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Found 9 results

  1. Hi Advice please. I'm likely to be unable to pay off the capital amount owing on a mortgage with Woolwich in 3 years time. I've informed Woolwich of this and all they say is try and pay off as much as you can and then you'll be able to extend the mortgage with them when the term ends. I've got a great tracker deal at the moment which is interest only. Woolwich have calculated that any new repayment mortgage with them will be approximately £500 to £600 per month which I won't be able to afford. I got made redundant 5 years ago and have struggled to find full time well paid work since. I now work part time and am trying to pay off as much as I can. I 'm 62 this year and I have got a small private pension which was given to me as part of my redundancy package. My mortgage ends when I'm 65 and I don't really want to be paying a mortgage after then. My endowments didn't pay out as much as expected and I did get some compensation which I paid off some of the capital owing. I know that I can downsize my house and pay off the mortgage but I don't really want to do this just yet. Can anyone suggest any alternative options. Many thanks for any help given. Best Regards Baching Mad
  2. Hi All, Hoping you might be able to provide some advice here. I signed a 12 month gym contract on the 1st January 2016 and like most people who get sucked in, hardly used the facilities and decided I wouldn't renew. In October I gave notice to terminate the contract on the 1st January 2017. Now the club have said I still owe them for the month of January because I can only give 30 days notice AFTER my 12 month contract has ended? Is this common practice? I've never had a contract like this before. Thanks SK
  3. Hi All, I have served notice to my landlord to move out of my apartment on 01/12/2016. There are no arrears and everything is up to date. My landlord however wants to do an inspection on 14/12/2016 which is over 2 weeks before the tenancy ends and I feel will not truly represent the condition the property will be in before handing the apartment back to him. The reasons given by him for doing this are to get an assessment done for trades people to fit there schedules and to prepare the property for the letting agent. This is all very well and good but the landlord has said if they cannot gain entry they have said the following and I quote "It will be a long time before you can get your deposit back if at all" The LL requested access on Monday for the pre-end inspection. However I advised I am currently harboring a contagious condition, which I have had 6 courses of antibiotics to treat, been struggling with for over 2 months and it's still not close to gone. I also have extensive medical history and take various medications for my ailments nearly all of which cause some form of drowsiness. I am also classed as a vulnerable person. I have said to the landlord that I am harboring this condition and that it is contagious. I have not had any response since then despite a reply the same day. I have chased him up today and still no response. I could absolutely evidence that I've had several hospital visits in the last 3 months for this condition. During the weekend I was involved in an accident, my arm is in a sling as I cannot use my left hand at all. So as you've probably gathered I'm not feeling too social at the moment. I am aware that he probably has the right to enter in these circumstances, But I feel the inspection won't be a genuine representation of the condition of the flat after I leave. I plan to repair some things which have broken overtime and deep clean the property as I have lived there for 4 years. Can anyone suggest how I should approach this please? I don't want to make out that I'm using these ailments as an excuse to deny the landlord entry. I'm actually thinking I don't want to pass him the condition. But threatening the deposit if he can't get in? Really?! Seems a little unreasonable if you ask me. Thanks again in advance for any advice
  4. I had been with Orange for approx 4 years (2 X Contracts) converted to EE, then another T Mobile Contract taken out fom2 years, ending in September 2015. I had requested a contract/phone upgrade towards end of contract, but was declined as EE claimed I owed them for a Sim a only contract I had taken out for my son - for which the contract had ended, approx August 2014? This had been owing to the SIM becoming faulty and several requests made for a replacement had taken considerable time to arrive. Furthermore, the sim only contract, was a £9.99 per month tariff/deal; for which they stated as being £150.00 in arrears? I disputed owing this amount and explained the difficulties associated with managing account, with no sim card and that I still had the replacement sim-card, fully in tact and attached to card, which we had received months, after initial request - by which time my son had a SIM card from another provider. They were adamant that they would not reason, or adjust outstanding amount and until it was paid - refused me upgrade. I continued using my old IPhone 4s/SIM card and continued paying monthly contract at a rate of £43.00, from Sept to March. By this time, it had come to my attention that, I should not be paying the proportion of the monthly cost, which relate to the handset? A colleague advised me that EE should have reduced my monthly payments, to reflect my Sim Card tariff only - which would reduce costs by approx 50% I visited an EE store to try and resolv, however they very once in tly stated that, if a customer account in arrears - they are unable to access that account on their system, so unable to assist or investigate further? Hen I mentioned the matter of my monthly payments being excessive as I should have reduction for phone as now paid in full (since sept 2015) - they said, that would not happen automatically, I would be expected to apply for it as it is apparantly considered as being an "upgrade?" So on receiving EE demand for payment of March Bill, I refuse to pay - without them having regard to my situation and all the overpayments I had made. Matter remains unresolved and my phone 'permanently disconnected' not van reciving incoming calls? I can't believe that NetworkmProvider Giant, such as EE - have no regard to loyal customers and not bothered to provide any customer service at all. Can anybody advise if this is lawful? Surely by entering into a 2 year contract, signed and agreed by both parties - would indicate a contract of just that - 2 years! Is it right that I would be expected to have to write to request my contract ends or they bill me accordingly?? Any advice would be gratefully received- many thanks in advance - Nadiq:mad2:
  5. My Partner has rents out a small flat the previous tenant stopped paying rent for the last three months and did not vacate the flat until a Court Order was issued. The tenant overstayed by over two months from the end of the lease on top of being well out of pocket on the let, the Estate Agents are asking for another £400 for their fee because the tenant stayed on longer! They know the tenant did not pay, they know about the Court Order so to try and stick on an extra cost when the tenant was not wanted plus the loss of earnings my Partner incurred during the time the tenant stayed on because a new tenant could not be installed is adding insult to injury. Can that charge be challenged?
  6. Good news, Cash Genie will no longer issue any loans at all, so hopefully less people will get in trouble in the future, just got this email out of the blue:
  7. Last year I was changed from incapacity to ESA in the work related activity group. I had to see a lady at the Job centre and she said that I won't need to be seen for 6 months because of my disability and could see how my Ankylosing spondylitis was effecting me, I have not been called into the jobcentre at all from that day. I was told that after 365 days I would be able just claim another benefit. I have since phoned the jobcentre for advice I was told that as my partner was working 10 hrs a week I could claim Income related benefit but told I may just get about £3.00 a week and really should have gone in the support group but its to late to do anything now. I had a medical last year and still get my mobility and low care payment. But use my Mobility for my car to go to my Hospital appointments. I am really worried and it getting me down and not fare on my partner as we are really struggling they already take some her wages away from us because she works 10 hrs a week while I am on benefits. Is there anyone that can give us any advice please
  8. Having been 'migrated' from Incapacity Benefit to ESA I found myself in the Support Group,but my wife was placed in the WRAG group. My wife's Contributory ESA has now expired after 12 months,and we were led to believe she'd qualify for Income Based ESA and got the form filled in and sent off,but now there seems to be a problem. Having spoken to the DWP it seems that I carry on receiving my Support Group £110.85 p.w. but my wife's Income Based ESA is now only worth £1.70 p.w. to a total of £112.55 (which doesn't seem like much for 2 people to live on?) The DWP advisor said that we should have been told that if I'd have claimed Income Based ESA instead of my wife that it would have been worth an extra £15 a week due to my Support Group status - some sort of 'support component'. Why would it matter which of us claims Income Based ESA? Shouldn't the DWP have told us who should claim what when we requested the form a month ago? None of this seems to make any sense to me,the DWP have been suspiciously vague about it all - is there some way to check what we're entitled to that doesn't involve asking the DWP?
  9. Hi there, Hopefully this wont be as issue and I will have a job in 3-4 weeks (it looks promising, but not set in stone). Here's my question though. My wife and I are on a joint ESA claim. She is the main claimant, so as far as the government are concerned I don't exist (I have to have her ask for interviews at the JC for me, and she has to be there in person to hear everything I say, and I'm allowed no help with education, travel, back to work payments or anything) Part of our claim has led to my wife being on the Work Component of ESA. She's not found work, due to her stress and anxiety attacks, along with a knee surgery that went wrong (apparently it shouldn't have been done at all) that has left her barely able to walk without intense pain. The work group are aware of her situation, and have been helpful in putting her in touch with cognitive therapists, but their reports have always been of the "a long way to go" variety with regards to work. It's a shame, because if my wife was in work and not me, we'd get the back to work £40 a week bonus for a year, which would open up more options as to what job we could take, because we'd not need the same standard wage to make sure we cover all living costs. As it is, I've already been told by the Job Centre to turn down one job because their better off report said I'd be £50 a month worse off. I'm rambling a bit now, sorry. Basically, her ESA work component ends in 2 months time whether she is in work or not. But what happens then? Does she go to another one? does she go to the Support group of ESA? does ESA end all together? or does it go back to basic ESA and we lose £60 a fortnight (which will leave us really strapped for cash, until creditors adjust and accept lower payments once more)? We just want to know, so we can start preparing should I not get this job I'm kind of relying on. Thanks for the help
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