt had reached the point where they wrote to me, the mail re-direct had long since finished and I knew nothing about it. Needless to say, with a newborn baby in the house, this was the last thing I needed! I am amazed that £34 can become £800 in 2.5 years without me knowing anything was happening, and I really don't just have £800 laying around to pay this off with. I am writing to Halifax and Wescot explaining the above. This was a genuine error and the fact I paid in £500 when I owed £470 shows, in my opinion, genuine intent to pay off the original debt. If I had known there was still £34 to pay, I would have paid instantly. I am going to offer to pay the original £34. Am I doing the right thing and can anyone offer any other advice or hope that I might reduce the amount? Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  7. I echo all the sentiments posted by fellow Caggers Martin was really good at a lot of things, including being really techy, I was in awe of Martin's understanding and abilities regarding all things techy. Martin was really good at poetry, I'm not sure Martin would of won any prizes, but it was very good indeed. Martin was always rising to the challenge, which ever consumer area it happen to be. Martin wasn't restricted to consumer knowledge, but had loads of worldly knowledge. As has been said, he was there for many, many thousands of Caggers over the years . Martin will be sorely missed. He leaves an amazing legacy with his contribution to CAG. One of the good guys.
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