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Found 15 results

  1. How would i go about finding out if a landlord (housing association) is liable by law/regulations or contract to perform certain repairs/modifications on the property? I have a few issues that i would love to get remedied but have little luck getting them looked at seriously. One being a very common problem for all the flats i know in my block is that people upstairs simply walking quietly across the floor causes all kinds of very loud creaks and bangs. Very disturbing if your underneath even with tv or music on and ive seen how unavoidable it is from the other side too walking on such floors when visiting neighbours. I had a lot of trouble with a noisy neighbour years ago which culminated in noise equipment and so on being installed which picked up this noise (on top of the fights) but my landlords refused to even listen to the recordings offered by the local council. Secondly i live in my 2nd bedroom which is very small. Since they moved the boiler out of the large cupboard and into the bedroom (there was a CO leak from the waste gas pipe) and boxed in underneath it as well as boxing in pipes running along the floor the room has become massively unusable as a bedroom. Placement of door, window, radiator and said boxing making any kind of half sensible arranging of a simple bed and wardrobe very oddly laid out. i would like ideally to have the pipes running across the top of the wall rather than bottom. Lastly the flat has no drying facilities. No outside washing lines, no front/back garden or balcony. it had a simple line that crossed the bath at one point (it was crap and never used as someone was always wanting to shower or bath) but that was made unusable some months ago when they had to replace the shower and its now in the way. Just wondered how i would go about checking up on building regulations or similar to see if i can force a remedy on any of these problems. Previous experience has taught me they wont do bugger all until they have to. Thanks.
  2. Hi everyone, firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong forum. If so please tell me off mods and feel free to move the thread! I need to find out the VAT code and the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) of a company. I found the VAT code easy enough. Has anyone got any idea how I can find this UTR for a particular company? Thanks.
  3. I have been suspended from work on pay. It has been over two months now and I was invited in to work last week for an investigative (fact finding) interview. I had already prepared a statement of fact which I presented at the interview. I also answered all questions asked of me. I completely deny the allegation set out. I am extremely stressed and anxious by the whole situation and I 100% know I am innocent of the allegations (I know, that's what they all say..). I have said all I need to say - I have given my side of the incident and do not wish to say anything further. Do I have to go in for this further interview? I really feel they're just going to try and trip me up (even though facts won't allow it but that's not the point). I'm not confident in their ability to carry out a fair investigation. What are my rights to not have to give my account a third time?
  4. Hi all, I hope someone can help. I'm not going to go into the full details of this but in short last August the police attended my home following, (what they claim), calls from members of my family with concerns for my welfare. I refused to speak to them, or let them in. About 5 hours later fully armed police burst in through the door, (both front and back door was locked), and found me in the bedroom in a heavily sedated state. The crux of this is that in my complaint to the police the findings state that forced entry to my home was used because I was in the process of a suicide attempt. However they could not have possibly known this as I didn't tell them. In fact I told nobody. After speaking to my family I find that nobody called the police as nobody had any reason to worry about me. So the police lied when they said they were there to do this welfare check. They were there to arrest me over an assault allegation but didn't tell me this at the time. I only found this out 2 days later when I was released from hospital. On the face of it, I have a case; the police lied about their reasons for attending my home, they lied on the reasons why they forced entry, they used excessive force by using firearms officers, they had no warrant for my arrest and no warrant to enter my home. The problem I'm having is finding a solicitor who will take the case and it seems nobody will touch it. I suspect it's because there's a lot of work there and it's not a simple accident or excessive force matter, it's a lot more complicated. Can anyone help me find a decent solicitor or if not, offer some guidance on how I would take matters to court myself and sue the police? They were out of order big time and the final report from the inspector who investigated my complaint is a complete joke. There are plenty of contradictions in the conclusion letter along with many things skipped over or just ignored. Thanks
  5. Hi, I am new to forums and have just joined this site, I need advice about a parking ticket i got in a private car park. I wont go into all the details here but i can't work out where i should post the whole comment or how to do it. Could anyone please tell me so i can post my whole question please, Thank you in advance... from a learner
  6. Hello I would like to get some advice please. Me and my partner are both are on IVA and on year 2. 2.5 years ago we decided to rent out a property and our contract expires end of March 2016 , idealy we would like to move out of the flat asap to a house as its small and a lot of condensation the letting agency advised us of 2 months notice period – which was fine (last date 31st April). The letting agency found someone to move in end of March (what we originally wanted) and asked if we can leave early- which we accepted. Now the problem we are having is every property that we express interest seems to go quick or the letting agency are awkward in terms of timings for viewings another challenge we have is the checks that the lettings do me and my partner are on IVA this will flag up and they may require a guarantor, which unfortunately we don’t have bcause a lot of our family’s are on benefits and elderly. We are looking at private landlords and not a lot are coming by because some are too big or too small. Both of us work, I work full time and she works part time (no kids), combined wage of nearly 30k a year and I fear that by end of March we may become homeless. I spoke to SHELTER on Sunday to discuss this and they weren’t as helpful as I thought as they kept stating that I should not have accepted the early leave until I found a place, but what they couldn’t understand is that I will be in same position by April anyway and no landlord would be willing to wait for 2 months, so my search for new property would fall in to April anyway. Because I have got factors which I got no control over, where do I stand. I guess im looking for someone to offer me advise to speak to Council maybe? Please help
  7. Morning, all. For some reason, I can't find one of my old threads, which I need to link to for someone in need of help herself on FB, so... It's a thread which I wrote about covert recording and the law which applies to it. I can't remember what I called it or where it was posted, for some reason I seem to have forgotten to subscribe to it, so can't find it in my user CP and can't find it when searching. If anyone knows what I am talking about or knows where to find it, I would (and so would the lady in distress I am helping!) be very grateful. BW.
  8. Hi lads and ladies i'm new here so first a quick HI! Now a quick question I'm a union rep so like to play with facts not hearsay and tales. Ok the question. A guy/lady is called in for an investigatory meeting on suspicion of X/Y. At this meeting they are not suspended and then a few days later get called back in front of the boss who subsequently fires the person. Now it's an understanding that if someone has not been suspended and gone to disciplinary the employer should not / cannot then dismiss? However, others say they have not suspended someone from work and then dismissed them without the suspension? So who is right? Should a person be suspended prior to disciplinary and dismissal, as you would assume that if a person were sacked it would be serious enough to warrant suspension? Or can an employer keep someone at work without suspending then dismiss them after say 5 days? Just an interesting scenario that came up in conversation. Cheers Bill
  9. Back in summer 2004 i took a loan out for £1500 a few months after that i borrowed a further £1000 with my x girlfriend as a joint loan. We split in 2005 an i was devastated to find that with interest i owed them £6,000+ back! Since then although i paid my half of the debt for a couple of yrs she never paid a penny my credit got destroyed and still is. I never spoke or paid a penny to them for a few yrs now (out of protest that they've always harassed me for the debt an never her). So i havent spoken to or dealt with them since 2009 even then that was a debt collector (lewis i think?) I want this thing gone, its been a ball and chain for too many years and ive realised im just goin to have to bite the bullit and get rid of it somehow. I think i maybe too late for a PPI claim now although i know for definite i was sold PPI, why didnt you make a claim sooner you ask? Well in May 2005 they amended my loan and told me they knocked money off the the balance (around £6,000) which took the balance to around £4,900. I assumed they knocked the PPI off but now that i look at my credit score im not so sure as it says my default balance is £4,300. Here is my report taken from Experian below:- Company name: WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD Who's this? Account type: Loan Started: 31/05/2005 Default Balance: £4,314 Current Balance: £6,393 Repayment Period: Monthly Payment: £74 over 73 months Defaulted On: 14/04/2007 File Updated for the Period to: 13/02/2011 I want to know - Whats the best thing for me to do to get rid of this debt? It says it will be removed from report in 6 yrs after it went into default in 2007 (although I had contact with them in 2009) .. . Should i wait? Or if i call up and offer them a settlement fee ?? What is a Default balance?!?! Also this might be important or not .. . They said to me if i didnt take the PPI they wouldnt give me the loan, does this void the credit agreement? Im really at a loss to get rid of this debt please help! Thx!
  10. SO long story short, I need to somehow magic up £300 or so in the next few days - i've chased every possible avenue (family/friends/selling stuff/etc) and this is my last resort by far. Now I had a tiff with payday loans last year and never ended up paying back so my credit history is a joke. Is there anywhere I can find a payday loan with such terrible credit? I know it's terrible for my financial future but that is something i'm willing to deal with at a later date. (I've tried all the mainstream ones such as quickquid/wonga/minicredit etc) and they all say no. If this is in the wrong place i apologise, not really much of a forum guy
  11. Hi, im looking for help finding and posting a new thread on the vodafone forum. can someone lead me in the correct direction please? many thanks
  12. I'm about to apply for a DRO but realised that all debts listed have to be 100% accurate. But when my debts are being sold over and over again to different companies, I've lost track of one in particular. If I list the wrong company, the real company can still legally chase me! I'm using credit expert, and this debt (an HSBC Overdraft) is listed as default with HSBC but I know it's been sold on and I can't find out to whom. They haven't written to me for some time so I don't have the details :-/ Is there any way to find out who I owe money to now? On that subject, is it really fair for a company to sell a debt on? My contract was with HSBC, how is it right that I start getting letters from other companies saying I now owe it to them... and then them... and then someone else?
  13. I moved into a flat in a shared building almost two months ago. Despite receiving gas to the property we haven’t been able to work out who our gas supplier is, or if we even have one. The landlord sorted out the electricity supplier but said that he had no idea who the gas supplier was. He said should just register with whoever we wanted to. That’s what I’ve been trying to do but I’m getting nowhere… I’ve tried ringing all the major gas suppliers to see if they have the property on their records. They have all told me that the information on the database for the building is incorrect/mixed up and it sounds as if only 2 of the 5 flats in the building are registered. Then they ask me for the serial number of our meter to set up a new account. The only number on the front of the meter looks like this: 000xxxxxxS. It’s an old imperial meter. I keep being told that this is the wrong number and that I should look for one beginning with G, but that is definitely the only number on the meter. The meters for the other flats look the same. I have also been advised to ring the MPRN helpline, but the individual flats are not registered on this database and consequently it only gives one MPRN for the whole building. I’m at a loss as to what to do next! I’m a bit worried that the gas supply will just stop at some point or that we’ll suddenly receive a huge bill.
  14. Hi, Just looking for some help. I am about to move home, the new house is currently empty, being sold by agent for bank, I believe it was repossessed. So not a huge amount of detail is known about who supplied the electricity. Can I just pick anyone as it will be a new contract, or do I need to find out who the "current" supplier is, and if so how do I go about it. Thanks
  15. After 2 years of claming benefits as a lone parent i finally get myself a job and the jobcenter bascially do me over. On 30th june this year i was told because my son had reached the age of 6 i wasnt allowed to claim income support and would be moved over to JSA as part of that i had to look for work so thats what I did. I got the claim sorted applied for work and had an interview it went well but at the time a decision had not been made. On the 12th July i had to attend my first signing day and was told i had an appointment on the 20th June to find out about the help and support available to me. For some strange reason i got my dates wrong and on the 25th June i rang the jobcenter to ask what time my appointment was for the 26th i was told i had missed the appointment and now i would need to get a decision from the decision makers. so 26th june arrived i sign on i explain my reason the woman sounds sincere and i tell them it ws simply a case of mistaken dates. on the 2nd july im rung by the company i went to the interview for and told im due to start on the 5th july, great news i ring the jobcenter explain i was to sign off and they said everyting will be sorted and outstanding monies owed. On the 5th after work i contact them again to ask about payment and they say they have sent a payment of £81 to my account i ask about the 4 week run on, the back to work bonus £250 and the in work credits and im told im not eligible because i missed my appointment on the 20th and as a result have been sanctioned. well thats it i go mental, i ask for a forum to be sent out so i can appeal, ive never missed one appointment with the jobcenter before how can they now do this just as i find work, surly a claim for JSA after 2 weeks does not invoke a back to work interview so soon when its normally done after 13 weeks. I have wrote an official letter of complaint to get the sanctioned overturned because quite simply if they refuse to pay the 4 weeks housing benefit run on then im not better off working that i was on JSA and quite simply put i shall beback in there making another claim for benefit on the grounds that the amount of hours worked is not enough to cover my rent and living expenses while waiting for working tax credits and other benefits to be granted. they have done this on purpose whats my chances of getting this decision overturned.
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