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Found 5 results

  1. PWE have sent an NTK to me claiming a charge of £50 for failure to pay for parking - I'm unsure what the best option is. To respond with your form : 1 Date of the infringement Tue 31st July 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Wed 15 Aug 3 Date received Unsure 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N (that I can see) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Not provided but presumably what they went to DVLA with 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal]N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N 7 Who is the parking company? Park with ease 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Ferry Meadows, Peterborough
  2. This is a problem which the ferry company keep promising has been resolved, but every time we turn up for our next crossing it just happens again. I currently split my time between my sons in the UK and our home in south west France so regularly travel with Brittany Ferries. On 'Bretagne' there are two lifts with access from the car decks, one is clearly marked on their 'accessible' guide for the ship, the other isn't because it is actually dangerous for a wheelchair user as access involves a 90 degree turn from one narrow corridor to another even narrower corridor at the head of a staircase. The second corridor is so narrow that I cannot wheel my chair myself and the only way to actually complete the turn is for part of the wheelchair to overhang the staircase, which is incredibly scary for me, the person pushing me and any spectators and is an accident waiting to happen. Customer services ashore agree that wheelchair users should not be parked by this lift (I have this in writing) however the loading master doesn't agree and blithely ignores the risk because it's easier to park wheelchair users here. On the last occasion I refused to get out of the car unless we were parked by the other lift and they did give in eventually, however I am sick to death of arguing with them onboard (this is the first time we have won), complaining again and again, getting more reassurances from customer services that it won't happen next time only to start from the beginning again every time. There is unfortunately no reasonable alternative ferry we could use. The only other service going to St Malo is Condor and even if a fastcat had better access (it doesn't, it's a nightmare) it takes forever to get across via the channel islands and we end up having to stay overnight in St Malo before continuing our journey. Other Brittany Ferry services, e.g. to Caen, would be an alternative, but we've had similar issues boarding those ferries and the timing also often means an overnight stop (involves having to book two adjacent rooms to accomodate me and allow hubby to get some sleep, chances of doing this vary from little to none). Ferries are not covered by the Equality Act. Given that we need to continue using Brittany Ferries so don't want to alienate them completely, any suggestions other than keep complaining? I'm wondering if next time I should just not bother arguing, park where they tell us and then insist one of their staff get me to the lift and experience for themselves how difficult it is.
  3. An elderly relative of mine book train and ferry to Ireland via Hollyhead. She got all relative train connections as quoted on tickets when she got to Holyhead the ferry had left without her. The customer service at ferry port said it was train fault. She been in contact with customers services at Irish Ferry port and they also said it not their fault and she is responsible for making it on time to get ferry out she and other passagers had got off train and went to ferry port to find check in had closed. Surely the ferry should not have left without all passengers and train should have infromed them there were passengers on train for ferry. Irish ferries were not concern and said it was her fault for not making it on time. They seem not to want to take any responsibility for passagers once fare been paid. This meant waiting at ferry port for hours and longer on ferry time on ferry 2 hrs extra. Any suggestion go forward with compaint would be appreciated.
  4. A well know ferry company usually accepts online bookings and allows amendments to be done online free of charge. If not done online it's an 0871 telephone number and £15 (I think) charge. If someone in the party is disabled, the initial booking can still be done online but any amendments have to be done by phone (whether related to the disability or not), though the charge is waived. Obviously this isn't a huge issue - they don't keep you hanging on the phone for hours so it's a fairly small cost if you're using a BT line but I still think it's wrong in principle. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that they shouldn't be using 0871 numbers for customer service any more, or isn't that law yet? I've solved the problem this time by emailing and insisting they call me if they must speak to me, but I'm still annoyed.
  5. Even with the speed that events happened, nobody should have died. Once there was any sort of list, the Captain should have given the instruction to launch the life rafts. There was plenty of time and everyone would have been saved. It wouldn't have taken that long.
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