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  1. On the 19/04 I transfered the above amount from my barclays currant acc to a building Soc in my name. The site was running VERY slow and I pressed send but nothing happened so I pressed again and then a message came on screen not to press again. I then found out that 2 withdrawels had been made instead of 1. I contacted my Build Soc who confirmed they only received 1 payment, so I mailed Barclays who are just fobbing me off and saying to contact the payee (who is me) despite telling them numerous times that I was the payee etc they still fob me off saying they cannot do anything alse! The £58.90 is obviously swirling around in their system because of their SLOW site that malfunctioned Please, please can anyone help it feels like I'm on a roundabout and cannot get off!!!! Thanks
  2. A company has debited a payment from my account - presumably it's an honest mistake - and now it's overdrawn and I am unable to pay for some time sensitive things that I need to pay for immediately. If I don't buy them this weekend I can't buy them at all. Basically I'm furious. Sorting it is going to cost me, and already has cost me, a lot of time that I don't have to spare just now. Plus there's no overdraft on this account either so I'm gonna have penalty charges applied also. I am so angry right now. Does any one have any advice re my rights here?
  3. I recently took out a new contract with Dialaphone. Checked my bank account and was amazed to see that £20.94 had been debited for 'Gadget Helpline'!! ??? So I decided to contact this 'Gadget Helpline' which I apparently had "signed up" for! Received the WORST EVER customer service from a so-called Helpline Administrator going by the name of "Nadia", (second name not given)! My story is as follows: Email from me to "Nadia" On 8/6/2013 a direct debit was taken by TMTI from my current account. I have no knowledge of ever wanting or hearing about this service and demand a full refund of £20.94 be given to me. I have not had any correspondence from TMTI or given any permission of a Direct Debit to be set-up on my bank account! Please rectify this matter and advise of same. Regards, Response: Thank you for contacting Gadget Helpline. Unfortunately you did not provide any details for us to bring up any account. If you could please provide us your address and postcode or direct debit reference number we can confirm if you have an account with us. Alternatively please call 08444 772 995 (national rate) to speak to an agent. We are open Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm and Saturday 10am – 6pm Regards, Nadia | Gadget Helpline Administrator | TMTI Group | Corsley Heath, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 7PL (UK) T: +44 (0) 844 499 4744 | F: +44 (0) 844 499 4733 | E: enquires@tmti.net My Response: Direct Debit Ref: DL************ I hope this information will help you to solve this matter as I have not received any communication from yourselves and was not aware or authorised this payment of £20.94 to be debited from my account. Regards, Nadia's Reply A welcome letter was sent by email to ***********@**** on 8th May 2013 regarding your account with us. Unfortunately we have no record of any request to cancel your account. In order to fully refund your payment made to TMTI Ltd we would need confirmation that the account was previously cancelled (cancellation email, call reference number etc.). If you can provide us with this confirmation we would be happy to fully reimburse you. I apologise for the inconvenience. Many Thanks My Response: Hi Nadia, I can definitely confirm that I did not receive a 'Welcome Letter' in question on 8th May 2013 and also that the email address you say it was sent to is an incorrect address! Hence, I was unaware of having to pay any payment(s) for an alleged account with 'Gadget Helpline' nor did I enter into any agreement as such! I would appreciate if you could rectify this error and refund immediately the amount of £20.94 which was debited from my account (Direct Debit Ref: DL********).on 8th June 2013. I look forward to hearing from you in response and receiving this payment. Regards, Nadia: Our service is explained in the following places. · The shopping basket (before you agree to the order) · The terms and conditions of the order · The order confirmation that Dialaphone send out to you · The paperwork that is received when the handset is received by Dialaphone · The welcome email we sent you directly from our company. (email addresses are not case sensitive) Regards HOW IGNORANT!!! So, I replied: Nadia, I am writing to advise of my intention to reclaim monies totalling £20.94. According to my Bank Records, the aforementioned sum that was taken out of my account on 8th June 2013, on the pre-text of 'Gadget Helpline' service. This payment is unlawful as they were not agreed to by myself. The disclosure of my bank details to a third party company without my authorisation is unlawful practice, to which I take great exception to. Furthermore, I did not agree nor accept any terms which would have initiated this direct debit process. Having researched this situation in greater detail, it would appear that this is not mentioned during purchasing or on any itemised bills or contracts as it is a 'free trial' which automatically rolls into an unlawful direct debit being setup. As the mobile phone contract was obtained through Dialaphone, the onus of responsibility in law was unlawfully distribution of my account details to the third party 'Gadget Helpline' company. It is my wish that this situation can be resolved amicably, however, as prelude to this not being resolved suitably I have prepared documentation to pass this claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service. I would be grateful for the name and contact details of your superior as I would like to make a personal complaint about your customer services and also your full name. Yours sincerely, Her Response to that was: The postal address can be found below if you wish to make a further complaint. Regards Began to loose my patience here, so responded: I don't think you are hearing me here, I am DEMANDING you give me your full name and superiors name! To which I got: "My name can be found below, and my extension is 424. Our managers name is Jon." Regards Nadia | Gadget Helpline Administrator | TMTI Group | Corsley Heath, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 7PL (UK) T: +44 (0) 844 499 4744 | F: +44 (0) 844 499 4733 | E: enquires@tmti.net Now how unprofessional was that response?? A) STILL did not receive her full name! B) All I got for her superiors details was "Jon"!! ANY ADVISE GUYS ON WHAT MY NEXT PLAN OF ACTION MIGHT BE?? NB: Just read on Dialaphone website that they no longer provide new customers with the 'Gadget Helpline' service as of May 2013. My contract began on 10th May 2013!!
  4. Hello to all members and visitors Thanks to all who reply and offer any help Well here goes looking like a complete idiot to anyone bothering to read this post! Here's a little run down on my story, I stepped inside my nearest Lloyd's TSB branch back in 2005 and agreed to take out a Critical Illness insurance policy alongside the life insurance policy to cover the mortgage. The life insurance amounted too £30 and critical illness insurance £60. I was given the during the meeting the meeting summary and cover notes for these policies *please note* the summary notes concurs with the cover notes still in my possession and to the amounts stated above. The problem is the policy document sent and received via the post was then put away for safe keeping and never really read. The amount for Critical Illness Insurance in the policy received via the post was for a staggering £124 alone. I unfortunately paid this amount via direct debit and the life insurance £30 via direct debit for a total period of 2 years up until 2007. Its only now year in year 2013 I noticed whilst reading up on old documents/policies this massive discrepancy between what was requested and what was given. Where on earth do I stand, I have contacted the bank by phone and raised a complaint, I just don't know where I actually stand with this issue and the possible ways forward to reclaiming what I feel is monies owed back to me. Am I going to get the usual run around from the bank and be fobbed off as my fault for not reading my posted policy. I guess what I am trying to say is - how do I proceed with this to ensure I get back what I believe to be owed Thanks in advance to all replies
  5. my debitcard recently got refused when paying for shopping obv on a tight budget, but i knew i had money left got back home looked at my online portal found a payment called Amazon prime for £49 debited 28/1/13 at xmas i got given a £50 amazon gift card/voucher as a thank you by someone i looked back at the emails/order details when i used the giftcard on 2.12.12 it had bit right at the bottom about auto sign-up to amazon prime scheme if i did not cancel in 30days. bit cheeky. but had info to cancel membership etc straight on the website to amazon unticked and cancelled it, however gave no indication about the return of the money taken. on the phone to amazon explained the scenario operator on a very poor IP phone sounding like a dalek stated that because i had purchased previously [2011!!] and paid by the debitcard [even though that item was super saver free postage] i had enrolled myself in the prime scheme. any subsequent orders activated the prime scheme and thus the card give almost 2 yrs before was debited with the £50 [incidently the £50 item i just order was free postage too on the ad] stated i was none to pleased about this, a bit of a sharp practice after a wee bit of to'n'fro, where i was told there is nothing that can be done i needed to read the small print!! i said ok i'll goto my bank and get it back under the chargeback scheme 'we won't allow that' said the bod.. i said you've no choice, you can't just decide almost 2yrs later to debit a card without any notification. said email was sent on the 3rd jan i said no nothing received etc etc went over again how can you charge me £50 for this prime scheme about instant express postage when both the items i've had from them were FREE POSTAGE. eventually got somewhere when i said i was going to terminate the call and expose them on their twitter feed and do a chargeback. told the money had been recredited there and then. i'll wait and see if it appears if not watchout amazon..incoming!! after all that i did a quick look around and found lots of people have had this problem so if you've ever used amazon and given them your card number and then ordered again check your bank statement carefully. DX
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