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Found 6 results

  1. I moved from Economy Energy just over a month ago , and was expecting a rebate of around £250, I know it is protected and secure , but how long should I expect to wait for my money to be refunded now they have ceased trading
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/may/20/mobile-phone-roaming-charges-banned-europe-15-june-brexit
  3. I know i am, it's not just because it's about people claiming benefits, but all the inaccuracies contained within these programs, the one on channel 5 about benefit cheats, is the latest, a Liverpool lad , claiming what was described as sickness benefits ,for PTSD told the undercover reporter that he was getting a total of £1,500 per month ,inc DLA , I find that very hard to believe, which makes me think of those IDS and his sanctions work leaflets that were based on lies , Also are those that are cheating the system really that dumb that they will boast to someone they hardly know about the hows and why's of what they do? Are these tv companies paying for stooges for entertainment value, and to help keep the governments hate propaganda against people on benefits alive ? if it isn't about cheating the system in some way, it's about their health conditions ie" too fat to work" ect
  4. Hi everyone, My first post on here is about the cancellation of BT broadband charge. We have just moved house and cancelled our BT line and broadband at our old address. We had completed the term of our contract so there are no penalties for early termination. We have swapped provide to go with Sky at our new address. I have just received my final bill from BT which includes a £30 charge just for cancelling Broadband and not staying with them... Can they REALLY do this? Whether I am satisfied or not with the service I have to pay to leave?!?!?! That's like going into a restaurant having a meal, on your way out they ask if you will come back and they charge you double because you want to go elsewhere next time! Thanks for any advice Alison
  5. There are already a few posts on UK-based debts of people staying in Germany, but none specifically about phone calls, namely how to get a debt collector's data in order to send them a "cease-and-desist" letter, because they are calling not only me at work, but also our HR people while trying to contact me. I have started getting phone calls at work from someone who is very much not German (rather extremely English), although her number is hidden. The first time, I was honestly confused and didn't know what it was about; told her she had the wrong number. The number on the caller ID was very strange: it was neither a valid UK nor German number, although it started with 044. Then finally she (or another girl-- not sure) contacted me another day. The most info I could get from her was her first name... so obviously a debt collector. I told her I don't understand why she's calling and told her not to call me at this number because I'm not allowed to take private calls at work. I didn't give my name or anything, but I'm sure she's suspicious now because I also refused to give her any information she wanted... which may ironically have caused the opposite reaction I wanted... I simply cannot have these people calling me at work, and ESPECIALLY not other people at work. However, I doubt I'll be able to get any useful information from her, and I couldn't Google anything useful from the partial number I got on the caller ID the first time she called. I need to know how (or if it is even possible) to find the company details myself or to get her to tell me them, so that I can send a letter telling them to stop... and then whether I should quote UK law, German law or both when writing. I'd be very thankful for ANY tips about the situation.
  6. I need to know if bankruptcy is for me and wil try and keep to the facts rather than waffle on.......... 1. I have a total debt of approx £72,000 the breakdown is: mortgage shortfall debt of approx £60,000 Four x Credit cards debts of £500,£2300,£2900 and £5200 (I have been making token payments to each one for about one year) Past utility bills of approx £700 (I pay them a monthly instalements) One court fine of £300 ( i currently pay this in affordable instalements) 2.My personal situation is, I have no savings,no assets and in rented accomodation. All i have is a car worth approx £4000..... 3.My work situation is I formed a LTD company approx 8 months ago and I am the sole director. (the company is running at a loss at present, well i guess so, even though end of year accounts have not been done yet!)-Basically, i am working for no wage! The company has no debt-I rent the machinary and the premises.... 4.Shameful to say but I have attempted 2 over-doses because of all this debt (as i knew the mortgage shortfall was in the pipeline and i would be made homeless!) and am currently under phsychiatry programme and improving every day and creating my LTD company is a road to a brighter future.........and i sign of my recovery...... I just do not want this debt to dictate my life any more and i need to take the reigns and see what my options are...... Ok, i think i have stated all the facts and i hope they are clear....my questions are now: 1.Life after bankruptcy-how long does it take to be discharged and will i have to declare i have been BR? Will that prevent me from obtaining a mortgage or credit in the future? will it mean my credit file is "clean" after 6 years? 2.During BR, will i still be able to have a basic bank account? how will i be able to rent a property etc? will it not show on a credit check? 3.I suspect the mortgage company will force me into BR but they will not gain anything as i have no money or assets! will i have to pay? 4.If the mortgage company leave me alone for the time being when they realise i have nothing-would it be advisable to try and offer full & final settlements on the other debts to avoid BR myself? (although i do not have money to do it myself) 5.My main worry is my LTD company and the effects of personal BR-how can i keep my company during the BR period? can i make an accountant a director until i am discharged and then be director after i am discharged? Sorry for all the questions but i am just in so much turmoil as to what to do, do i enter into a DMP? BR? F&F offers? Should i avoid BR to avoid the shame and stigma and seek alternative options so that i am not "restricted" during and after BR, I am just so confused..........Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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