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Found 5 results

  1. Hi - I've recently received three letters from Lowell headed 'Pre Legal Assessment' that goes on to say they are deciding whether to pass my account(s) to their legal team. Has anyone seen these before and should I do anything? I wasn't sure if I should send the Prove it letter or CCA request. They are for CCs and a store card. I have moved since the debts defaulted and they are around 5 years old. I have a scan of the letter with personal info obfuscated if anyone would like to take a look to make sure? I know the legislation for LBAs changed recently, so wasn't sure if they are allowed to send me a court claim next or it would be better to wait for an actual LBA. Thanks for any advice.
  2. I only recently discovered this, as no-one from the various organisations we deal with ever mentioned it, so I hope it helps someone else. It will have been mentioned before on CAG, but this may act as a reminder. I act as carer for my mother in law who is pretty badly disabled and gets higher rates of DLA. Last year she was diagnosed with dementia, officially, although we knew there were problems before that. There are 3 people in the house. I have now submitted a signed statement from her GP confirming her lack of mental capabilities and my role as a carer. This gives further information: http://www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/moneyandlegal/finance/Pages/council-tax-discounts.aspx She also requires space in the house for wheelchair to get about, zimmer on occasions, etc and has a specially adapted bathroom. We have made one room downstairs her bedroom so we can't use it. There might be the possibility of a lower Council Tax banding than we are currently on. I will keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully someone else might benefit and remember, back dated claims can be made. There are 3 of us in the household.
  3. Hi My girlfriend and I live 170 miles away from each other, and both have our own rented accommodation on which we pay council tax and claim our sole occupancy (single persons discount) for each property. Recently, due to my office being closer to my girlfriends house, I am spending around 4-5 days a week at her house whilst at work through the week, and some weekends, and returning to my home for a couple of days. She has just received a letter asking her to confirm that she is still a single occupant. Are we still technically single occupants in our newer situation, as we both pay council tax on our own properties? Thanks
  4. Hi there i'm new to the forum. I have been browsing through a few posts but nothing seems to answer a question i have. I currently work for the ARCADIA group. Which is the business empire run by Sir Phillip Green. As an incentive for staff, like most retail companies we are offered a discount in store. To claim this discount we have to apply for an Arcadia staff store card which has an automatic credit value of £250. If we don't pass the credit check we are encouraged to apply again, then if again we are not accepted we have to wait for a photo id card (which i'm told by other members of staff takes forever). Is this legal? Can a company you work for actually force you to apply for credit to get a staff discount?
  5. Hi Guys, A friend has asked me if I could ask you guys, after I was singing your praises, if I could post this quick question. If she is receiving letters from DCA's offering discounts, does that normally mean that there are issues with the collection of the debt? From what I can see in other posts, this seems to be the case, but can someone verify this for her please? Thanks in advance, Buncrana
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