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Found 6 results

  1. Possible discipline over Security worry !. Wondering if anyone can see the situation from a different perspective. I moved to a different office from another public office to start a different job. Whilst training last Week, my trainer helped me and sat with me whilst I completed a form that could be emailed to another outside organisation. The organisation had a legal entitlement to receive this information. I did doubt this with my trainer but she just said send the email, so I reluctantly sent it. Shortly after, I discovered that I had ticked the wrong box on the form, which then stopped a warning message from appearing. The message would have said ‘ post this data only as an email would be a security issue’. I think it is something to do with the type of data and that the internet is not trusted enough, even though some personal data can be emailed via the internet. I recalled the message and phoned the organisation but they checked and said that the email had not been rec’d at their office. They doubted it was even sent, possibly due to the fact that I had added information to the subject line which is known to cause linking problems apparently. I know security ignorance is not going to help me as I have responsibility here too and I do not blame others as I should have refused to follow her instructions, However, I feel as though support has not been forthcoming and procedures have not been followed, not to mention my trainer who was actually training me how to complete and send this form. I feel that this supervisor was ignorant of the processes too and this has bounced on to me. I spoke to my line manager but she said don’t worry, so nothing was reported. However, my trainer said ‘you pressed the button’. I read up on security policy afterwards and my heart sank because it seems that this could fall under serious to gross misconduct, because even though I sent it to the correct people, I communicated the data under the wrong format ( email as opposed to post ) Even though it was an accident / error, partly due to training confusion I feel, my job could be on the line if it blows up. Everyone else seems unconcerned. If anyone has their own feelings, please share. Thanks very much stella
  2. Hi Everyone, I am suspended awaiting a discipline hearing. My employer said that when I am given a hearing date I cannot resign, but that they would consider it. I asked them to explain and give me details of my contract or the relevant law that they are relying on, they didn't reply. Does anyone know the answer, my opinion is they are talking rubbish, if I hand in my notice, what are they going to do? say " sorry you can't resign, we won't accept it" can't believe they even think they can do it. In that case I could say, I don't accept you sacking me, but I might consider it. Surely resignation is not a two way thing. Look forward to your opinions.
  3. Basically I am a new worker at Sainburys, and today being the day before my holiday I was having a random search done, I emptied all my pockets and I could of just said I didn't have my phone on me but I just went ahead and said oh I have this on me aswell, reason being is because I haven't been issued a locker and I've been working there for about month and a half now. Is this their fault or mine? I mean I asked for a locker when I first started and they still haven't given me one. I just don't want to leave valuables in my backpack it can only take a person to unzip the side and take my phone and other belongings. I need to take my phone with me everyday its my only way of calling one of my parents to pick me up from work.
  4. Hello all, I was suspended on full pay in early August for alleged gross misconduct and the organisation took 3 months to complete the investigation (it was continually delayed due to holidays). They then informed me at the beginning of November that I was to have a discipline Friday 2nd after receiving the letter on Monday at 6pm. Considering all the evidence my union said this was too early so they asked for a delay. the employer agreed and extended it by an additional 14 days to 13th Nov (actually only 11 days later i know). However my youngest son, who committed suicide, birthday is on the 20th. considering that this is already a difficult time of year, i am worried about the effect that the additional stress of preparing for the hearing and then waiting for and then receiving the outcome of the hearing (whether good or bad - possibly my sons birthday) could have on the health of my 63 yr old husband, who has high blood pressure, and myself. Would it be unreasonable to request a further delay until week commencing 26th November? ACAS says persistent unreasonable delays don't have to be allowed. I know they don't have to follow ACAS but given I've worked there for 20 years surely they should still have a duty of care. thanks
  5. Hello all, Basically i am facing an internal hearing regarding performance issues. I am a Head of Care nurse (with an 18 year unblemished record of service) at a hospice that cares for terminally ill children and, whilst my performance has dropped in some areas, it is is because my workload has massively increased over the years and I have suffered the loss of my son through suicide (5 years a go) all leading to what i now recognise as stress and the associated facts (behaviour changes, performance drop etc etc). It is noted in my managers notes that as far back as 18 months a go that she noticed i was stressed and that there was "tittle tattle of a destructive nature" being said about me by staff without my knowledge, yet she took no decisive action to protect/support me. Due to the nature of our work i have ensured that my staff have access to a counsellor (and discussion groups) to prevent/deal with stress issues but I didn't attend these to prevent the notion of conflict of interest, yet my employers (my general manager and Board of Trustees) took no similar steps to protect me. so my question is, am I entitled to ask my Board of Trustees to provide me with the following documentation in advance of the hearing as it forms a key part of my defence; The health and safety policy and risk assessment that allowed the hospice to comply with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 and Health and Safety at Work (...) Act 1974, with specific regards to action taken to protect Senior Management The hearing is next Tuesday so i would appreciate any help Thank you
  6. I am currently assisting a colleague through an investigation for "misconduct" (not gross misconduct). She is already on a final written warning for an entirely unrelated incident, so if this case is "proved" the outcome is certain to be dismissal. After an investigatory hearing, she "admits" the offence of bringing the company into disrepute by making inappropriate remarks (within 2-3min timeframe) about management whilst in uniform. She describes this as "mates talking". Unfortunately for her, a manager overheard her and obviously progressed this. The comments were general and non-specific. She doesn't dispute anything the manager says, although she is unable to recollect what was exactly said, owing to it being several weeks between incident and investigation. She therefore cannot confirm or deny with complete confidence the content of the report the manager submitted. She is only 20 and has no contact with family nor does she really have much of a social circle for support. There are some serious complications here, which I'd like some of the forum members to assist with, if possible. 1) Throughout her 3-4 year employment, she has suffered from stress/depression/financial difficulties. This has led to numerous referrals to occupational health, counselling, taken off the job for a few weeks in a different role etc. 2) Most recently, and at the time of the incident, she was (still is) taking anti-depressant medication, and had been served some sort of eviction notice. Furthermore, she was due to appear in Crown Court 2 days after the "incident" as a victim of an assault, (at work), where the offender plead not guilty. This case was adjourned and is ongoing. 3) Management were aware of all of the above in advance of the incident. 4) Before the "incident", she had (still does) a grievance against her line manager over inappropriate remarks made to her concerning her ability, in front of customers. This is not resolved. 5) She is currently at work, and has not been suspended. 6) She was dismissed in December for a breach of safety, but rather rapidly re-instated on appeal, with no punishment recorded, full back pay awarded etc. After accompanying her to 2 meetings, it is fairly clear the company do not believe the mitigating circumstances listed above bear any weight to the investigation, or if they do accept she's not well mentally, they aren't interested in that line of defence. It has now come to the situation where this is being progressed to a full Disciplinary Hearing. The "vibes" I've picked up, and from speaking to a couple of my management colleagues are that a dismissal is almost inevitable. This obviously will have a devastating impact on her mental health, and is likely to trigger homelessness. The way I see it now, she has two options: 1) Resign - a basic "factual" reference will be provided by the company without reference to discipline. 2) Be Dismissed - a factual reference will be provided, showing dismissal as reason for leaving. Both will cause her to be unable to claim JobSeekers Allowance. If she does get dismissed, am I right in thinking that there is potentially some positive recourse via an employment tribunal after exhausting the company internal procedures, owing to her obvious and well noted problems with stress/depression/finances? If she chooses to resign, could she claim constructive dismissal? Anyone got any advice/comments?
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